June Exceptional Story: Déjà Vu

It eventually goes away - every time after you draw it, there’s a luck challenge, and failing the luck challenge removes the affiliation (and therefore the card).

oh, I will never play the card, then.

I didn’t know it could take away the affiliation, a failed/fraud who you invested in should still be someone you invested in, no?

I think the tears wound up in the canapes? Everyone getting roofied kind of made me go D:

This one is good and seems like there’s a possibility to get more content in the future after playing this one(?) but there are definitely better ones!

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After consultation with a pair of Johns and two men named Yankovic, I have concluded that the accordion should NEVER “take a back seat”.



Do you need to have the affiliation equipped to draw the card?

No, it’s just low-frequency.