KNIFE AND CANDLE: The Underground Leagues

[quote=Catherine Raymond]
If you had a counterfeit head of John the Baptist, it would give you a Whispered Secret each time you made a Knife-and-Candle kill.[/quote]
I presume 5 heads will give 5, then?

I’m not sure because I was too low level to take part but I don’t think it was possible to get more than one exotica. Or at least very very hard to do so.

I’d quite like to join this law-abiding and utterly unremarquable little club, if anyone would be so kind as to sponsor me.

token taken
taken token
token token
edited by Spacemarine9 on 3/19/2013

It was very possible, and easiest of all if you were actually playing. I got my first one (a head of you-know-who) from a random Opportunity card before I ever signed up for K&C.

It was very possible, and easiest of all if you were actually playing. I got my first one (a head of you-know-who) from a random Opportunity card before I ever signed up for K&C.[/quote]

H-uh, I know the first one was really easy to get but I thought that getting one stopped you from getting the opportunity card for a different one (although I’m basing this on the fact that I remember getting the opportunity card really early on but then never getting another).
My mistake.

I think Londoners could obtain one and only one of the exotica from a card, and acquire more playing K&C by killing someone and taking theirs. I can’t recall if I ever had more than one of each exotica at any given moment, though.

The Attending to the Needs of a Singular Plant quality gives you an option to get additional heads. I have no clue about K&C.

[quote=Aximillio][quote=Catherine Raymond]
If you had a counterfeit head of John the Baptist, it would give you a Whispered Secret each time you made a Knife-and-Candle kill.[/quote]
I presume 5 heads will give 5, then?[/quote]

It should, but I’m not sure. I seldom had more than one of any Exotica item for very long, since when I got defeated stuff would get… stolen. I still have a pair of Giggling Mandrakes, so I may soon be able to verify this point (A Giggling Mandrake gave you 1 Rostygold when you made a K&C kill.)
edited by cathyr19355 on 3/20/2013

Inpiun, you are now sponsored to join this unremarkable and law-abiding little club. I will be able to sponsor one other person on Friday night. That person should write here or pm me. Not that there is anything interesting about this little club…

I still have a couple of invites to our glorious wax club for any who might be interested in spirited discussions.

Why, glorious! I’ve a ship and more shoes than I know what to do with, we’ve met kings, and I imagine there’s cabbage somewhere in London, but sealing-wax has been notoriously absent.

Consider me interested! (Character name is my forum name.)
[i]edited by Jack Vaux-Harrowden on 3/20/2013

EDIT: I’ve received my token.
edited by Jack Vaux-Harrowden on 3/22/2013

[quote=Jack Vaux-Harrowden]Why, glorious! I’ve a ship and more shoes than I know what to do with, we’ve met kings, and I imagine there’s cabbage somewhere in London, but sealing-wax has been notoriously absent.

Consider me interested! (Character name is my forum name.)
edited by Jack Vaux-Harrowden on 3/20/2013[/quote]

Is that the name at the top in the storynexus sidebar though? Because I’ve tried every variation I could think of and it isn’t working.

[quote=PetulantProcrastinator][quote=Jack Vaux-Harrowden]Why, glorious! I’ve a ship and more shoes than I know what to do with, we’ve met kings, and I imagine there’s cabbage somewhere in London, but sealing-wax has been notoriously absent.

Consider me interested! (Character name is my forum name.)
edited by Jack Vaux-Harrowden on 3/20/2013[/quote]

Is that the name at the top in the storynexus sidebar though? Because I’ve tried every variation I could think of and it isn’t working.[/quote]

…huh. Try ‘Kerredai’, then, that’s the Twitter handle.

I was dead certain the new friend management system let you search by character name, though.

EDIT: The token is received!
edited by Jack Vaux-Harrowden on 3/22/2013

Nope, just Storynexus ID.

I seem to have come into possession of a token, so I suppose I have also become a member of this Unofficial Society for the Appreciation of Lanterns and Cutlery.

Should anyone else care to join our discussions on the merits of lighting &c, I have a spare token I should be glad to share.

Well, delicious friends, colour me interested. I’d be delighted if you would contact me (my SN identity is my name). I shall be honing my Laguiole.


(Surely this little club must have crossed a significant threshold by now?)