Looking for Halloween actions (including a seeker)

I also am available for confession, my SN name is Georgie_0 and currently have scandal and suspicion at 3 and am working on raising the other two,
if anyone has a reliable way of raising wounds do let me know

I’ve thrown my hat and mask into the festivities in the Salon threads, but somehow missed this one.

I’ll confess to anything for as long as I can keep my menaces up.

I’ll confess if you need it. I need to raise my menaces though. Also looking for anyone wishing to confess.

Still available for PoSI Confessions.

I am a POSI. My menaces aren’t terribly high right now (I’ve been too dratted careful it seems! :p) But does anyone know if menaces raised by items count towards this?

If so I can probably keep suspicion and scandal high enough for people to ping me for those. (I will come back and edit this when I am no longer available :heart:) I find it pretty difficult to raise nightmares and wounds though, so please don’t ask me to confess those.

Edit: Ok, I’m tapped out. Waiting for a few replies so I’d better not accept any new ones just now. Thanks!
edited by Inky Petrel on 11/10/2013
edited by Inky Petrel on 11/10/2013

Item ‘bonuses’ to menace qualities most certainly count. I’ve been wearing scandalously fashionable stockings and a bonnet all weekend.

For my other menaces poison, public lectures on the Correspondence, and seeing the sights in the forgotten quarter have all been doing an admirable job of keeping them high.

Good to know! :) Goodness, these stockings are TIGHT are they not?

I welcome confession invitations, and people to send confessions to.

DragonRidingSorceress and Seeker Of Names

I have 5 of all of the menace qualities and am Seeking the Name. I seek a friend to join me in &quot[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Revel in the error that others will not speak of&quot.[/color]
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]
[color=rgb(255, 255, 255)]-Timlan[/color]

I just got my Confessions up high enough to hear either PoSI option. Let me know if I might add you and hear your sins of pride or whimsy.
edited by Otaara on 11/10/2013

I am available for confessions, as is my alt:[li]

I am a POSI with ready menaces at hand, although poor Wesley is just starting out.

edited by Rowan Dusang on 11/10/2013

At this point I’m only looking for people willing to trade Confessions. I’m getting rather tired of no one actually reciprocating my confessions. If people want to do PoSI Whimsy trades, I’m up for those, just include a message when you send it. It should only take 3 actions to prep for Whimsy: equip then unequip the pirate hat for base 1+1, do 2 Forgotton Quarter Reaping the benefits for +2 points to 3, then get someone to betray you for Suspicion 3. That means people can do 1 Whimsy every hour or so (actually, every 7 actions, including acceptance).

I’m almost to Confessions 7, so anyone who’s interested do please contact me.

If you have a starveling cat and a giggling mandrake, you can do a Pride confession very quickly; pet the cat 3 times to get to Nightmares and Wounds 2, equip a sporing bonnet to get Nightmares 3 and then play with the mandrake once to get to Wounds 3. Including acceptance, five actions per confession!

But how do we get a giggling mandrake? Do we need to be involved in Knife-and-Candle?

A giggling mandrake is an item that can be stolen in K&C: but you can also get it from Exotica cards. They’re rather common and only require that you have no other Exotica! If you have any Nephrite Lenses or Heads of John the Baptist, getting rid of them will let you draw Exotica cards and maybe get a Mandrake.

If you don’t have a Mandrake, petting the cat will still let you do a Pride confession in 7 actions; equal to the above method for Whimsy, but a lot easier.

What is the name? What is the name what is the number what is the name? Let us speak of this. Let us ‘confess’. Let us share our hunger.

I’m up for Pride and Whimsy Confessions, if anyone wants to add me. Lady Eris there as here.

I’d just like to point out that bjorntfh’s method is three actions more efficient than cats alone, and two better than with the mandrake and cat. The reason it doesn’t look that way in writing is he’s including the three actions to send a request back. It does require having somebody willing to send a large amount of scandal dupes, or a policy of &quotsend a scandal dupe before a confession request&quot, so it’s not quite perfect, but if you can pull it off it’s almost twice as efficient.

(As a note, you can get extremely wounded very quickly by breaking a pact of glass. Two actions for &quotseven wounds&quot, which could mean either 7 CP or being set to level 7 wounds. If the latter, it lasts for at least three confessions, four if each confession only reduces menaces by 6 CP, which means if you have a reliable way of getting nightmares CP, such as a cat, you edge out bjorn’s route by .3 actions if three and .6 if 4. Taking into account the wounds from the cat, these numbers get even better. If the former, that’s still a full confession’s worth of wounds in two actions. Still needs a partner to accept the pact in the first place, but might be worth it if you really like confessing pride. Not that optimizations are of very much use now that we only have less than a day remaining to finish our confessions, but still.)

Oh hey, you’re right. Reading comprehension! :V
Plus that method would get you Making Waves and Connections too…
How do you know we only have less than a day, though? I haven’t seen any word as to when the event ends.

I am trying to be available for both pride and whimsey. And also trying to listen to anybody on my contact list, whenever I have anough actions - preferring people I recognize from here or my own confessions.