Lines or phrases you have unwittingly memorized.

“North! We must go North! We hunger so!”

“Mum’s the word.”

Be of good cheer. Our contacts have assured us that your sins are forgiven.

“We’ve heard of you. You’re Captain Mushroom. You, Captain Mushroom, can turn right around and get back on your ship.”

“King Storm, stay your anger. Queen Stone, preserve our hearts. Salt, tempt us not—”

I find myself reciting this occasionally.

&quotDo you recall how we came to that place? And they sang of their lightnings and shapeful disgrace?&quot

&quotHead out into the fog, find some d–ned nature and wring the inspiration from it till it squeaks&quot

&quotYou have no plans for tonight. Why not drink a bottle of a semi-lethal hallucinogen spiked with the blood of a mythical monster, and see what happens?&quot

A devil’s taken a shine on you

’ A toast to the Comtessa’ Sometimes when I’m out with my friends, drinking, this phrase just pops up in my mind. I liked that story.

Never had one of the scribble-shrooms, but “Don’t look a gift mushroom in the Hymenophoric Lamellae” is properly embedded into my mind. I even made it my status for some reason, even though I’m far from a mycelophile.

Taken from siding with the Urchin on the Urchin/Hell conflict card.

“If the soul is a burden, if it has no use, if it is a trifle or a curse or a curiosity, then why do the devils want it?”

&quotWhat a capering goden!&quot

You can’t see anything. You have just enough space to twist onto your belly or your back. Oh dear God. Oh dear God.

Do you recall how we came to that place?
And we suffered their hammers and fearful embrace?
We hardened our hands and believed all their liars.
We began with the river when we set the fires.

Also yes: A Goden most capering! Hines the Walksies, Chanter the Powb Raggedy Men! Dab with Viddlo, too, Goden! (So there we have it.)

A furred! In his kickseys! Hahahaha

Notably, the Topsy King calls the Flit the “Walkskies”, as in “walk skies”, not “walksies”. I misread it for some time.

Oh. Well, alright. Shame, Walksies sounded so much more… Topsy.

I now instinctually spell North with a capital N, as well.
edited by ReusedNPC on 8/4/2017

So many good lines have already been mentioned, personally I tend to randomly get the starveling cat couplets stuck in my head - there are so many I’m sure I dont have them all memorized but here’s a few

Who’s names on your collar mister starvling cat?
“Come closer my dear if you want to read that”

The Starvling Cat! The Starvling Cat!
stole your shoes and ate your cravat!

…comes for the child who acts like a brat!
…it knows what we think and we don’t like that!
…Jumped down the well for a nice long chat!

and of course
The Starvling kitty! the Starvling kitty!
Ruled the roofs of five stolen cities

&quotThrow the Amanuensis out on his oily little ear&quot

What? Some people like a bit of rat.

“he he he.”