Here's the Kickstarter page for the TTRPG, what do you think?

You can have an early look at the page, and let us know any questions or thoughts about what’s on offer!

Reminder that the campaign starts on 11th February at 10am Eastern.


Wait, how exactly is the sullier of probabilities note-sharing going to work?

I assume the sharing might work similar to how Parabolan Panthers work these days. It takes some time and effort to raise a litter of cubs, and once you have cubs you can send one to another player via standard social action.

I’m much more interested in how the Sullier works, since previously there were technical limitations on modifying Luck. Maybe they updated the game engine? It’s gotta have a cooldown or something.

But regardless, it’s worth it just to interfere with Bayesian statistics.


I find it odd that there is no tier to get only the Deluxe version of the corebook, and even more that the only tier that contains it makes either it or the normal version useless because you are effectively getting the same thing twice.

The Master pledge should replace the normal version for the Deluxe version at the very least.

Really, the only pledge that has any real incentive in adding the Deluxe corebook is the all digital, base one, because it’s the only one that doesn’t already feature a copy of the book.


Yup, it works like the current iteration of Panthers and kittens!

For owners of a Sullier of Probabilities

A Sullier of Probabilities is a working of the Red Science: a weapon, that grants +1 Artisan of the Red Science.

Owners of a Sullier will be able to do a research project in their lab to produce Notes on a Sullier of Probabilities. These notes are a Curiosity which enable you to make a Set of Overcompensating Dice, again in your lab.

They cost a good chunk of resources (approximately 230e worth of stuff) and one unit of Favorable Circumstances. Their cost is tuned so that it takes more actions to make a set of dice than the number of actions you’re expected to have the effect of the dice for.

Overcompensating Dice are also a Curiosity, and can be used from the inventory to grant you a boon. Those boons last for an hour; they’re the same as the boons that can be gained from rare cards, with the exception of one special, unique boon that increases Luck.

Sharing the Notes on a Sullier of Probabilities

Sending a copy of the Notes on a Sullier of Probabilities to another player is a social act. It doesn’t cost you anything other than an action, and doesn’t consume your Notes. Anyone who has Notes on a Sullier of Probabilities can share them.

The recipient of the related social act will receive an item called Incomprehensible Notes on a Sullier of Probabilities. This can be studied in the lab, just like the original Sullier, though the lab project is slower and requires Parabolan Research to complete.

Once completed, the lab project replaces the Incomprehensible Notes with the same Notes on a Sullier of Probabilities item that you could get from the original, exclusive Sullier. These notes can then be propagated to other players and used to generate Overcompensating Dice.


Will the Sullier be an add-on, or can it only be gotten by backing at the highest tier?

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We’re discussing at the moment!


Thanks for the clarifications, Hannah! :cupfl:

Magpie report that the deluxe book duplication thing is one of those damned if you do, damned if you don’t scenarios. If they don’t give both books at the top tier, people complain that they have to use their special edition for play.

That being said, the deluxe book will be available as an add-on, so all’s well on that front.


Right, I see what the issue is.

Still it’s a bit weird having to get the book to get the book.

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You mean you have to pack at a tier that includes postage, in order to add the deluxe book on? Yeah.

Also, update:

The Sullier of Probabilities will not be made available on another tier, or as an add-on.

This reward was designed as a thank you to the highest backers. Something essentially priceless, where the realistic cost to maintain economic parity with other rewards (real-world or Fallen London economy) would be more than we would reasonably want to charge for it on its own.

By itself it’s a weapon which gives +1 Artisan of the Red Science (equal best in slot with existing items). The meat of its rewards are designed so that all of the benefits propagate from player to player, without having to return to the original owners to keep the supply going. We expected there to be very few original owners, but that won’t stop the joy spreading far and wide.

I hope you’ll still enjoy the free Acquisitive Magpie (available to everyone, regardless of whether you back the Kickstarter) and Benthic Kriegsspiel (available to all backers). I’m sorry to disappoint everyone who asked to be able to buy it on its own, and I hope you nonetheless enjoy making and spreading Boons yourselves once the Sulliers are released into the world.


What sort of expansions or additional options for the game itself will probably be in stretch goals?

eta: like, is it likely to be more character options, expanded equipment, more detailed information on playing in different parts of the setting?

I’m afraid they’re under wraps so we can reveal them during the campaign, but you’re along the right lines with the types of thing to expect. :)

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Another piece of feedback from me:

I would appreciate having a bit more details about both set of dice. I realise it’s far from the focus of the campaign, but it is also the least straightforward physical item (since we know how books usually look, even more so with the quickstart being available).

Of course that is purely my dice hoarding gremlin bias talking.

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We only have placeholder art for the d6es but I think it’ll be updated at least once more before the campaign starts, and we’ve added a bigger image of the neathbow dice but we don’t have official video of them being rolled or anything yet. :D I can’t wait to get my hands on them!!


Ah that’s very fair! I was very curious about both, because on the one hand the d6s sound like they’re “normal” so I was wondering about the engravings.

The enlarged picture of the neathbow ones is a major plus, but a video would be ideal. I’m guessing though that for now they’re just prototypes so there’s nothing to actually roll or anything?

Additional (and probably last thought) about dice, but would it be possible to introduce the company making them (FanRoll) a bit? If only so people can check out what other dice they’ve made to get an idea of the neathbow ones.


I do hope the game will include options for… higher level play doesn’t sound quite right. Stories and character options that are more heavily involved with the deeper-lore, more esoteric parts of the setting, with the skillsets to match. It’d be great to have someone who really is a Crimson Engineer or an Oneirotect, with skills to match and still facing real challenges, or to take a character who starts small and grows into that.

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Will there be any sort of digital exclusives as stretch goals that backing at the highest level would not automatically get you?

The reward tiers are explicit about including stretch goals. Some include only digital, the top tier includes all stretch goals.

All of the tiers include all of the digital stretch goals, Midnighter and up include all of the physical ones.

In terms of in-depth play, I think if you want to get really esoteric that’ll be a matter for your table! We’re going to include lots of juice but there are 4.5 million words in Fallen London and we won’t be able to put all of that in a book. :D