load times

I was really upset that I wouldn’t be able to raise my making waves enough to get my next notability point before tme, the healer arives because I’ve already spent a lot on MW. However I kept flipping and discarding cards, one card in ten minutes :) Fortunately I’ve got the handsome townhouse card. If I manage to play it, it would be worth staring at that loading hat for reallllllyyy long time.

Well, I’m not sure if its because of a lot of people going to sleep, but I’m actually able to play (at around 1/3 of normal speed).

Same here, actually. It’s probably because the British players are asleep :P

I am very relieved I’m not the only one experiencing this problem - I had been convinced that it was my Internet connection! I’m able to play somewhat, albeit very, very slowly at the moment. Of course, the slow connection times while my poor character is stuck in the Mirror Marches isn’t fun…

Still too slow. Not going to bother playing.

This is the something (I assume ‘crash’) report I got recently; note that this has not happened before - rather, the page eventually loaded, the storylet completed, etc. or it went to &quotsomething something something or a server guttered and flared like a dying star something something&quot. Never have I seen this message D:

Here the link:

Bon chance, FBG!

seems to be loading speedily now touch wood

It is quite an old, lauded and roundly amusing error page.

Things are working better for me too! :D

I was able to play all my cards! A round of applause for the devs fixing the problem!

Shall we be receiving our Undergoats shortly? :P

All is well again.

Let me just say that it has been years ago since we last had an outage like this so I wouldn’t hold this against Failbetter; their uptime has been quite good the last few years.

Obviously it’s super annoying to happen when you are pressed for time cause you have a mood going or want to do things before Time the Healer hits. But these things do happen once in a while.

Previous times everyone was given some Darkdrop Coffee for the missed actions which was quite nice of Failbetter but they certainly not under any obligation to do this.

Thanks for working weekends to fix the servers, FBG!

Yay, it’s fixed! Thank you FBG!

Running smooth as silk and soft as butter ;)

I didn’t mean to provoke some of the reactions I did, for which I apologize. I thought I was careful to keep my tone encouraging, but I think I failed in that regard.

It sounds like I’ve had different experiences than some. For my part, it’s never been easy to, say, use 40 actions while on a 1 hour lunch break. I work with software all the time and know it’s not the beautiful writing that’s slowing things up. More likely an issue with accessing the information, and I know full well that that wouldn’t land at FBG’s desk. I know it’s probably not my hardware or internet connectivity since I regularly run Chrome, Netflix, Google/Maps, Youtube and/or a cloud-based SQL database called Votebuilder without issue - usually all but one or two of those simultaneously. If I shut them all down and play Fallen London, nothing speeds up, so the delay isn’t on my end.

Circling around to my point, I have LOTS of friends who have played Final Fantasy, Skyrim, The Witcher, etc over the years and are getting over fancy graphics. They never, ever get to experience writing of this quality, and the whole concept of social actions and most of the experimental content would blow their minds. (Mr. Eaten? Knife and Candle? Heists? Seasonal content? Economically advantageous social actions with a whole etiquette surrounding them? Never mind the precedent based on which stat checks could be implemented around just about anything - for example, Influence.) In terms of &quotgame theory&quot and game design from a formal standpoint, a lot of this content is positively revolutionary and I would love to introduce friends to it - much more so than I’d like to encourage them to stare at that little hat logo for quite so much of their time.

Finally, people are allowed to dislike content. Don’t like the Struggling Artist? Don’t play his cards. Don’t like Knife and Candle? Don’t play. Mr. Eaten? Same deal, when applicable.

It should not be controversial to be dissatisfied with a piece of technology used to deliver the game - if we welcome criticism of a beverage, it only makes sense to consider the quality of the cup. What I’m saying is that Fallen London can do better than StoryNexus. I didn’t mean to sound like I was hating on StoryNexus - I think it’s an incredible tool for rising amateurs, but FBG haven’t earned such critical acclaim by accident. The world of gamers have long desired a better class of writing, and this world contains some of the most vivid and intriguing lore I can think of.

Finally, yes - it would suck big time if our access to Fallen London were handicapped by likely eventual issues with a service that is no longer supported.

I apologize for how my tone came across to some - I did not intend to blow anything out of proportion, but I’m as entitled as anybody to feel how I do towards a feature of a game - in this case, the platform.
edited by Gerald Edgerton on 9/20/2015

It’s still running slow for me.

Blast it! The game was running fine four hours ago, but now it seems back to the molasses pace it was yesterday!

Oh well. No progress on the Zubmarine today as well. On the bright side, I can mass-dump actions into those 1-for-6 Unfinished Business cards and grind some echoes. In this way my actions won’t be entirely wasted, just repurposed.
edited by MasterBlade007 on 9/20/2015

It is running much faster than it was yesterday, however it is still running slowly by comparison to normal operations.

Me too. And I am still getting errors