load times

Yes, I second this. Let’s all get the most minor of all goats… the Undergoat.

It’s still going slow for me, I just hope to get enough turns used before doing anything so they don’t stack up.

Hmmm. Maybe as some sort of reconciliation, could the devs get me 1-2 steps further in my ambition (Heart’s Desire)? I’m on the Polythreme step, done with the one Investigating carousel, and I would have gotten through the three Fascinating carousels by now if it weren’t for the slowness!

Yes, I second this. Let’s all get the most minor of all goats… the Undergoat.[/quote]

Undergoat SEVEN INTO SEVEN INTO… well, one that just hasn’t been the same since it fled from the carnal headbutts of its brethren. Watchful -10, Nightmares +3, Caprine Authority -1.

Man, even the forum is slower than usual for me today. I hope the problems are resolved soon.

Site’s been down for me for most of today as well. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms! :D

Yes, I second this. Let’s all get the most minor of all goats… the Undergoat.[/quote]

Undergoat SEVEN INTO SEVEN INTO… well, one that just hasn’t been the same since it fled from the carnal headbutts of its brethren. Watchful -10, Nightmares +3, Caprine Authority -1.[/quote]

Or instead, SEVEN OVER SEVEN OVER SEVEN. The Undergoat is 1/7th of a regular Overgoat, I guess.

…Overgoats confirmed for seven Undergoats in a trench coat
edited by Optimatum on 9/19/2015

Considering my endless grind for the Overgoat, I find this setback to be giving me severe case of withdrawal. I guess ill try to spend a few actions converting items in my inventory for making waves; they are still slow, but load several times faster than any of the main story tabs. I must be efficient!

That Undergoat is very Mr. Eaten!

I have no interest in being compensated, but at the risk of belaboring the obvious, this undermines my general confidence in StoryNexus. For a long time we’ve been told that emigrating to a new software platform is a ways down the to-do list. However, as a cautiously out-of-the-closet gamer, I am very reluctant to invite anybody from the Surface to deal with bugs like this. The relatively smooth and beautiful performance of Sunless Sea is a major selling point.

I have no intention, for example, of halting my Exceptional Friendship with the Bazaar, even though I tried playing a mood today and used only half a dozen actions before losing it. Even though that second candle is pretty pointless if I can’t load a simple storylet faster than a turn regenerates.

That being said, we can’t realistically be expected to recommend such a scenario to new players. Could you imagine breaking out of jail for the first time, or finding your first lodgings, at this pace?

Whatever the short-term solution is, I am fully confident that the devs are working hard to see things resolved. That said, I would delicately suggest that if they continue to rely on outdated infrastructure for their product, they do so at the peril of their growing fan base.

Troublesome today here too, goodluck failbetter

[quote=Gerald Edgerton]I have no interest in being compensated, but at the risk of belaboring the obvious, this undermines my general confidence in StoryNexus. For a long time we’ve been told that emigrating to a new software platform is a ways down the to-do list. However, as a cautiously out-of-the-closet gamer, I am very reluctant to invite anybody from the Surface to deal with bugs like this. The relatively smooth and beautiful performance of Sunless Sea is a major selling point.

I have no intention, for example, of halting my Exceptional Friendship with the Bazaar, even though I tried playing a mood today and used only half a dozen actions before losing it. Even though that second candle is pretty pointless if I can’t load a simple storylet faster than a turn regenerates.

That being said, we can’t realistically be expected to recommend such a scenario to new players. Could you imagine breaking out of jail for the first time, or finding your first lodgings, at this pace?

Whatever the short-term solution is, I am fully confident that the devs are working hard to see things resolved. That said, I would delicately suggest that if they continue to rely on outdated infrastructure for their product, they do so at the peril of their growing fan base.[/quote]

I’ve been playing Fallen London close to daily for over a year and this is the first time I can recall being completely unable to do anything for a significant period of time. I’ve definitely had times when the site was being a bit slower than normal, but this is to my knowledge very unusual.

[quote=Optimatum][quote=Gerald Edgerton]I have no interest in being compensated, but at the risk of belaboring the obvious, this undermines my general confidence in StoryNexus. For a long time we’ve been told that emigrating to a new software platform is a ways down the to-do list. However, as a cautiously out-of-the-closet gamer, I am very reluctant to invite anybody from the Surface to deal with bugs like this. The relatively smooth and beautiful performance of Sunless Sea is a major selling point.

I have no intention, for example, of halting my Exceptional Friendship with the Bazaar, even though I tried playing a mood today and used only half a dozen actions before losing it. Even though that second candle is pretty pointless if I can’t load a simple storylet faster than a turn regenerates.

That being said, we can’t realistically be expected to recommend such a scenario to new players. Could you imagine breaking out of jail for the first time, or finding your first lodgings, at this pace?

Whatever the short-term solution is, I am fully confident that the devs are working hard to see things resolved. That said, I would delicately suggest that if they continue to rely on outdated infrastructure for their product, they do so at the peril of their growing fan base.[/quote]

I’ve been playing Fallen London close to daily for over a year and this is the first time I can recall being completely unable to do anything for a significant period of time. I’ve definitely had times when the site was being a bit slower than normal, but this is to my knowledge very unusual.[/quote]

Agreed. I’ve been playing for roughly seven months and this is the first time anything remotely near this scale has happened. It’s unfortunately, certainly, but Gerald Edgerton seems to be blowing things way out of proportion.

Exceptionally slow loading time. My candle regenerates faster than I can use it =P

By any chance, if you need particular information to pinpoint the error, let us know (eg. traceroutes, whatever) although I suspect its a server side error.
edited by Juno on 9/20/2015

On further thought, given the scale of the problem and my past experience with other mmos, should we stop playing in the meantime until the problems are resolved, rather than risk corrupting our accounts or some other unforseen problems?
edited by Juno on 9/20/2015

That Undergoat scares me… amazing what a little Photoshop can do. And yes, I’m getting unplayably slow load times over here, too. Here’s hoping Failbetter gets things patched up soon.

Can we get a candle extension for enduring this 11 hour sluggishness? I do particularly favor long candles…
That or 10 cups of Darkdrop Coffee.

Yes, I second this. Let’s all get the most minor of all goats… the Undergoat.[/quote]

Undergoat SEVEN INTO SEVEN INTO… well, one that just hasn’t been the same since it fled from the carnal headbutts of its brethren. Watchful -10, Nightmares +3, Caprine Authority -1.[/quote]

Or instead, SEVEN OVER SEVEN OVER SEVEN. The Undergoat is 1/7th of a regular Overgoat, I guess.

…Overgoats confirmed for seven Undergoats in a trench coat
edited by Optimatum on 9/19/2015[/quote]

This is absolutely incredible.

Also, I’m semi-relieved to see that everyone has been experiencing the same issue. Lots of actions lost over this! But commiseration makes it better.

Yeah, is there any way we can get an access code for extra candle or something? Not as in an item that regenerates the candle, as in suddenly getting a candle that’s 200 actions long :P

Yes, there’s lag … but sometimes time is funny in London, right?

Not that I can think of, actually. Time will seem strange if you go into the Nadir or Parabola or to the Iron Republic or North or East or South or some other places probably, but to my knowledge Fallen London itself doesn’t have any time weirdness.