It's Snowing in Fallen London!

[quote=Kukapetal]wait, what is the &quotRoyal Newgate Slow Boat&quot like?

Seriously, I’m curious how being dead, crazy and in jail all at the same time works.[/quote]

IIRC death comes first, than craziness and last jail

Aye, my bad - you are of course right. I embraced my be-menaced state in the spirit of Eaten, and so am having a right merry tour of our least salubrious locales, but it’s very possible to dodge it all.
edited by Barse on 12/11/2017

Is it just me, or is the selection for Eaten actually REALLY useful for Seeking? That +1 UP seems like it would be delicious when trying to manipulate the UP cards in your hand. (Assuming that’s how you’re getting SMEN, that is.)

I very much enjoyed the item. Mr. Chimes gives, if only for the almost comical exchange between you, Mr. Pages, and Mr. Irons.

I’m half tempted to greet everyone with “Saluhello” for the rest of the holiday season.

I blame myself for seeking out Mr. Eaten.


[quote=Blaine Davidson]I very much enjoyed the item. Mr. Chimes gives, if only for the almost comical exchange between you, Mr. Pages, and Mr. Irons.

I’m half tempted to greet everyone with &quotSaluhello&quot for the rest of the holiday season.[/quote]

I wonder if that scene will put to rest any further speculation that Mr. Chimes might be a real Master.

Not only can I wear my own severed head, I can now display all the organs removed when I became a wax golem! Truly a Christmas present worthy of Fallen London.

[quote=Chronos][quote=Kukapetal]wait, what is the &quotRoyal Newgate Slow Boat&quot like?

Seriously, I’m curious how being dead, crazy and in jail all at the same time works.[/quote]

IIRC death comes first, than craziness and last jail[/quote]
I went to the Mirror-Marches and the slow boat in that order, but the Royal Beth could be after death in the priority list. (I didn’t go to jail at all thanks to Christmas Cards. Gotta avoid that Criminal Record gain.

So… I noticed that asking for Mr Eaten gives one of the item, rather than setting it to one. Who’s going to be exceptionally foolish and get seven of them?

So, do you think it would work to start Seeking, get the home comfort from Mr. Eaten, and then quit? Or do you have to be at a certain level of Seeking?

I’m also wondering if you lose any stat levels you gained from cashing in Notability, if you can eventually replenish those. I can’t remember if cashing in Notability is a one time thing or not.

I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to be a completionist or give this one a pass

Pretty sure you just need SMEN 1 to get it. And yes, you can always spend Notability again to overcap once more. (Unless you’re a Paramount Presence as that’s still not implemented.)

I have 100$ to blow, how many robes does that earn me?
Im loaded up on nightmares anyways.

You know I had to try.

Incidentally I think most of the Home Comforts give +1 rather than set to 1, not just the Eaten one. I won’t be doing it again, though, so feel free to try for 7 Trilby if you want the glory/admiration/pitying glances.

Edit: Once again, I was only able to do this after 1 Snowbound because I’ve held onto 2 Incarnadine Robes for a whole year, just in case anyone was wondering.
edited by Barse on 12/11/2017

I have 100$ to blow, how many robes does that earn me?
Im loaded up on nightmares anyways.[/quote]
$100 is 560 Fate, and each robe is 30 Fate, so that’s 18 robes rounding down. Of course, this would take three to four years to pull off, unless you have access to the much less efficient Nadir entrance option.

Wow, don’t be like me and stupidly think paying 12 fate to get a gift might be a fun thing to try. I got a single journal of infamy and a random no-use item worth 50 cents. What an absolute insult that that’s on the table of possibilities for 12 fate. Getting 1e of value with nothing else to show for it is a pathetic reward for a real money transaction. I know this game is all about RNG but at least have the decency to give a minimum value when people spend their hard-earned money with you. Leaves an extremely bad impression and feels like there’s no respect for the customer when things like this occur.

I have 100$ to blow, how many robes does that earn me?
Im loaded up on nightmares anyways.[/quote]
$100 is 560 Fate, and each robe is 30 Fate, so that’s 18 robes rounding down. Of course, this would take three to four years to pull off, unless you have access to the much less efficient Nadir entrance option.[/quote]

How long would it take a fresh account to reach the nadir quest?

Also, how less efficient are we talking? Because I may have used that option 11 times when I first found it.
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 12/11/2017

Could you PM me more about characteristics of said three new items from Robe? Please.
edited by Kharsirr Lynx on 12/11/2017

Where is the Nadir entrance option? I’ve only got the two usual suspects on the entrance card.

That would be this one:

How exactly does having an entire set of internal organs work with Mr Eaten’s gift? Assuming they’re yours, how would you be able to live without your own set of internal vitals? Is it just chalked up to Seeker magic? Or does the wax mentioned work as a replacement of organs similar to that of the wax body from St Gawain’s candle quality?

I have 100$ to blow, how many robes does that earn me?
Im loaded up on nightmares anyways.[/quote]
$100 is 560 Fate, and each robe is 30 Fate, so that’s 18 robes rounding down. Of course, this would take three to four years to pull off, unless you have access to the much less efficient Nadir entrance option.[/quote]

How long would it take a fresh account to reach the nadir quest?

Also, how less efficient are we talking? Because I may have used that option 11 times when I first found it.
edited by Agent ‘Trilby’ on 12/11/2017[/quote]

50 Fate for the Nadir option vs. 30 for the Sacksmas option. (Of course, the Nadir option also gives you a Ray-Drenched Cinder.)

My new alt just reached the Nadir, and I started her for Hallowmas, so that was about six weeks. But I expect that you could beat that time if you were really focused.