It's Snowing in Fallen London!

[color=#CC0099]Snow has begun to fall all across London! Urchins are throwing snowballs in the streets!

Starting at noon GMT today, Time, the Healer will bring ‘snow’ to doorsteps across London. You’ll need to dig your door out, or find someone to lend a hand or tentacle to the task.

Fate can also be used to employ a certain cowled assistant – and earn unique seasonal Home Comfort items!

Acquiring pails of this ‘snow’ and learning what you can about it will unlock a selection of seasonal benefits at the end of the season, when Penstock’s Wicket opens on the 5th of January.

Note: The Snowbound effect will remain constant this year until sometime shortly after 8th January 2018.

The urchins have purloined the terrible sack of Mr Sacks once again! You may draw a gift from it (or send one to a friend) – for a price, of course.

Buy a lucky dip in Mr Sacks’ sack for yourself, or send a lucky dip draw to another player! Begin with Explore the Festive Season, available throughout London.

Enjoy this early chance at a gift ahead of Sacksmas, which will begin Christmas day.

On the 18th of December, a new festive premium story will be available for purchase featuring our very own dastardly Mayor! It seems that love is in the air this Christmas season.

Our previous festive tales, The Gift by Chris Gardiner and The Empress’ Shadow by Emily Short, will become available for purchase today, 11th December, via the Explore the Festive Season branch!

There are still more goodies to be found in the Fallen London Advent Calendar, too! Each window is around for just a few days, so be certain to check back regularly to receive all of the various treats.

Since it tis the season, we also encourage you to reach out to new players with a lovely Christmas card and a friendly greeting. Find new friends on Twitter (using #flcards), Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr or here on the forums!

Look for Explore the Festive Season throughout London to take part in the seasonal fun![/color]
edited by Absintheuse on 12/11/2017
edited by Absintheuse on 12/11/2017

For those who have bought with Fate an Incarnadine Fur Robe, there are new possible gifts this year from :

  • Mr Chimes[/li][li]Mr Sacks[/li][li]Mr Eaten!!! (&quotThis option will disturb, distress and punish. It will give you a Home Comfort which will harm you immensely.&quot)

[quote=dov]For those who have bought with Fate an Incarnadine Fur Robe, there are new possible gifts this year from :

  • Mr Chimes[/li][li]Mr Sacks[/li][li]Mr Eaten!!! (&quotThis option will disturb, distress and punish. It will give you a Home Comfort which will harm you immensely.&quot)

And now I’m curious what all three of these are.

Yay, at long last!
Many thanks for your usual information, dov. Now, let’s wait to see what these new items will give us!

Really want to get one so I can keep my BDR even when I change the profession.

EDIT: getting a bucket of snow costs the same.
edited by Skinnyman on 12/11/2017

[color=#CC0099]Note: The Snowbound effect will remain constant this year until sometime shortly after 8th January 2017.[/color][/quote]
Note: the game instructions on the SNOWBOUND! storylet still say: &quotIt will snow once a week until late December.&quot

Wait wait wait wait. So we only get one free bucket this year rather then 4? Wow. That sucks.

I have the Sacks and Eaten items on display. They’re cool.

UPDATE: Courier has the Chimes item equipped too. (Before you ask: yes, I had Robes saved over from last year!)
edited by Barse on 12/11/2017

Barse, does the Eaten item have permanent detrimental effects? Can you unequip it like normal comforts? Does UP “stick”?

Upon getting it, it takes 7 levels of each stat (actual loss, rather than the item’s effects), sends you mad, dead and to prison and sets UP to 10, BUT it can be unequipped like a normal Home Comfort.

I don’t think the UP sticks (equipping and unequipping it didn’t leave me with UP 11, at any rate), but it’s worth noting that this can bump it to 11 while equipped, if that’s a thing that you want to do!
edited by Barse on 12/11/2017

[quote=Barse]I have the Sacks and Eaten items on display. They’re cool.

UPDATE: Courier has the Chimes item equipped too. (Before you ask: yes, I had Robes saved over from last year!)
edited by Barse on 12/11/2017[/quote]
Many thanks for the Chimes option! Think I’ll get that!

Before doing so, is there anything I need to know before buying it?

Displaying your own guts is basically indecent exposure times ten, so the jail sentence makes sense.

The latest news link is broken; looks like a quoting problem; it links to <””>, including those extraneous quotes.

Do I understand clearly, or do you mean to tell us that, when equipping that jar, you lose 7 levels of each stat and have nightmares, wounds and suspicion up to 8 and/or sends you to that menace area instantly?

No, upon doing the action that gets you the jar. Equipping the jar does nothing beyond the expected. Sorry if that was unclear!
edited by Barse on 12/11/2017

From where do you get that?

The post says that the SNOWBOUND effect will remain until January 8th. Until then, each Time the Healer will bring us snow.

[color=#CC0099]Note: The Snowbound effect will remain constant this year until sometime shortly after 8th January 2017.[/color][/quote]
Note: the game instructions on the SNOWBOUND! storylet still say: &quotIt will snow once a week until late December.&quot[/quote]
And another mistake in this very sentence: I assume that was supposed to be January 2018.

Is there a list of all the possible goodies to get from taking the 30 fate option on Snowbound?

Do I understand clearly, or do you mean to tell us that, when equipping that jar, you lose 7 levels of each stat and have nightmares, wounds and suspicion up to 8 and/or sends you to that menace area instantly?[/quote]

To clarify, it just sets each stat to 8, it doesn’t transport you to any menace areas. I was able to avoid those wasted actions entirely by using gear and social actions to lower my menaces below 8.

I’m so excited for first Neathy Christmas!
Regarding fate-locked content,

It seems that we only get 5 weeks of snowbound, so no chance of swindling all the Masters in a single Christmas season?

Edit: Sorry can’t get the spoiler edit to work
edited by Herbal Tea on 12/11/2017

wait, what is the “Royal Newgate Slow Boat” like?

Seriously, I’m curious how being dead, crazy and in jail all at the same time works.