Isolation Check-In

[color=#0066ff]Hey everyone. Things are going OK at Failbetter - I was going to say Failbetter HQ, but none of us are there and for all I know the devil’s snare has taken over. We’re all working from home on Fallen London and the Sunless Skies/Sea ports. [/color]
[color=#0066ff]I just wanted to check in with everyone and send a little wave to all of you! I’m personally staying at my parents’ for a few more days while my wife gets over some COVID-ish symptoms, and will return home later in the week. My kid’s nursery is closed, so my hours will be either fewer or at weird times for a while. [/color]
[color=#0066ff]Fingers crossed you’re all safe and well. [/color]

Thanks, Hannah! I hope your belle feels tip-top real soon. Speaking for myself, well, we’re staggering along - our household’s just started isolation proper, my day job having finally strung together something resembling a barebones work-from-home policy. Take care, everyone, as best you can!

Be of good cheer, Hannah! Haven’t seen any problems with the game in the last week or so.

Same here.
And I have an employer who’s got us all working remotely indefinitely.
And one of the local stores has a geezer hour for the aged among us to shop before they run out of things.

My only problems are the two children who were supposed to be back in school after their Spring breaks.
Well, that and grinding to get a goat.
And 777 knives.
And waiting on the emanuensis card.
And then grinding to overcap my fourth stat.
And then needing to re-overcap Watchful to repair the hit I took.

All in all, lots to do, and Failbetter’s providing some much-needed distraction. :)

Thanks, Hannah,
All’s well at Degenhard Towers. My mother has embarked on the three-month quarantine, being that she’s very old and frail. I’ve been shut in the house for more than three weeks already for other reasons, and very glad for it, too. Food deliveries have pretty much broken down, but we have a garden full of greens, full freezers and a big food cupboard. I work from home anyway, so no change there.
Best of luck and good fortune to all in their lives above.

I’m taking the time to grind Dangerous. And over-planning everything about my Ambition. And trying to become a monster hunter. Real life? What is real life?

[color=#0066ff]We’ve dropped a new opportunity card in to help you with your isolation goals, or just to help you spend a bit of time in London when you can.[/color]

Ahh, sweet, thank you very much.

Awesome! Thank you so much. Take care, everyone!

Thank you, FB!
NB don’t make the mistake of using it unless at least 10 actions have been used, otherwise it just tops up to, in my case, 20.

What a nice surprise!

Things here in the states are getting a bit hectic. I work at a hospital, so I’m considered essential. It definitely seems like it’s only the beginning of the worst where I’m at.

Greece took measures very early on, so we have been in relative isolation for what seems like an eternity but hey - there is always the internet. I have always worked from home but seeing friends only through screens is a bit painful - we would meet, almost every day of the week for movies, tabletop games, rpgs etc.
We teach Speculative Fiction Creative Writing courses online, and we have forbidden our students to write about pandemics. Just saying.

[quote=Jolanda Swan]Greece took measures very early on, so we have been in relative isolation for what seems like an eternity but hey - there is always the internet. I have always worked from home but seeing friends only through screens is a bit painful - we would meet, almost every day of the week for movies, tabletop games, rpgs etc.
We teach Speculative Fiction Creative Writing courses online, and we have forbidden our students to write about pandemics. Just saying.[/quote]
I was just about to come here and write pretty much what you just did, Jolanda Swan. Nice to see more Greeks fighting off the quarantine creatively!

Here in my part of London Above, we’re doing ok. Working from home for the second week just coming to an end.

Thank you for the card Hannah, and hope everyone stays safe and well.

Nothing but creativity here! We were afraid our students wouldn’t have the focus required to write but instead the quarantine has them writing endlessly which means a ton of extra work, and requests for translations. Glad we are able to give 40 people something to do, wish we could do something more substantial though.

If counting from the end of December last year, I have stayed at home for almost 4 months. My winter holiday, which should have ended in early February, has been extended and continues to be extended. Fortunately, I’m still just a college student, so I don’t have to face being notified that &quotyour company has closed down and you have lost your job&quot (public universities will not go down). I now take care of my mother with diabetes at home. Fortunately, the situation of infectious diseases in my country has stabilized. May everyone be safe this time. This is a crisis for all mankind.
It makes sense for everyone to isolate themselves, which will reduce the spread of the virus and make it easier for doctors to beat it. Stick to it. We will win.
edited by chiche on 3/28/2020

Another one who works from home here. I’m just finishing up on a year-long project, so it’s a time of change and endings work-wise.

A lot of what I do is for museums and art galleries, so I’ve been wondering whether and how that will be affected. Will projects be postponed or stopped. But so far, it all goes on as normal, except that some things are moving from the physical into the virtual realm.
Having said that, it’s generally German institutions, and as has become evident, the country deals well with problems that require lots of detailed organisation, and people are very disciplined. Many friends over there have been horrified at the UK’s slapdash, fly-by-the-seat-of-your pants approach.
Stay safe, everyone.

Hello! My friend showed me this game a few days ago. She said it was exactly my vibe, and she was right. I’ve been obsessed with it for the past few days now, and isolation has certainly given me a lot of time to play it. I jumped right into the lore too, spoilers and all. Today I made an alt with the intention of using her to seek the name, but within the same day I think I’m too attached to let her go. I love the story and atmosphere of this game; it’s definitely gonna stay with me for a long time. I hope everyone’s quarantine is as good as mine turned out to be.
edited by emeraldqueen on 4/1/2020

Well, thanks to the quarantine, I refound this lovely place. And while I’m still incredibly new and not sure what the bloody hell I’ve jump both feet first into, I’m enjoying it. The cat story kinda broke my heart, but I’m a cat lover - my 3 kitties like to hang around me while I listen to music on my Antikythera. I’m based in the USA (OHIO) and am wondering how life will be on the other side and if people will be kinder afterward. I’m mostly at home due to living with my 75+ inlaws and cancer patient hubby – he had a few complications the last few years so life kinda went on hold…I’m actually glad I didn’t get back into working just before this hit – I’d be petrified since my background is medical (ophthalmology assistant, biomedical engineer, surgical and sterilization technician – I’ve worn many many hats in 20+ years) .

Nice to meet you all and hope you and yours are safe. <3
edited by Kaerlyss on 4/3/2020