Midnighters for Orphanages

I’d be glad to speak as well, as a Midnighter. You need only drop me an invitation, and I’ll be there.

i’ll be happy to speak to children of the game! is that what i’m going to talk about, isn’t it?
edited by wraith on 2/13/2016

Gladly offering my services as well.

I, too, am willing to teach your youngins how to do stuff. May or may not be socially and/or morally questionable.

I would be happy to speak to the little ones.

Always happy to help training the next generation.

I suppose I’ll have to bring some Irrigo-Tea along. But I’d be happy to indoctrinate the weak willed youth.

Heinrich Müller is quite happy to honour any speaking invitations (Time catches up with him on Tuesdays, do send a note if it’s urgent). He is available for engagements in English, French, and German, and, if your students are particularly perspicacious, Latin and Greek. (His amanuensis, unfortunately and with many apologies, has no Greek, ancient or otherwise, so in such a case please correspond latina instead.)


The Wan Detective is quite willing to visit the children in orphanages other than his own, provided he is not currently engaged in a case or other matter of significant importance. He may be expected to appear bearing a pocketful of sweets which he will gladly exchange for a riddle each, and the children would not be amiss to gather their finest attempts to mystify him prior to his visit. He does so enjoy his little games.


I am a Midnighter as well, and I hereby confirm my readiness to help.


UPD: Not a Midnighter anymore.
edited by ropewalker on 5/19/2017

Just adding my name to the list of available Midnighters. The tradition must be upheld.

Also adding my name to the list writ in…irrigo, I guess. To share secrets with the youngsters is my duty and my delight. Contact me anytime and I will show up.

My main is available as a Midnighter for orphanage visits.


My alt, Simone Beaufort is a new Midnighter and would be pleased to speak to your charges.
edited by Felicity Anne Stratford on 2/16/2017

I would gladly help.

I am also a relatively new Midnighter and am willing to share some of the information I’ve learned.

I finally managed to reach the rank of Midnighter.

Bertrand is always happy to brainwa- err… educate the young lads.

[quote=Bertrand Lyndon]I finally managed to reach the rank of Midnighter.

Bertrand is always happy to brainwa- err… educate the young lads.[/quote]

I cannot speak for others, but my alt, Catherine Raymond, assures me that at her institution, the Mothers’ Milk Home for Wayward Urchins, the girls are more competent and aggressive than the boys at science, criminal enterprise, and all sorts of interesting mayhem.

That said, I will remember Bertrand when looking for speakers to entertain the young ones. Thank you.

[quote=Catherine Raymond]

I cannot speak for others, but my alt, Catherine Raymond, assures me that at her institution, the Mothers’ Milk Home for Wayward Urchins, the girls are more competent and aggressive than the boys at science, criminal enterprise, and all sorts of interesting mayhem.

That said, I will remember Bertrand when looking for speakers to entertain the young ones. Thank you.[/quote]

Fair enough. Young lads AND lasses.

I know better than antagonize the ladies.

The Great Game will turn and turn, and who knows? These poor little orphans may grow up to change it. Azoth wouldn’t know … but she would be perfectly fine with surreptitiously steering them one way or another.

Edit: Until further notice, Azoth is available at any time.
edited by Azothi on 3/11/2017