List of Suggestions

I’ve played the game for some 26 hours, and would just like to list my suggestions, mostly quality of life improvements.

-Current observations should show up under an enemy’s portrait. I hate having to constantly pause and sift through the combat log for this. A little symbol under the portrait/to the right of the enemy’s action would be a huge help

-Unless I’m missing something, there should be a way to check your hold in the middle of the zee. If nothing else, a little indicator under your crew could display current/max cargo (say, 38/40). This is just a helpful reminder so that you don’t turn zee-bats into supplies (or stop and farm that next lifeberg/pirate) when you are already full

-Speaking of filling up when wanting to add supplies, I’d love an option to use up a supply when your cargo hold is full instead of tossing something out. This can be either a &quotfeast&quot option (reset hunger to 0, possible terror reduction dependent on how little hunger crew had), or the option to try and convert the supply into fuel (and add to your current fuel meter, straight into the engines).

-An option to delay consuming supplies. I don’t know how many times I’ve been a hair from Hunter’s Keep/Chancel of Lights/small yellow crab when my crew ticked over 50 and consumed a supply. Just 1 more second and I could have avoided losing a supply! Afaik, so long as you don’t hit 100 hunger there are no penalties, so why can’t I tell my crew to quit bitching for a minute as I sail into port at Hunter’s Keep?

-Storage at Wolfstack Docks. Either the ability to rent or purchase a warehouse to store surplus goods. Whenever I kill 1 (or 10) too many zeebats and fill my hold with supplies, it’d be nice to store some of the extra. Or perhaps I swung by Mt. Palmerston and filled up on fuel, and decided to store 20 at the docks for future use. Maybe I changed my mind about going up to venderblight and decide to shelve the mushroom wine for now. If nothing else this would be a huge help to those pursuing the &quotZong of the Zee&quot victory condition. Most of the stories and such don’t take up space, but &quotStrange Catch&quot and &quotLamentable Relics&quot can be found very early. Being penalized (by lack of cargo space) for holding onto them seems like such a waste. The docks have to be FULL of warehouses, surely you could rent one or two? This could also open up new storylets (Rattus Faber/Urchins breaking into it, for one).

-When you get near London, you get a blurb in your journal about &quotHome Waters&quot and how your crew can see the distant lights of said city. Since your crew’s spirit is bolstered by being so close to home, shouldn’t you gain terror slower here? Also, being so close to such a bustling port, shouldn’t you get another option to hail a passing ship when out of fuel? I’ve had to abandon a game to lack of fuel… while right next to Wolfstack Docks, within the harbor of Fallen London itself! I was seconds from docking, and my crew could have swam to shore. This close to port, there should be plenty of ships coming/going. Surely another captain could be persuaded to sell you fuel (at a grossly inflated price, ofc). &quotHail a passing ship for fuel&quot Can thus be a final options when you get the &quotDesperate Measures&quot quality. Your chance of success can be dependent on how close you are to a port (and how busy said port is). Out in hte middle of nowhere chances are zilch, but within FL’s harbour should be a guaranteed success of hailing another ship. There can be skill checks to see how bad you get fleeced for said fuel (free, at cost, double cost, triple cost, so on). Perhaps an admiralty ship swings by and you can cash in 2-3 favor for a unit? Anything is better than losing a game a stones throw from port!

-Secrets feel like they are gained far too slow. Your origin is +25 stats, and even then it feels like that isn’t enough (How many pages is needed to have a reasonable chance of winning the hardest riddles!?) Not just pages, but 3 stats all need to be well over 50 to fight the more difficult enemies (iron, mirrors, veils). This leaves pages and hearts far into the dust if you hope to not die miserably fighting Khanate ships… yet alone the Obsidian Mt and that spiky sea anemone thingy… So our origin is +25, we can pass on accumulated progress in one skill, and then funnel the rest of our secrets into the third stat to take down tough enemies… but again, this leaves no room for pages/hearts.

-Trade. I know smuggling is coming soon, but it feels like putting the cart before the horse. What use is smuggling when there are maybe 2-3 trade routes in the whole zee!? (Wine to Vendorblight, Wine/honey to Corsair’s Forest, Devilbones from Mt. Palm to London… I don’t like wine to Godfall due to the terror gained… ~4 terror there and back at least). And these routes that exist? They are all chump change. If I’m spending 10+ fuel to get there and back, I need to be gaining more than 1 measely echo per item sold. As it stands, trade is little more than &quotfarm pirates/lifebergs, sell their stuff in London&quot

-Separate &quotfood&quot and &quotresources&quot for supplies. It feels weird being able to repair my ship with the same materials my crew is eating. At least it somewhat makes sense rummaging among supplies for fuel (high fat foods would burn), but how do I repair my ship’s hull with zeebat corpses and fungal crackers!?

-On that note, eating nothing but zeebats and crab for a few weeks seems like it would give my crew a serious case of scurvy (Zurvy? Zcurvy?) Maybe have different food types? Meat+veggies? I imagine fruit is rare, but it does exist in the Unterzee (sometimes when opening a crate you can find peaches, although your crew weeps and loses 5 terror at the find).

-I’ve notice what look like schools of fish just under the water (spinning circles), could we get an option to fish at these spots for supplies/chance at strange catch? A rare failure could even bring up combat with something best not awakened!

Your hold does have a visual representation in the upper left corner of the screen. The bottom half of the inner circle is actually a representation of your hold, and fills in with white to show how full your hold is. (And can be hovered over for hard numbers. (IE 37/50)

-Storage at Wolfstack Docks. Either the ability to rent or purchase a warehouse to store surplus goods. Whenever I kill 1 (or 10) too many zeebats and fill my hold with supplies, it’d be nice to store some of the extra. Or perhaps I swung by Mt. Palmerston and filled up on fuel, and decided to store 20 at the docks for future use. Maybe I changed my mind about going up to venderblight and decide to shelve the mushroom wine for now. If nothing else this would be a huge help to those pursuing the &quotZong of the Zee&quot victory condition. Most of the stories and such don’t take up space, but &quotStrange Catch&quot and &quotLamentable Relics&quot can be found very early. Being penalized (by lack of cargo space) for holding onto them seems like such a waste. The docks have to be FULL of warehouses, surely you could rent one or two? This could also open up new storylets (Rattus Faber/Urchins breaking into it, for one).[/quote]

Lamentable Relics don’t take up hold space. As far as I can tell, only items appearing in the &quotGoods&quot section require space.

Strange Catches, yeah, those are annoying.

I’ve been playing this since Day 1 and never realized that :-/

I’m not sure about seperating Food from Supplies. It definately makes sense logically but I don’t know that I want another resource to manage that might add more clutter to the screen. I like the idea about asking your crew to just stow it with regards to using up supplies so close to shore (maybe even a Hearts check to talk them into postponing Zupper) but I get a kind of excitement from the times where I do make it to shore before it hits 50.
I’m really enjoying the game at the moment after having a bit of time away (promised I wouldn’t come back til I got that Sunless Sea card in Wolfstack Docks but …it hasn’t happened yet, to quote Shatner).

I’d like to see more variety in potential Officer locations but I assume this is planned already. The Bandaged Poissonier recruitment was wicked, i’d like more of that sort of thing. Also, can’t remember if it was mentioned in the road map but Neutral vessels would give a bit of life to some of the slightly more travelled parts of the Zee and maybe they could be attackable with a risk of losing favour with the Admirality. It could even be a blind bruiser-type job. So long as the lonely atmosphere is kept in the further out ports I think it could give Fallen London more of a sense of habitation.

One more quick thing. I wonder if Glim nets might make it in? Useable items for a potential profit (or potential terror gain/sudden combat, like the fishing suggested above). I think something like that might provide a good opportunity to stop and take stock of surroundings as a player, as opposed to always watching for the next light source. As long as the potential financial gain outweighed the almost certain terror gain of stopping on the wide open Zee.

I would really enjoy (aside from tuning rewards) a separate panel for observation and Creature/Ship/Monsters.

Something similar to the &quotUfopaedia&quot of the old X-Com or similar thing… o sort of &quotDiary&quot where you write down notes of observed creature. It would be really nice.

-Current observations: This wouldn’t be that bad

-Hold space: Someone noted this before. It’s already there

-The feast option is not that bad, since you’re using the supplies for their original purpose, albeit not that the specified time. Changing supplies into fuel seems like the desperate measures options, which really should only be taken in desperate times. Not when your hold is so full that you’re forced to throw stuff over board. Managing your hold space is part of the management aspects of the game (hunger, terror).

-An option to delay consuming supplies. Yeah, I don’t see this happening. Or it should have a steep cost (probably terror

-Storage at Wolfstack Docks. I like this idea, though you don’t need it for the reasons you mentioned. In fact, you don’t really need it at all yet, but it could be a fun feature.

-When you get near London: I like the way they implemented it right now. Getting ffed is just part of the game. And it’s probably because you didn’t manage your resources well. I had exactly the same scenario. My fuel was down to 1, my supplies at 4. I got home by eating auroral megalopses so my hunger wouldn’t rise to high and trading my supplies for fuel 2:1. And even then I made it just barely. When I docked I was at 0 fuel and 2 ticks away from being an Island in the harbor of London. This was one of the most exciting moments of me playing the game. I had lots of money and stats and officers riding on me making it home this time. I had messed up badly, but I just barely made it back home. I got in that situation by making bad choices: I accidentally hit F. (don’t do that folks, this button is useless) But I made it out by the skin of my teeth, which is better, because it was an actual challenge. They shouldn’t implement that kind of thing, because managing your fuel and supplies, and predicting what you’re going to need makes part of the challenge.

-Even with 110 pages (the max base score) you’ll only have around ~ 27% chance of winning the 1000 echo riddle. Some odds will never be great no matter how much you improve your captain. That being said, there are ways of raising your stats other than using secrets, and pages is by far the easiest stat to raise to 110. There are not enough stories though, and the rewards for observing beasties is rather small.
-Trade. Yeah. Need moar shops, need more ports, moar stories. What the hell am I going to do at Codex, or Avid Horizon, stare at the stars until I go insane?
-Separate &quotfood&quot and &quotresources&quot for supplies. No. I believe it is the Poissonier that says: If it’s not living, you can eat it. So that should tell you a lot about the eating habits of Zailors. More importantly: do we need even more stats?

-Zcurvy: Don’t know what to say.

-I’ve noticed what look like schools of fish: this seems like a cool idea, though I have to say I haven’t really noticed them.

-I’ve noticed what look like schools of fish: this seems like a cool idea, though I have to say I haven’t really noticed them.[/quote]

Currently there is a random event (i suppose) where you could try to cath something that’s scaring your zailors and it could end (for me) catching a strange catch or being harmed from a leviathan (hopefully it didn’t kill me). The concept could be expanded including schools of fish.

I am also keen on some sort of diary+Ufopedia plus maybe some sort of Almanac that tells you what is sold where. Currently there are too many things that you need to remember - where you can and can’t buy fuel and supplies, what monsters have what abilities and constraints, observation etc

I picked up Sunless Sea just last week on a lark. The concept was so novel, the video clips attractive, and (most importantly) the development milestones for bringing the game out of alpha were detailed and reasonable – pretty much a must for any early release game imo. I have not been disappointed so far. This is a wonderful little game even at this early stage. I feel like Mary Poppins and Cthulu had a baby and it grew up to follow in Francis Drake’s footsteps. I’ll confess that I’m somewhat confused about signatures mentioning cats and photographers though.

Here are a few suggestions of my own. Apologies if you gents (and ladies) have already thought of any of this:

  • Incorporate temporary events that create short term opportunities to trade, smuggle, or plunder. Players already spend some time listening to gossip, perhaps occasionally you could catch a snippet of news that a clever/ballsy captain could profit from. A gambling tournament in the Khanate for example, giving the opportunity to offload dice and wine for a handsome profit. Rumors of surface dwellers slumming at the unterzea side of the Cumaen Canal? Maybe some coffee could be unloaded there if you move quick enough. I know that trade isn’t intended to be a primary activity in this game but this kind of thing could prevent hauling cargo from becoming boring or routine. Such events could also carry increased risks. Pirates harassing Port Cecil, for example, could create the opportunity to ship supplies to the Port for a fine profit but the nearby waters would have pirate frigates. Or rumors of a lost cargo ship around Mount Palmerson could spawn richer but more numerous devil privateers. You get the idea.

  • After completing the ambition of founding your own colony in the Unterzea, that colony becomes a port of call in subsequent playthroughs with its own market, demand for goods, and storyline. Maybe subsequent characters could have the ambition of becoming mayor of that colony, instead of founding their own. This would probably require a limit of 2-3 new settlements over all though.

  • Moby Dick. Allowing a character to have the ambition of killing a dreadful unique Zea-beasts (from a list of 2-3 possibles, decided on character creation) would be truly awesome and would fit so well with the setting. Building up the ship capable of facing the beast, finding it, and possibly acquiring special weapons to harm it (silver tipped harpoon, etc) could easily fill up an entire career.

Overall, this game is rich with possibilities. I can hardly wait to see where y’all go with it.

The cats, photographers, and other things that you don’t recognize from Sunless Sea are from the parent game, Fallen London. It’s a free text-based browser game whose setting is the basis for Sunless Sea.

For obvious reasons, many of the early backers of Sunless Sea also play it.
Here’s the link, if you want to poke at it, or you could check the wiki, the TV Tropes page, or the Fallen London section of these forums. Spoilers aplenty, needless to say, so step carefully if that concerns you.

While far from required to enjoy Sunless Sea, it does give context and nuance to certain matters. And is fun as its own game.

I do like your ideas for temporary opportunities/situations, as there are already a few things somewhat like that in the game, so we might be able to get them, and does help spice things up in longer runs of similar style games.

Oh, and welcome aboard- glad you’re enjoying it so far.

I really like the idea of temporary events too,perhaps triggered by acquiring “recent news”. Cool idea! Also welcome :)

Definitely check out Fallen London, it’s splendid, and set in the same world as Sunless Sea. :heart:

Good day all, I recently purchased Sunless Sea on a recommendation and fell in love! The challenge of exploration, managing resources and all the twists in the stories - I cannot put this game down! I think a lot of people are drawn to the stories (Hunter’s Keep anyone?) but after I played on Fallen London for a bit, I think I spotted an inconsistency.

Given I’m a bit useless at forums and can’t find the &quotspoiler tag&quot button, I’ll mention things in a vague sense. So, the Blind Bruiser’s asks you to ship certain items on behalf of his employer, but I recently read something in Fallen London stating that he doesn’t dabble in that particular trade avenue due to certain past events. It could be that I haven’t pursued that option well enough in Fallen London and don’t know all the details, but when I had a think about what I was shipping and who was asking me to do it, it didn’t all seem to add up.

Not entirely sure if this qualifies as a suggestion, or if I’m even posting this in the right place. It’s just a little something that’s been niggling at me.

Btw, when I said secrets don’t raise well… I am aware of the options in Port Cecil… however they are clearly an exploit. Playing 300 options to max out pages in one sitting? Please.

I really love the idea of random events. You spend all your time listening to gossip AND the admirality pays you for it… this gossip has to be useful info! So why not put it to use yourself? You might hear of plagues and monster swarms as well.

An Ufopedia wouldn’t be a bad idea… You constantly make observations about not just the monsters you fight but the places you explore (Finding a place is worth fragments… shouldn’t a blurb in your journal appear along with said fragments?)

I also think first time observations should bring the most fragments. Why should I keep getting +15 fragments for making the same observation 15 times in a row? To balance this, the first can be double or something.

Quick suggestion: Make additional &quotlight bouys&quot an option to purchase and launch where you want them. You could make trade routes ‘easier’ but may attract more hostiles.

[li]a report to the Admiralty -
[li]i’ll dispense with the obvious, that commerce and combat are clearly works in progress, and stick to the issues and opportunities i’ve encountered over the last week:
[li]- game slows entire computer to a crawl if internet window is active during play. (not sure what this is, so throwing it out there)
[li]- no need for ‘middleman’ cards during play; just take me directly to where i clicked.
[li]- TELL me if picking one option will kill the rest
[li]- stop kicking me to the port start menu every time i pick an option (maybe i wasn’t done!)
[li]- scrolling with mouse wheel is painful; needs to be much more responsive to input

[li]- randomizer is WRONG; i lost 12 prize ships out of 20 taken on &quot80%&quot odds (and wow is that expensive)
[li]- relationship between ship speed and fuel burn is too subtle (i burn almost as much sitting still as when running Full Ahead?)
[li]- officer cards at top of screen cut visibility to the north by 50% (not good)
[li]- Admiralty needs a compass; Khan’s Heart ain’t &quoteast&quot of FL (1st death)

[li]- if music played more consistently? i get lots of ‘dead air’ time during play & the score really sets the atmosphere. dull w/o
[li]- don’t box-in the beasties; let some roam about. predictability can be such a bore; let’s see those blight whales, harpooner snails, and flumes of sinking morrelwarts break the electronic bonds and get around a bit (though, no flukes in London Bay, obvs.).
[li]- if there were storms that rolled the unterzee? affects speed & limits visibility …
[li]- an unsettled fog … random appearance, limits visibility by 25 / 50 / 75%, depending on how bad it is…
[li]- it’s too bright! baddies are very easy to see anywhere they are on screen; ship’s light is basically eye candy. make it more of a tool
[li]- Mt. P is a ball of raging fire in a pit of eternal night … make it visible on game chart from day 1 (how can you NOT see it??)
[li]- speaking of, why not light up the surrounding waters with the red glow of its warm, burning light?
[li]- it’s a giant cave; why not waterfalls descending from the roof?
[li]- sunken ships / shoreside wrecks or vessels caught on reefs? nice visuals (fluke with an old victim still impaled? yes, that w/b me)
[li]- game screams for phantom ships / ghostly specters floating out at sea…
[li]- more ship skins (& for beginning choices?); paddlewheel boats?
[li]- commercial traffic; someone to trade with, someone for pirates to hit…
[li]- admiralty points should be for more than repairs; hit a level of ‘trust’ and ‘competency’ with the Admiral and you should get entrusted with better paying missions.

I would love to have a speedometer in the UI, maybe just under the Hull condition?

I’ll toss out a few things here…

As soon as you arrive at the Wolfstack Docks you get to choose whether you head out immediately or rummage around London. Given the limited trade opportunities the first thing most of us do is walk into the admiralty’s office and ask if there is anything they need us to do, and then we get a mission to collect some strategic information. And right there is where my first thought came into play. Why am I, a nobody, being allowed to collect Strategic information? I should have to earn that sort of trust? There is already a system in place in the form of the Admiralty’s Favor. Doing Port reports raises your favor,which you can in turn cash in for awesome repair work once you’ve earn enough. Gather Strategic info should be the same way. But there should be some smaller tasks you can do for additional favor and coin. Like Delivering Mail or special supplies to certain ports or one of the Light Ships, Im sure they need replacement 5,000 watt light bulbs(which can open up an opportunity to sell off a few items at profit like a cask of mushroom wine or a frisk of Prisoner’s Honey cause you know those guys have to be bored. Not a large amount but being able to earn a some extra echoes baring a veil test or something for contraband items, failure could cause a loss in Admiralty’s favor ) Also there needs to be more light ships especially near the Cumaean Canal, its strategically important and the Iron Republic is to the south, Polythreme and the Khan’s Heart is to the east and if the British aren’t careful a Warship one of Britain’s surface competitors might just waltz on down from the surface, with the intention of starting a colony.
But lets not get too far off track, if you gain the admiralty’s favor with port reports there should be a few things that will cause you to lose it too once you get into london. Taking on crew from Khan’s Heart, That officer(known pirate) you hired in Gaider’s Mourn, acts of piracy(once they add neutral vessels) you started to add unorthodox parts to your ship(also from the Gaider’s Mourn)But wait how would they find out about that? maybe your crew isn’t so happy with you. Fear level is too high. Your threw a crew member over board to escape a shark. you’ve visited like twelve ports so far and haven’t bothered to allow your crew a decent bit of shore leave. You started pirating British commerce.

But back to the Admiralty’s Favor thingy, if you gain enough, couldn’t that open even more doors? And couldn’t that be one of the end games? For Queen and Country. Raise your Admiralty’s favor enough that you catch the Queen’s eye/favor, could lead to a proper commission and be given a real ship, ie a Dreadnaught. Seriously the Admiralty wouldn’t allow private citizens to buy one and it wouldn’t be affordable to fully staff and stock and fuel such a beast. So if your in the service of the queen they will provide the fuel and supplies for you, but not without a catch, you have to go to certain ports in a timely manner, you can’t upgrade the ship but you as you preform your duty, you gain points towards the Queen’s favor which you can trade in for better guns, or repairs. Failure will lead to ruin. Strip you of rank and face exile to the north. However If you do well enough, and defeat the Empire’s enemies, Prove you worth, maybe you’ll be knighted, and you can retire leaving a strong legacy for your children(unless your married to the sea)
edited by JErosion on 7/20/2014

[quote=Medicine Man]

  • Moby Dick. Allowing a character to have the ambition of killing a dreadful unique Zea-beasts (from a list of 2-3 possibles, decided on character creation) would be truly awesome and would fit so well with the setting. Building up the ship capable of facing the beast, finding it, and possibly acquiring special weapons to harm it (silver tipped harpoon, etc) could easily fill up an entire career.

Overall, this game is rich with possibilities. I can hardly wait to see where y’all go with it.[/quote]

This should be in the game.


[/li][li]- randomizer is WRONG; i lost 12 prize ships out of 20 taken on &quot80%&quot odds (and wow is that expensive)
[/li][li]- relationship between ship speed and fuel burn is too subtle (i burn almost as much sitting still as when running Full Ahead?)
[/li][li]- officer cards at top of screen cut visibility to the north by 50% (not good)
[/li][li]- Admiralty needs a compass; Khan’s Heart ain’t &quoteast&quot of FL (1st death)

[/li][li]- if music played more consistently? i get lots of ‘dead air’ time during play & the score really sets the atmosphere. dull w/o
[/li][li]- don’t box-in the beasties; let some roam about. predictability can be such a bore; let’s see those blight whales, harpooner snails, and flumes of sinking morrelwarts break the electronic bonds and get around a bit (though, no flukes in London Bay, obvs.).
[/li][li]- if there were storms that rolled the unterzee? affects speed & limits visibility …
[/li][li]- an unsettled fog … random appearance, limits visibility by 25 / 50 / 75%, depending on how bad it is…
[/li][li]- it’s too bright! baddies are very easy to see anywhere they are on screen; ship’s light is basically eye candy. make it more of a tool
[/li][li]- Mt. P is a ball of raging fire in a pit of eternal night … make it visible on game chart from day 1 (how can you NOT see it??)
[/li][li]- speaking of, why not light up the surrounding waters with the red glow of its warm, burning light?
[/li][li]- it’s a giant cave; why not waterfalls descending from the roof?
[/li][li]- sunken ships / shoreside wrecks or vessels caught on reefs? nice visuals (fluke with an old victim still impaled? yes, that w/b me)
[/li][li]- game screams for phantom ships / ghostly specters floating out at sea…
[/li][li]- more ship skins (& for beginning choices?); paddlewheel boats?
[/li][li]- commercial traffic; someone to trade with, someone for pirates to hit…
[/li]- admiralty points should be for more than repairs; hit a level of ‘trust’ and ‘competency’ with the Admiral and you should get entrusted with better paying missions. [/quote]

  • Not sure if the randomizer is WRONG, but taking pirate steamers with your crew is rather useless. The echoes you get from selling the average contents of a CoC attained from one are roughly equivalent to the echoes you’d get from salvaging a pirate steamer. Haven’t tried to salvage a pirate frigate.[/li][li]Boxing in the beasties is necessary for the planned shuffling map[/li][li]Maybe these’ll be part of the planned wandering phenomena that Failbetter promises to introduce[/li][li]This one too[/li][li]WRONG, Nobody likes to look at a screen that’s too dark, and it will be impossible to dodge beasties approaching from the sides, if you only see them if they come from the front. There could be a bonus involved with engaging a monster, while it is in the triangle of your ships light. Perhaps the monster could start slightly illuminated?[/li][li]I’m sorry, what? I thought this game was too bright just a few lines ago. Of course MT. P should not be made visible, on the map no less, from the start of the game. Even if it does make sense from a realism standpoint, it makes no sense whatsoever from a game standpoint. [/li][li]Sure, they could do that. A little reflection of lava in the water never hurt anyone. Maybe it’ll be added with the last minute effects?[/li][li]Ah, yes? Is it a sea or a lake? I don’t really think Waterfalls would add positively to the atmosphere of the Underzee. In fact, I don’t associate waterfalls with seas at all (perhaps unjustly so?). A waterfall would make the Underzee feel smaller, I think. It is ironic that Zee is german for lake. On the other hand it’s Dutch for sea, so I wouldn’t pay to much attention to this similarity.[/li][li]These are already in the game. Lots of terrain has ship(wreck)s embedded in them.[/li][li]Cool idea.[/li][li]ship skins rather than really different ships? No thank you, I’d rather they distinguish the existing ships more. And make some of them better: mostly the cutter and the 29 k one.[/li][li]err, what?[/li][li]Admiralty points are mostly useless right now, so I agree? I also read that you could sell strategic information at Kahn’s Heart or Glory, but I haven’t seen the option. On a similar note, the antiquarian value doesn’t seem to do anything at all right now.