Living on the Decommissioned Steamer

[color=#009900] - Living On The Decommissioned Steamer - [/color]

The old steamer bears the moniker, &quotCrampton’s Pride&quot, which has been changed to &quotCrampton’s Folly&quot at most prominent locations. I hope it does not become Silva’s Folly as well, as I sense a great deal of potential in the old boat.

A product of of the Ramsey Steamship Company, and the life’s venture of Captain Philip O. Crampton, the vessel is as sturdy well-crafted as any working vessel would be. She is, however, stuck on the shore, held fast by mud and black coral. I have been informed that the engines are irreparable, and have been assured that any engine components of value have been salvaged long ago. This suits me just fine, as I have no intention of restoring her to her old vocation.

There are several suites that can easily be made quite habitable. There is quite an interesting library, mostly unravenged, in the Captain’s study and map room (no maps or cartography tools remain). Of primary interest to me, is the very significant storage capacity, which is secure and well segmented. This was a working craft, no passenger liner, and while transfers of cargo could not easily be managed with discretion, I cannot but believe that all this sturdy space will be useful to me.

The one launch for the steamer which has been preserved from thieves and vandals is quite large for one person to manage, but large enough to ferry a decent-sized crowd. If I’m ever to use it for any popular purpose, this will have to be addressed. In the meantime, I will do well to obtain a second, smaller boat suitable for 1-4 people.
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

[color=#009900]- Discoveries - [/color]

I have discovered an abandoned salvage cache easily worth 500 Rostygold. This will go a long way towards recovering my investment in this vessel already. I am encouraged!

I have also discovered a complete absence of mirrors. As I explored the crew quarters, I found this odd, but then as I explored the rest of the the vessel without finding a single exception, I am left to suppose that the complete absence of mirrors is not the consequence of theft and vandalism, but was deliberately enacted by someone, at some point.

I have found some of the ships logs! These were not in the captain’s study, but in one of the cargo holds. This particular hold, ‘A1’, is filled with ship’s supplies and tools, ruined blankets and clothing, items of limited value, not worth carrying off. In two chests, I have discovered logs which I shall enjoy reading. Already, I can establish that Crampton’s Pride did indeed make at least one journey to the Elder Continent and several to the tomb-colonies.

I have discovered in the Captain’s library 30 volumes of Zee Ztories which will also fetch a good price, once I’ve done reading them.

The engine rooms are covered in scraps of verses everywhere you look - like someone had spent years in these chambers and it was their only distraction to pen these verses on the walls, ceiling, and other surfaces. All of the verses pertain to a starveling cat, and I have spent a good amount of time enjoying them.
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

[color=#009900]- The Plan - [/color]

For now the steamer provides a comfortable, quiet, and unknown residence as I hone my more ‘shadowy’ arts, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have plans for the old steamer - pipe dreams, plans, it depends on costs and other distractions…

Phase one of &quotThe Plan&quot is to fashion the 6 staterooms into luxury accommodations for myself, Leahn (my companion), with 3 guests’ quarters, taking the Captain’s quarters for myself, of course. The bridge will be re-purposed for relatively elegant dining with an adjoining kitchen. The whole upper area to be renovated as a Bohemian sort of Bed and Breakfast.
The main deck easily serves for instruments and dancing. All this will give credence to comings and goings of various people and supplies, and the instantiation of a legitimate business, without undue expense. I’m currently considering using the original ship’s mess area as a sort of lounge for honey, absinthe, and maybe hookahs - If my aunt continues begging Prisoner’s Honey from me, maybe some ‘select tobaccos’ might become a better exchange than surface coin.

Note: It might be worth looking into legal questions pertaining to the boat’s off-zhore status, or even if she might have some benefit as a zea-bearing vessel, even though she technically isn’t. There may be an opportunity if some loophole can be found.

Phase two of &quotThe Plan&quot will be to carefully seek engagement of my cargo capacity, as a sort of managed storage service. At least one compartment will be dedicated to managing pets, of course. I can lease the storage out or use it for my own purposes, while recording it to be leased to certain other or non-existent individuals. The idea seems to have merit.
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

[color=#009900]- Not Floating, But Not Still - [/color]

When I first investigated Crampton’s Pride, it was obvious that she was had been driven aground and pierced by some vicious rocks spiking up through the mud. Later I would learn that these ‘rocks’ where actually the rather hazardous ‘black coral’ I’d heard a little about. At any rate, she had been trapped long ago by the mud and coral. I didn’t expect her to move. If I had more of a zailor’s eye, I would have noticed that the steamer was level and wondered about it. It is not approachable on dry land, even at low tide, a boat must always be taken. It turns out, however, that some high tides will raise steamer slightly - leveling it and allowing it, as the tide goes back out, to groove into the mud and grind away at the spindly black coral. This has been going on for years. To summarize, the steamer is as fixed as the land, except for about 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week, at which times it remembers to float. It is an alarming racket and movement for the unprepared. I awoke to the first movement I’d felt beneath me, felt the angry rasping of hull on stone, the weird gurgling of the water rushing in and being forced out, I was sure my beautiful wreck was going to slip out to zea and sink properly. It is uncanny when a grounded wreck comes to life in the night.

Not knowing what to do or being very clear-headed I rushed into the bridge and looked out - only to be paralyzed by the sight of more water than land before me. Not knowing the normal fluctuation of the tide, this spectacularly enhanced my panic. Suddenly, I was running down to the bilge see how bad she was leaking - I was terrified that I was about sink! I had inspected before the breach in the hull. Now, instead of the shattered wood dressing the coral like a coat-sleeve dresses an arm, now there was a gap - the coral was lower and the usually still water was churning.

I calmed myself as the panic expired and the sleep-fog left my mind - I think I may have even sensed that that boat was settling again. In a few minutes it was over. When the same thing happened again a few days later, I watched everything like a hawk. I’ll now admit that I’ve taken several measurements, timed the incident on multiple occasions, and understand the nature and limits of the movement. If I’m asleep when the highest tide rolls in, I will still wake up in alarm - but not in panic.
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

[color=#009900]- The End of Crampton - [/color]

Enough is Enough! Whether Crampton’s Pride or Crampton’s Folly, I will no longer live on a zhip named ‘Crampton’. With all due respect to the (presumably) late Captain, the name sounds like portmanteau of ‘cramps’ and ‘tampon’ and I’m sick of reading it everywhere.

Here’s where I turn to you delicious friends! I’m looking for suggestions for a new name for this zteamer, zomething that will appeal to the Bohemium Bed & Breakfast and late night-party crowd, and also zomething that will reflect on my aspirations of self-improvement and brisk commerce, and lastly, zomething which will touch on the nobility of the zea zervice already accomplished by this fine vessel.

Please reply with your suggestions, multiple suggestions are welcome!
Thanks in advance :)
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

So you’re wanting a name for a grounded ship/Bohemian tavern/smuggler den?

My suggestion is Melusine. She’s a water-spirit, so she’s appropriate for a seagoing vessel, and is a sort of sideways nod to the Mermaid, an old London tavern famous for hosting gatherings of Elizabethan writers. (Thus Ben Jonson’s pun, &quotBut that which most doth take my Muse and me , is a pure cup of rich Canary wine, which is the Mermaid’s now, but shall be mine.&quot) Melusine’s story is widespread in France and Germany, where she is sometimes equated with Ondine and connected to Lorelei. The most developed form involves love, secrets, betrayal, and revenge–all themes that I believe fit the character well.

(Full disclosure: Kan’s decommissioned steamer is, not unrelatedly, the Sirene.)

Incidentally, Melusine is often (always in heraldry) shown with two tails, and is the indirect source of the Starbucks logo. (Whether that last is good, bad, or indifferent I leave to you. It won’t, of course, directly affect 1897.)

And I DO so love Starbucks! ;) I DID Google Melusine a bit - gotta love the Misinformation Age. Interesting…

How about adding something to it - Melusine’s Wager or something?
I’ve thought of a couple - The Black Rose might be too stilted towards honey dens, but The Lady Senta still sounds good to me - Senta is the tragic heroine of the opera, &quotThe Flying Dutchman&quot.
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 5/31/2019

[color=#009900]- Surprise! I went to Zee! - [/color]

That was a first for me - an opportunity and a whim, as bad of a mix as vodka and molasses.

It was an inglorious start to as a zailor, but a beneficial one - a four week contract on a glim-steamer I learned a good bit about the zee-faring life in general, the steam engines in particular, the glim-nets and all that strange terminology that the zailors like zo much. The work was hard and cold and often wet. I heard many a tale of horrid hungry monstrosities that could swallow the glim-steamer I was on in a gulp. I also heard many tales of lands I didn’t zee. Mostly there was long hours, bad food, boarish company, and far too little rum. I did learn some very clever Zee Zongs. There was a certain elusive appeal, r-e-a-l-l-y elusive, but you never know!

Four weeks of glim harvesting and we were back in Wolfstack I was told that I had the makings of able-zeeman if I wanted to sign on for another stint. I made my excuses and left the docks with glim in my pockets and a lot better understanding of my own steamer, you know, the one that is still lacking a replacement name.

Yep, still wanting suggestions to name my Steamer!
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

Glim Star came to mind, for some reason!
Jolanda would love an invitation to the Steamer, when you have the time. I used to live on a Steamer myself, before the Bethlehem Suite, and I do miss it so.

I think Lodestar would make a nice name: (archaic) a star serving as a guide; (modern) a goal or point guiding actions.

I think it fits the vision of a glorious ship guiding Silva; but like its archaic roots of a star, it may literally be out of reach, adding a good sense of the tragic to appeal to bohemian sensibilities.

Plus, ‘lode’ sounds like load, befitting it’s status as a ship/smuggling vessel, and the contrast between load (something typically low) and star (something typically high).

(Sorry for the long post)

Oh, minor correction: the Zee does not have tides.

I looked for any reference to tides, or lack thereof, and found none - since tides are caused by the moon, I figured I was safe in assuming tides exist.
Well, now I have flawed fiction - that didn’t take long. I guess going forward I will continue to be divergent in this one area - unless it’s REALLY important that there be no tide? (spoilers ok)

[color=#009900]- Rechristening and Boat-Warming Party - [/color]

After several considerations, I have decided to rechristen my Decommissioned Steamer as the &quotWolfstack Rose&quot with the logo of an Exhile’s Rose. I have been spending, spending, spending, and calling in favors, and sections of the Wolfstack Rose are approaching hospitable. I am planning a Boat-Warming party and all are invited! I have sent invitations to those I know (9 players), but all are welcome. We will be serving Strangling Willow Absinthe, with other options available. Guests are encouraged to contribute their preferred vintages! I have engaged catering and musicians, and we have a generous area for dancing, which should be safe by the time of the party.

There will be a lizard throwing contest for a Bottle of Greyfields 1868 First Sporing, and an Ostentatious Diamond will be awarded to ‘the most entertaining’ dancer(s). One individual will be discreetly handing out thimbles of honey, but you have to find him/her without asking - Good Luck! A limited number of rooms are available, and unlimited space for those who prefer to pass out where they are. Please do not bring any slugs or spiders.

OOC Instructions:

Please RSVP me by forum PM or in-game if you plan to attend. Please let me know if you will be bringing or doing anything noteworthy at the party. If you are interested in the contests, you’ll need to describe your proficiency at lizard throwing, and/or describe your dance routine - this is a private party so anything goes, but when I report results I will be (relatively) discreet. Optionally, let me know if it is ok for me for me to summarily describe your fictional involvement.

I will wait until June 4 before ‘reporting how the party went.’ Prizes will be awarded via sending &quotA present for a friend,&quot assuming it works like I think it does and I will be able to send whatever - I haven’t tried it yet…
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

“Whatever” is certainly an apt description. May one bring companions?

[color=#009900]- Words of the Prophet - [/color]

As remarked in this thread’s second post (Discoveries), the engine room has been covered with scribbles of verse regarding the Starveling Cat. As renovations are planned to eventually include this area, I wanted a record of these cryptic poetic couplets. Some are remarkably insightful, others seem to be scrawled with drunken desperation for something that rhymes with ‘cat’.

Please let me know of any additional scripts discovered in-game!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
It leaps from the box like an acrobat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
It claws at your face like a rabid bat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Why does it look at us like that?

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
If only we could stamp it flat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Don’t expect it to stay on the mat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
It knows what we think! and we don’t like that!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
It likes your bones! it prefers your fat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Look what it did! to your nice new hat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Jumped down the well for a good long chat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Won’t sit on a cushion! won’t sit on a mat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Wraps round your throat like a cheap cravat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Warm as a lizard! fragrant as a bat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Sharp as ravenglass! Blunt as a bat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Quick as a ratgun! Sharp as a gnat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Steals from your pantry! blames it on a rat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Stole your shoes! ate your cravat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Comes for the child who acts like a brat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Swims like a bloodfish! Tastes like a sprat!

The Starveling Cat! the Starveling Cat!
Want to lose a hand? give the beast a pat!

The Starveling Cat! the Starveling Cat!
Mangy as a goat! mad as a bat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Louder than a dog! taller than a rat!

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Sits on your chest when you’re sleeping flat!

Starveling Kitty! Starveling Kitty!
Ruled the roofs of five stolen cities!

The Sterveling Ket! The Sterveling Ket!
What did it find in the oubliette?

&quotWhose name’s on your collar Mr Starveling Cat?&quot
&quotCome closer, my dear, if you want to read that…&quot

edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

[color=#009900]- The Christening of the Wolfstack Rose - [/color]

Thank you, Everyone, for making my christening party a night to remember!
The bottle broke on the hull, the crowd cheered, and the boat didn’t sink!

I’d like to start this account of the party with a special thanks to the band, MorphSoftly, who did a superb job with their long version of Purple Haze, selections of Brahm’s Hungarian Dances, and everything in between! They even included Lord Misfortune in their rotation, who was actually surprisingly good.

The catering was not exquisite, my budget, but the catering staff were wonderful, there was plenty of munchies for everyone, and I think their menu selection was appreciably well-planned - so a special thanks to SmokeyBean & Co.

Of course, the ‘secret’ honey distributor was the Guy Fawkes on stilts. I can only assume everyone got their party favors!

Highlights of the evening included a few contests, the first of which was Lizard Throwing. The distance for throwing was 50% further than Mrs Plenty’s Carnival, and instead of the typical Sulky Bats, I used a mix of Sulky Bats and much livelier imported Fruit Bats (of various flavors). I was thrilled at how many guests had brought lizards to throw. Things did not go as expected. Calyxela’s lizard caught a fruit bat on its first fling and it became a changed lizard - apparently fruit-flavored bats comprised the whole of the lizard’s hopes and dreams. The little guy did not miss a bat the entire evening - except for the one time when he jumped prematurely without being thrown and ended running in circles, jumping and snapping at a bat above him until Calyxela collected him.

The contest for the most entertaining dance was held late enough that the crowd-voting was far from sober. It is worth mentioning that the Blue RubberMan Group was fascinating, although just a little too disturbing during some parts of the ‘dance’. Enough guests played with the pole, that I was glad I had one put up. While I’ll decline to describe the most entertaining dance, Lady Sapho Byron and Tanith Wyrmwood had no competition - Bravo! I’ll only say that I broke a sweat watching, and would pay good money to see the routine again. So much practice HAD to go into that - the choreography was immaculate!

Following the dance contest was some more open dancing. I remember seeing Lady Byron sharing a bottle of Fourth City Airag with another guest, and a raven drinking somebody’s cognac. After that I kind of snuck away with a new acquaintance, who was probably a crasher and probably using a false name. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did - I can’t imagine a better Christening! Sweet dreams delicious friends!

OOC: With apologies to Calyxela and Lady Sapho Byron & Tanith, I thought that the game would allow me to send prizes from my inventory (bottle of first spooring, ostentatious diamond), but apparently I can only send items I do not have or am not qualified to send yet (grrr). I am still learning the game. I have instead, sent the only thing I currently can - random gifts - enjoy!
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

[color=#009900]- No, no, no, no, no, no, no! - [/color]

Casual, groggy cleanup, with help, killed a few hours. Before too long the Wolfstack Rose started looking like a work-in-progress again, instead of looking like, well, the day after a party.

All the supplies, all the comings and goings, especially all the food - I should have known. I, of all people, should have seen this coming.

Faber Rats.

Sometime after the repairs had started, they must have started making their way out here. It’s insane to think about! It’s not like I’ve been tied up to a pier - this boat is boat-access only! But they’re Faber Rats for sure - found a few tools left out. Problem is that the Wolfstack Rose is so big - this is NOT good.

EDIT: Later, I am going into Wolfstack and see if I can pick up some reasonable-zounding advice from zome of the zailors, or at least get in a fight. If anyone has any ideas, let me know, probably later, when I’ve had some time to cool down a bit…
edited by SilvaTomorrow on 6/7/2019

Didn’t Professor Kan mention something about bringing “companions?”

OMG - back stab and twist! Shirley, Knott! Gods and Filament tapes! I would bring fire to someone who brought these things here!

I thought I was attending this party, but apparently not…