
Hi all!

I’ve noticed that finishing the Silver Tree gave me two metaqualities (Echo and Herald), but I don’t know how I can benefit from them within Fallen London. Where can I find a list of available metaqualities and what bonuses they confer?

Also, is there any chance someone has made a guide on Silver Tree endings? (It’s quite unfortunate that one can’t see all unlocked endings by repeating the last move; I think I had unlocked everything, but if I have to replay the entire game for each ending then I’d rather take the least-effort route.)



There is no benefit. Metaqualities were something that Failbetter used when all their games were hosted on a platform called StoryNexus, which was abandoned. Afaik the only metaqualities that have any use are the ones linking Fallen London with Sunless Sea. Apart from that, they’re just for flavour.


Ah, I see. Thanks for the info! I knew about the Sunless Sea ones, and I was under the impression that all metaqualities do something.

I’m still a bit curious about the rest of the metaqualities. For instance, I seem to have Gleam and Gloom, but I have no idea which game they refer to (could be the Silver Tree, but I’ve also played Sunless Sea a lot). I wonder if there is a list available somewhere.

I believe Gleam and Gloom only came from Silver Tree. To the best of my knowledge, Sunless Sea doesn’t give any metaqualities.

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Actually, you can also get Gleam and Gloom from Cabinet Noir, (the storynexus game, not the activity in Balmoral) but Silver Tree had a lot more unique metaqualities, a lot of which actually look kind of like Destinies.


Ok my new life goal is to find and maximise all metaqualities :grin:

So, there are some metaqualities here on the Sunless Sea wiki, among some sort of raw dump files: Raw Dump Qualities - Official Sunless Sea Wiki

IDs with 4 or 5 digits I think. Six from the Silver Tree, one from Cabinet Noir, seven from Winterstrike, one labelled Storynexus, then Gloom, Gleam, and a mysterious one called “glimpse of worlds through honeyed glass”.

I assume that these metaqualities plus the ones for Sunless Sea constitute the lot of them, is that correct? Or are there more from Sunless Skies and Mask of the Rose that haven’t been integrated into the Sunless Sea files? (Or am I way off?)

(Btw I played Cabinet Noir yesterday but Gloom and Gleam didn’t change. I just got the Carte Blanche metaquality.)

Edit: fixed the name of Mask of the Rose (I had accidentally used the name of a similar game, since I intend to buy both :stuck_out_tongue: )


How are you still playing storynexus games?

Look here

Edit: Ah, it’s been a while since I actually checked the links. Maybe not all of them are working anymore…


When I try to access, I just get this:

Just google [cabinet noir Storynexus] or [Winterstrike Storynexus] and it’s the first result. I think it’s the same for the Silver Tree.

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Right, but how are you getting the servers to actually load?

For the two games I mentioned, I just checked, you literally just click on the first result of the aforementioned searches. But I can’t remember what I did to find the Silver Tree. I’m looking for the link, give me a minute.

All the games still load for me except Silver Tree. That one seems to be down, so really curious how @DarioFortschritt managed to load it.

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It doesn’t seem to be loading for me either atm, so either it was a different link or it went down after I played it… The computer I was playing on is currently having Internet issues :angry:

It was but now I can’t seem to access it.

Ooh, Winterstrike affects Gloom and Gleam! The Prophet ending gave me 4 Gloom :upside_down_face:

Here’s what I’ve got so far.

Cabinet Noir

get the carte blanche > Carte Blanche


Join Scarf and Feather Society > dissect ironbird > Crescent Moon + 3 Gleam
Join Architects of Ink > kill ironbird > Lullaby + 3 Gleam
Join any faction > either stall destroying the ironbird or destroy its enemies instead > Prophet + 4 Gloom
Join Ocular Guard or Circle of Bullets > destroy ironbird > Ferocity of Roses + 1 Gloom + 2 Gleam
Join Ocular Guard > use ironbird against enemy factions > pick either option > betray Ocular Guard > Eater of Guards + 2 Gloom
Join Ocular Guard > use ironbird against enemy factions > pick Scarf and Feather Society > go through with it > Death of Art + 2 Gloom
Join Ocular Guard > use ironbird against enemy factions > pick Circle of Bullets > go through with it > Miracle of Spores + 2 Gloom

The Silver Tree

Join William and the Princess in the Fountain > Echo + Herald + 4 Gloom + 3 Gleam

(work in progress)


(That’s on a desktop computer. Probably looks entirely different on mobile devices)


Not really: same button but you gotta scroll down a little


Omfg, Night Circus. I spent so much time playing that one.