is it worth getting into the soul trade?

[quote=genesis]You are right. It is 2.15. That’s the number I first got but then must have mistyped and got 2.5 (was doing on my phone so was hard to double check)

And yes it would probably be more efficient to exchange all favours in one go. But 1) I was simply going off xKiv’s strategy and seeing what gain a Boneless Consort would add, and 2) it means that you can’t dedicate yourself to this grind. If you already have 7 favours and Slime and Amber is simply not coming up you have to pause this grind and potentially do something less profitable. Whereas with Boneless Consort you can accrue deep amber until it does come up[/quote]
That’s true.

So you basically have a grind of 2.147 EPA, and whenever you do draw the Slime and Amber card, that particular cycle or two will have the better EPA of 2.481.

However, that too isn’t fully accurate. It’s true that you can accumulate Amber waiting for the Rubbery Spouse card, but it is an Infrequent card, so realistically, you won’t be able to convert the Deep Amber into Trembling Amber at the rate you grind it (unless, as you mention, you stop the grind waiting for the one card which raises the profitability).

if my math is right, then without the occasional Rubbery Spouse card, this grind provides ~2.073 EPA when Calling in Favours, and ~2.476 EPA when accepting a gift for 7 Favours.

Either way this is not bad at all. Of course, who knows how this will behave once Constables are converted to Favours.

edited by dov on 5/4/2017

Very intrigued by the possibilities offered here.

Also of note for profitable menace are the opp card offered by the end of the Velocipede squad (+2.5E, +1 suspicion, +1 nightmares), as well as running expeditions in the Forgotten Quarter to profitably change Airs of the Forgotten Quarter and then Seeking Curios until you get Airs (71-100) and then stopping. This maintains high EPA while giving you nightmares and Tales of Terror, which you can also convert at decent EPA to accumulate Last Hope of the Fidgeting Writer in order to burst-raise wounds and nightmares when required.

I do have issues with profitable Scandal-raising though. Is there any way to reset the Rubbery Murders? I don’t see it on my fate page.

[quote=dov]FYI, even without being a Shepherd, and without the Rubbery Spouse this is pretty good compared with other end game grinds:

I think your math is off. You’re assuming that 7 loops corresponds to 3 Rubbery faction cards, but that doesn’t add up. Yes, that’s 21 Favours produced and 21 consumed, but you’re turning in 7 Favours at a time. It takes exactly 3 loops to gain enough Favours for the Rubbery card, not two and a bit with some Favours carried over. And if you don’t want to waste those Favours, you have to cash them in one at a time by Calling in Favours. The other math issue is that, at least currently, you don’t need those 15.5555 actions spent regaining C: Constables since you don’t need it in the first place. Might as well just cash in any you have beforehand.

So really, ideally it would look something more like this:

3 loops, each 2 actions for: +1 CP Scandal, +3 Favours, incidental -25 C: Constables
2 Calling in Favours, each one: -1 Favour, 420 Amber
1 Rubbery card: -7 Favours, +2025 Amber (ignoring the rare success)

Total echoes: 24.20+20.25 = 28.65
Total actions: 3
2+2+1 = 9
Total EPA: 3.183 repeating

Total Scandal gain: +3 CP Scandal over those 9 actions

Shepherds can do this 11 times before needing to wipe Scandal. The math’s a bit too much for me without being able to double-check numbers myself. For non-Shepherds, every 2 repetitions that 6 CP scandal can be passed over to an alt via duping. Thus it becomes 19 actions for 57.30 echoes, making it 3.016 EPA.

Of course, that’s only when you draw the Rubbery faction card. Otherwise you have to use Calling in Favours, which (for non-Shepherds) becomes 31 actions for 75.60 echoes, or 2.439 EPA.

(And yes, not everyone has alts, but I said &quotideally&quot.)

edited by Optimatum on 5/4/2017

That seems an amazingly overpowered grind.

Assuming my math is right, of course. It’ll probably become effectively impossible anyways whenever Constables get converted over to Favours. (Plus there’s always the risk of misclicks ending the story, and that one can’t be reset.)

i hate to intrude on the conversation this thread of mine has started but i wish to inquire if after the constables ambush weather i am meant to wait in real time to be contacted by them?.
because you see its been 2 days now and ive got nothing from my opportunity cards so i decided to ask and make sure i havent encountered a bug.

Unless the game specifically gave a message saying that a living story would start soon, there shouldn’t be any real-time component. If you haven’t gotten any related cards I’d recommend checking around London just in case - a couple storylets only appear in one area iirc. If you can’t find anything though you’ve probably just been unlucky with card draws.

[quote=Optimatum]Unless the game specifically gave a message saying that a living story would start soon, there shouldn’t be any real-time component. If you haven’t gotten any related cards I’d recommend checking around London just in case - a couple storylets only appear in one area iirc. If you can’t find anything though you’ve probably just been unlucky with card draws.[/quote]well i literally just this moment an opportunity card for this now XD.
thanks for the reply any way though.

I’ve heard talk of this conversion being in the works for Hell, too. Is it planned to shift any of the other Connected groups to Favours/Renown, i.e. Church, Great Game, Bohemian, Society, and Revolutionaries? Has Failbetter explained why they’re doing this? Is there some extant thread more suited to discussion of these apparently forthcoming changes?

I’ve heard talk of this conversion being in the works for Hell, too. Is it planned to shift any of the other Connected groups to Favours/Renown, i.e. Church, Great Game, Bohemian, Society, and Revolutionaries? Has Failbetter explained why they’re doing this? Is there some extant thread more suited to discussion of these apparently forthcoming changes?[/quote]

All of the groups are going to be converted over, and FBG decided to switch to this system because people were basically just stock piling connections, not using them. (At least one person had 1000 of everything besides masters) Seems an apt place.

Constables and Hell specifically are mentioned as up for conversion because FBG had announced Urchins and those two as being the next three factions planned. (This was announced when the already-converted factions were retroactively given faction items, if I’m remembering right.) Since then, Urchins has obviously been converted over.

And yes, as suinicide said, all the other factions will be converted over eventually - though who knows how long the process will take. There may very well be changes to the Favours/Renown system after all factions are converted, or even before the conversions are complete. Only time will tell how nonstandard factions like Duchess, Benthic/Summerset, Shroud/Glass, and Masters will be processed, though.
edited by Optimatum on 5/8/2017

I presume that like with the urchins your connected quality will turned purely into favour’s and have no impact on renown?.
I ask since I currently have 50 plus in connected with hell currently.
for contexts sake I started playing after factions like the criminals were converted to favour’s so I had no reason to think the favors/renown system was a recent addition in till the urchins were changed.
edited by crazyroosterman on 5/8/2017

The first 21 levels turn into favours, after that it turns into renown, but its hard to say how many levels equals a point of renown, and it seems to round down (aka you don’t have enough connected for one level of renown, you don’t get any)
50 should be enough to get you some renown though, but I don’t think it will be much.
edited by suinicide on 5/8/2017

[quote=suinicide]The first 21 levels turn into favours, after that it turns into renown, but its hard to say how many levels equals a point of renown, and it seems to round down (aka you don’t have enough connected for one level of renown, you don’t get any)
50 should be enough to get you some renown though, but I don’t think it will be much.
edited by suinicide on 5/8/2017[/quote] so does it go above the usual max limit?(which for me is 7) that would be quite a fair few favors.

It does not, 7 is still the max for favours, and 50 is the max for renown.

[quote=crazyroosterman][quote=suinicide]The first 21 levels turn into favours, after that it turns into renown, but its hard to say how many levels equals a point of renown, and it seems to round down (aka you don’t have enough connected for one level of renown, you don’t get any)
50 should be enough to get you some renown though, but I don’t think it will be much.
edited by suinicide on 5/8/2017[/quote] so does it go above the usual max limit?(which for me is 7) that would be quite a fair few favors.[/quote]
You can never have more than 7 Favors with a single Faction.

During conversion, your first 21 points of Connected are converted to Favors at a 3:1 ratio. After that, your Favors are maxed and the rest of your Connected is converted into Renown instead of Favors.

The conversion ratio for Renown has changed (trending upwards) with each new conversion. Urchins was the first to have 7:1, and that was surprising because it was a harder Connected to obtain. Constables and Hell are easier to grind so 7:1 is the floor, but it might be higher. Renown from converting Connected is capped at 50.


Dear traders in souls or sheperds of them, I am however interested in knowing: was it worth it to you, from a story point of view? I found it rather dull. A few options, no interesting opportunity card grind ala gold mirror, and over in a very small number of moves. Yet a large amount of non-fate content seems to assume that this path has been taken -why? Why should it be taken? Am I the only that felt it disappointing, to be captured by the supposed sinister conspiracy of souls, and find out the actual reality of it?

This one is usually recommended for the mechanical rewards, either the best grind in the game (spirifers). Or a great connection increase/menace nuke (CVR)

Well, supposedly, you also get a hint of the greater mysteries of the bazaar though to be honest, without the I’m a Candle tumblr, I would never had guessed what the whole story signified.

Recently - especially since that Quiet Deviless hoodwinked me out of my soul - I’ve been wondering why the devils are so apparently fine with being called devils. If they weren’t up to no good, surely they’d object to that label. The only explanation I can come up with is that they were first called devils by Londoners (or precursors from cities past), and they decided that accepting and making use of their unearned reputation would be easier than trying to fight it. Either they see enough positives in being known as devils (it certainly discourages trying to mess with them), or they do things which are even worse than what devils are thought to do and are using the “devil” aesthetic as a cover for those activities.

Does the Soul Trade story shed any light on the nature of Hell, devils, and souls (what they are and how they’re used)? If not, are there other stories which do?