Hallowmas tips?

[quote=Angus Turner]Why 4 actions for whimsy?
Get the first level of suspicion from gear and use 2 actions giving lectures to increase it to 2 and with the hat you’ve reached 3.
Scandal you can reach with gear alone, using scarlet stockings and a modish bonnet.
So that’s 2 actions by my count. Am I missing something?[/quote]
You can’t equip 2 hats at the same time.

We’re not allowed to be quite that silly, alas.

Yeah, this isn’t Team Fortress 2 :P

So this means that each confession would remove some CPs of menace? Sounds like it makes sense to max menaces precariously at 7 before Hallowmas starts, then the initial few confessions will save on actions.

This is true, but each Confession removes about 10 cp worth of menace, so that will really only save you about 15-20 actions.
Still, it’s worth doing if you can.

That’s something well worth considering since I live life on the edge with scandal and sometimes with wounds/nightmares too. Time to head to the Forgotten Quarter too. Though I’m sure I’ll be locked out of certain opportunities for the time being.

Wait, doesn’t being sent a confession request require menaces but not reduce them? I thought the menaces were only actually reduced when requests were accepted.

Yes, menaces are reduced after accepting the social action.

Does that mean if after I receive a confession and I choose to accept it but the user no longer has the menaces, that It won’t work?

It’s the recipient of a confession invitation who needs the menaces. I think it just won’t let you accept if you don’t have enough, and it’ll stay in your inbox…

That is an interesting mechanic regarding the time limit. This will be my first Hallowmas too, so bear with me if I’ve got it completely wrong:

So we have a fixed period in which to send as many confessions as possible. In order to send a confession, menaces must be at least level 3. In order to receive a confession, it must be the same too. Once a confession has been received (i.e. action expended), menaces will drop. If the menaces drop below 3, you can’t do another action to receive the next confession. Does this mean that doing the actions to receive the confessions must be done before the end of Hallowmas too?

(Am I overthinking all of this??)

I think the best way to understand how confessions work might be to do a bit of practice with your friends. Luckily there is a social action which works almost exactly like a confession of Violence. This is of course the &quotNurse a friend back to health&quot social action in your Lodgings under the menu &quotInvite a friend to join you in something potentially dangerous.&quot That is basically exactly what a hallowmas confession is, nursing your friend back to health but across various menaces, not just wounds. For the tutorial below, I will refer to &quotNurse your friend back to health&quot as &quotConfessions&quot. So if you want to practice, I suggest getting two or three friends and trying the steps below:

[spoiler]Step 1 - Get to wounds 3: A really easy way to get to wounds three from 0 would be to drink 6 bottles of laudanum. Once all players in your practice group have wounds 3, proceed to step 2.

Step 2 - Send the &quotConfessions&quot: Once everyone has wounds three, go to Lodgings > Invite a friend to join you in something potentially dangerous > Nurse your friend back to health. Send this social action to everyone in your practice group. You will notice that if your friend does not have wounds 3 yet, then they do not appear in the social action list. This is because they are not eligible to receive it until they do have 3 wounds.

Do not accept the social actions yet. No one should accept any of the social actions at this time because if you do, it will heal you and the others cannot send you the social action because you would no longer have wounds 3.

Step 3 - Wait a day: The idea is to wait a full day to ensure every member of your practice group has a chance to send the social action out before you start accepting your inbox full of &quotconfessions&quot.

Step 4 - Accept the first social action: Its a day later and everyone has sent &quotconfessions&quot to everyone else. Now it is time to accept the social actions in your inbox. After you accept the first &quotconfession&quot you no longer have wounds 3 and cannot accept the next &quotconfession&quot in your inbox. They are still there, but it tells you you are missing qualities (wounds). This step can be done independently of the other players so long as they stay in london (ie dont go to menace states or zail across the zee, etc). It is also independent of their wounds. They dont need to be wounded to heal you with soup right? Same deal with confessions as heals.

Step 5 - Drink more laudanum to get back to wounds 3: Top up your wounds by drinking more laudanum so that you are eligible to accept the next social action.

Step 6 - Repeat steps 4 and 5: Repeat the cycle of wounding yourself and then accepting the heals until you have accepted every &quotconfession&quot in your inbox. Once complete, you will have successfully done a practice hallowmas run. Hallowmas works exactly like this, one of the confessions is almost exactly a re-skinned &quotNurse your friend back to health&quot social action. This is good practice, and I hope it helps you to understand the mechanics better.[/spoiler]
edited by NiteBrite on 10/22/2015

You don’t need any menaces to send the relevant confession requests, only the recipient needs them. There are only five days to send confession requests, after which requests can still be accepted until the end of November, at which point you trade in your Spirit for rewards.

Out of curiosity, what are all the tiers and rewards for reaching different levels of spirit? I tried finding a list on the wiki, but they don’t seem to be organized like that (Or I simply failed to find them)
edited by Koenig on 10/22/2015

Look here:

[quote=Ysrthgrathe]Look here:
Ah, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. There is also a bonus making waves action on One’s Public that scales with your tier of Hallowmas Edition. The 500 spirit reward makes it so that the One’s Public card gives between 8 and 14 cp of making waves. That is a ridiculous amount of making waves considering it is a standard frequency card. Lower levels of spirit give less cp of making waves, but its generally a range of +6/-0 (ex 8+6 is 14). The lowest levels of spirit make One’s public give at least 1 cp of making waves. But yeah, I thought I’d mention it scales since the wiki isn’t very clear about that.
edited by NiteBrite on 10/23/2015

[quote=NiteBrite][quote=Ysrthgrathe]Look here:
Ah, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. There is also a bonus making waves action on One’s Public that scales with your tier of Hallowmas Edition. The 500 spirit reward makes it so that the One’s Public card gives between 8 and 14 cp of making waves. That is a ridiculous amount of making waves considering it is a standard frequency card. Lower levels of spirit give less cp of making waves, but its generally a range of +6/-0 (ex 8+6 is 14). The lowest levels of spirit make One’s public give at least 1 cp of making waves. But yeah, I thought I’d mention it scales since the wiki isn’t very clear about that.
edited by NiteBrite on 10/23/2015[/quote]
Dear f*cking god that is a lot of CP. I’m going to try and get at least 250 if I can though it will be hard.
edited by Seno on 10/23/2015

Is it worth making sure all my non-POSI friends accept my invitations first, before sending out POSI invites? Not totally clear on how the “Confessions” mechanic works.

I think everybody has their own method but I have sent out 6 single menace invitations and am waiting until those are accepted before moving on to sending anymore. I am also only accepting the single menace requests today as I presume those are among the first six for other people.

It is probable I have thoroughly misunderstood the mechanics of this Festival.

As a non-POSI, it appears that I can only have 6 offers of confession accepted? I had understood the rule at first to be that POSIs could only accept a total of 6 non-POSI offers, but that a non-POSI could have as many offers accepted as he cared to float. Since I have already sent out more than a dozen offers to various acquaintances (mostly POSI), I would appear to have wasted a number of actions.

In any event, it also appears that I should wait until after the five-day frenzy of sending confession offers is over, before I begin to accept any that may come my way? But that I can at least accept as many offers as I wish to spend the action points on, once that time is reached?

– Mal