Ok, so, to be more specific, will there be mechanical support or options in the book for characters who are very proficient in the Correspondence or the Shapeling Arts or Glasswork, or will those need to be homebrewed by players? I’d like to know how much extra work on part of the GM would be involved for making a Concern with a duelist, an artificer, a society lady, and a street urchin vs with a crimson engineer, a fractionist, a heirarch of the hunt, and an oneirotect. To me, the draw for a Fallen London rpg is being able to play with the stranger abilities and parts of the setting that are only in FL - if the rulebook expects me to always be playing someone who’s at roughly ‘normal human’ abilities with one or two weird and costly tricks, then I could get the same experience with a refluffed Blades in the Dark or Monster of the Week. But recreating the Shapeling Arts or some of the things my Teratomancer PC can do in another game is pretty hard, so I’m hopeful a Fallen London RPG can support that.
I guess the best steer I can give at this stage, given that the majority of the book text is yet to be written and finalised, is that it will be as specific to Fallen London as possible without straining the bounds of what we can achieve in printed form. We want to include specific professions and whatnot, otherwise as you say, why this book?
Anyone who wants to up their hype level by at least 37% should have a look at the campaign video, which is now up on the preview page. Less than a day to go!
I see there’s a new add-on to upgrade the corebook to its deluxe version. Thanks a lot!
And there’s also a better look at the d6s! \o/
The Sullier of Probabilities will not be made available on another tier, or as an add-on.
I would argue that you should consider offering more than one digital tier.
Many players these days use virtual desktop solutions exclusively, and physical books and materials not only pose environmental challenges but are also inaccessible to some of us (like me, a disabled vision-impaired woman).
PLUS - You don’t offer shipment to some parts of the world at all (e.g. Middle-East) which also locks us poor fans out of pledging high…
Yet I would like to support financially through a high tier (and get the Sullier…)
Any chance you might reconsider?
It’s passed 200k, so we’re currently out of stretch goals. Anyone have guesses for what the next might be?
New Stretch Goal: Iconic NPC: Sinning Jenn and Character Sheet Upgrade! I am still baffled that it didn’t lost its momentum! And the USA just got online!
Various parts of Europe getting off work/getting home will do that when it’s a very western Europe-focused project.
I know FBG shared their numbers some time and a lot of players are from the USA. Other data included the fact that ~30% of the players are PoSI and 20-25% own a ship.
Plenty of people will probably back once they’re home from work, rather than first thing in the morning.