How do I escape death?

I went to the carnival and looked into a mirror that I shouldn’t have when I had wounds. I can now see that that was a mistake. I’m not trapped here forever, right? Am I just supposed to have my character keep playing chess with the ferryman, or is there a trick to it?

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… don’t worry, luckily death is not a permanent event in the Neath - you might even say, that is on of the characteristics of a Neathy existence. and you probably will end up on the boat again at some point …
playing chess with the Boatman is a valid way to pass your time (and escape back to your previous endeavors), the opportunity cards might help as well …
for a more detailed account on this (as on pretty
much anything), you can always consult the wiki .


When you get your wounds down to 0, you leave the boat. The various cards you draw will decrease wounds, you can play chess with the boatman (as long as you’re winning a decent amount, the wounds will keep going down), or you can play dice which works out in your favor in the long run.

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When I first started playing, before I knew there was a wiki, I made the mistake of looking in those mirrors with an embarrassing frequency. “What do these do again? … Oh… right. Crap.”


Mrs Plenty must be a powerful woman if her carnival is still somehow attracting business despite having a mirror that literally kills you. Or maybe people don’t really care about death that much in the Neath. Either or.

There are hidden depths to Mrs. Plenty!


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