How to Unlock Outfit?

I’ve read the &quotUpdate to Outfits in Fallen London&quot (, and I’m thoroughly confused. The &quotUpdate&quot states: &quotWe’re removing the ability to change Outfits while in storylets and in certain settings (in particular where your character wouldn’t reasonably be able to access their wardrobe, or a convenient steamer trunk).&quot

I am in &quotMy Lodgings.&quot I am not in a storylet. I can’t think of any place where I would be more &quotreasonably able to access [my] wardrobe.&quot Yet my outfit is locked (&quotYou can’t change outfits at the moment.&quot) If I can’t change outfits actually in my own residence, then WHERE can I actually change?

Refresh, it’s tremendously buggy and it just locks you up permanently at random.

If you refresh the page while in a location where you can normally change your outfit, it should unlock.

I like to imagine that whoever developed this feature rushed it through with little or no testing so that the rest of the team wouldn’t find out about it before it was too late to stop.

I observed the events very closely and it seems to me that both the servers catching up on fire and this bug started after someone mentioned FBG patched a workaround for the outfit lock. Everything was working fine before that post.

So yeah, probably this is about some code developed in a rush as a hotfix over 1-2 days and not properly tested.