Hallowmas tips?

[IC] Such helpful fellows, it’s so refreshing! This will be my first Hallowmas and I intend to exploit this delicious opportunity to the bone… well, I hope you got the basic idea. My name is Huey Nomure; I reached a certain importance in this enthralling city, if I can say so myself, and I’ll be available for all sorts of confessions shenanigans.
I’ll leave a couple of my cards around, have an interesting day!

I’ve been playing for about 6 months now and am a POSI. Will be very happy to make more POSI contacts to take advantage of Hallowmas.

PoSI reporting in, will be happy to accept and offer confessions during the upcoming Feast of Masks. Discretion is assured. Link to my FL profile is in the sig.

Remember: during the Feast, keep your Menace qualities up (at least level 3 of each Menace) if you want to receive toothsome confession requests.

Let the preparations begin! I am a PoSI looking for new contacts for my very first Hallowmas and will accept any and all Confessions during the event. Link to profile is in my sig.

Im going to go out on a limb and say the someone should probably make a dedicated thread for this years upcoming Hallosmas provided they are willing to keep the original post updated for everyone participating (And hopefully organized into non and PoSI players)

Any up for it? If not Ill give it a shot later this week unless there are any objections.

Does anyone know when does Hallowmas usually start? I have never played it before.

Usually it starts a day or two before Halloween. So end of October timeframe.

Hallowmas is around the corner.
There was a suggestion on making a topic to identify and accessible all the POSI to everyone.
Should we just open a topic, everyone shouts in it and one will edit the first message to a growing list? Is that how you do it?
If so, will be my pleasure to try and build this list on the forum (unless there is a less crude way, perhaps link to Google doc or some sort? Could save spamming the forum. Making a like like that would not break forum rules, right?).
Also, the event is 5 days long and starts at 29/30th of October, based on past experience, correct?
edited by Gonen on 10/17/2015

Making a thread yourself, and updating that, wouldn’t be considered spamming. FBG has specifically made threads for this purpose I think, at least, it’s expected to happen during the Hallowmas season. So make your own thread away!

ACTUALLY. GONEN. I’ll be making a spreadsheet that everyone can put who they’ve sent confessions to. NiteBrite will make a corresponding thread to accompany it. This will make sense soon.

Also. I shall be making a thread offering Starveling Cats come a little closer to Hallowmas. What with 133 straveled away.

EDIT: My edit was a bit late. Welp.
edited by Cecil on 10/17/2015

If you can wait just a little longer I am working on setting things up for the thread. I have some ambitious ideas and plans that need a little bit of setup, but I think it will be worth the wait. I think I can have it ready by later today. Cecil, I’ll need your help (let’s chat it out on IRC).

Forgive my ignorance (and poor grammar) - while I did encounter Hallowmas last year, I was still relatively new to the game at the time.

On what dates does Hallowmas begin and end?

Hallowmas 1891 began on October 24th, 2013.
Hallowmas 1892 began on October 30th, 2014.

Basically, it starts on the last Thursday of the month of October unless that Thursday happens to be Halloween day itself. Or at least that is the most likely pattern. Which means this year it should start on the 29th if I have guessed the pattern correctly.

Cecil, I’m always checking on the forum via the &quotrecent posts&quot option. If 500+ POSI start posting &quotI’m a POSI&quot, that could clog the forum.
So I was thinking on a link which everyone can edit themselves in. Seems NiteBrite has a good and exciting idea, so we’ll probably use that.
edited by Gonen on 10/17/2015

[quote=Gonen]Cecil, I’m always checking on the forum via the &quotrecent posts&quot option. If 500+ POSI start posting &quotI’m a POSI&quot, that could clog the forum.
So I was thinking on a link which everyone can edit themselves in. Seems NiteBrite has a good and exciting idea, so we’ll probably use that.
edited by Gonen on 10/17/2015[/quote]

It’ll probably include the 500+ PoSI spamming, or, I. don’t know. Things are still being worked out.

There we go, I have made a proper thread for confessions sign-ups here: http://community.failbettergames.com/topic20857-hallowmas--confessions-list.aspx?lastpage=1#post112911

Let me know if you have any questions or comments and I can update it as needed.
edited by NiteBrite on 10/18/2015

What reasons are there to prefer specific confession types?

For me it’s a matter of either avoiding Connected: Revolutionaries or getting Connected: Revolutionaries. Pride is better for those who want to avoid having a connection to Revolutionaries, and Whimsy is better for those who want or make use of that connection.

Specific Confession types depend on having your menaces at 3 ao some people find it easier to raise (or concentrate) on a specific menace (or pair of menaces for POSIs) rather than making themselves available for all of them.
edited by reveurciel on 10/18/2015

In addition to the above there’s also action efficiency to consider. A confession of Whimsy takes about 4 actions to grind while a confession of pride takes about 5 actions (there are ways to get this lower such as the giggling mandrake, but they are generally luck based). One action extra might not seem like much, but over the course of say 100 confessions thats like having lost one day. Do you have a giggling mandrake? A starveling cat? Do you care about getting involved with revolutionaries? Are you a scholar of the correspondence? Or do you just want to sample anything and everything and care not about these other concerns? There’s many reasons for having a preference.

Why 4 actions for whimsy?
Get the first level of suspicion from gear and use 2 actions giving lectures to increase it to 2 and with the hat you’ve reached 3.
Scandal you can reach with gear alone, using scarlet stockings and a modish bonnet.
So that’s 2 actions by my count. Am I missing something?

edit: just realized you can wear only one hat
as was noted below
edited by Angus Turner on 10/19/2015
edited by Angus Turner on 10/19/2015