Well, it is slow again for me, too. At least it hasn’t crashed for me, that is a good thing, right. it was good until an hour or so ago.
It’s slowed down again for me too.
It was normal earlier today, but now it’s slow again. Daaaaamn.
Action results come at normal speed, but returning to the action choice is back at snail speed.
under attack?
No, if it was a DOS attack it wouldn’t have cleared up in the morning. I think it’s just too many people on the server, just like yesterday.
it would clear up as blocks of the botnet where banned and others where brought online would be it getting worse
It seems to be working again for me, but there’s no telling if or when it will go down again.
The speed’s back to normal for me too.
Everything seems to be okay now.
[color=#0066ff]We experienced some server issues this weekend which the tech team are looking into. We are improving our out of hours cover for issues of this kind, so hopefully it won’t happen for this long again.
If you were at an Exceptional Friend at any point during the affected period, we’ve given you some complimentary Darkdrop Coffee.
If you missed out on this month’s Exceptional Story as a result of the performance issues, drop an email to support@failbettergames.com and we’ll put things right.[/color]
I don’t know if it is affecting anyone else, but the long load times are back on my end of things.
Same, it seems to be just as it was before. Load times are 30 seconds or more per action.
Also happening for me
Same here. Load times are taking a while again.
It was fine earlier, about 19h00 UTC. Now at about 01h25 UTC it’s back to very, very slow.
Update: it is now not loading for me at all
It’s gone from very slow to not loading at all. It’s as if it knows that the next Exceptional Friend story begins soon.
Looks like the slowness is back. A new menace? Plagued by Lag…