Hallowmas: Priority Confessions

Lady, you have my most sinceer apologies, you are still in my backlog. I’ll rather quickly go through and dismiss those who have volenteered a lack of priority, and see if you come up…

Yes, I have discovered you.

I’ll be able to take care of your request in about an hour Lady Felix.
edited by ICountFrom0 on 11/8/2015

I’m afraid that after quite a while of grinding to confess, enough buried requests have been unearthed from the depths of my inbox that I have no hope of doing them all even without consigning anything. As I may not have enough time to even consign all the confessions I currently have, I’ve cancelled all outgoing requests and declined the invitations I had not yet accepted. My apologies to any who this may hurt, and specifically to Lady Taimi Felix because I declined your invitation just about fifteen minutes ago before seeing this thread whoops.

No worries, Optimatum! I understand completely. Do try not to stress about the rest of your list. =)

Well, there’s one more for you Lady Taimi.

currently i need 11 more confessions for 500 SoH and have 14 requests outstanding at this time

I’ve got you Nathan. One hour.

Okay, and there we go.
edited by ICountFrom0 on 11/8/2015

You listened to Gnostechnician confess their errors of whimsy.
You’ve gained 4 x Spirit of Hallowmas (new total 502).

Finished! Everything else is a bonus now, thanks.

Bahaha, I have 497 Spirit and only three outstanding invites left. The only way this would be funnier is if I didn’t accidentally betray my first confession by not paying attention to the storylet order; then I’d be at 499.

I am dispatching an agent with donations of Surprise Packages to the parties concerned, in the sincere hope it may encourage favorable action. I am unaware of any further recourse available to me. One simply waits now, with time—and wine—in hand.

Who are the final three? If we know them it might be possible to poke them. Otherwise, resetting your destiny for fate can get you 10 spirit. But yeah, it’s rough getting so close only to get owned by Huffam.

I have hit 500, which is not too shabby for my first Hallowmas, I think! So please feel free to prioritise me last. (Also, many thanks to Kivrin Neverwinter and Malthaussen for their witty flood of menace-inducing social actions, and Nitebrite for his/her awesome list. Things definitely would not have been possible without you!)

I apologise for Withdrawing from some confession invitations from others. Some were duplicates, others just couldn’t be fulfilled (didn’t have the right qualities for some reason. Dunno why). Know that I tried several times over the course of the week to respond before I finally withdrew on Friday. (Algol immediately comes to mind; there are probably others…)

I tend to have a &quotdo unto others what others do unto you&quot policy when it comes to Hallowmas invitations; I usually betray when betrayed, consign confessions when mine are consigned, etc., so responding to me will help me figure out what you’d prefer, but responding to my invites for that purpose should, of course, be considered less important than tending to somebody who needs the extra Spirit.
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/8/2015
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/8/2015
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/8/2015

Alex Kay, ebzfan, and PennyPenny, all of whom I suspect remain active but have long queues. I was bereft of actions at the time of my last post, but I’m working to get messages out to them now.
edited by Cat’s Tail on 11/8/2015

okay, I didn’t think I’d make this…

You’ve gained 1 x Spirit of Hallowmas (new total 500).

Feel free to reject any left from me.

[quote=Cat’s Tail ]
Alex Kay, ebzfan, and PennyPenny, all of whom I suspect remain active but have long queues. I was bereft of actions at the time of my last post, but I’m working to get messages out to them now.
edited by Cat’s Tail on 11/8/2015[/quote]
Ah I know ebzfan. I just asked them to accept your confession Their inbox is overflowing, but yours was within sight. If you are at 497, then you just need to consign that confession to the Bazaar for +4 spirit and that should take you over the 500 mark to 501. Hope that helps.
edited by NiteBrite on 11/8/2015

And I just got it. Thank you, NiteBrite! And thank you, ebzfan! And everyone else with whom I exchanged confessions (occasionally, with delicious messages attached)! I had much fun.

Det, I am about 2 minutes from confessing to you. Many thanks to Mysterious Alter for aiding me in getting to yours.
edited by Cheeetar on 11/8/2015

Oh thank the Judgements I wasn’t mentioned, I’m in the same position as PennyPenny and ebzfan with an overflowing inbox.

[quote=Cheeetar]Det, I am about 2 minutes from confessing to you. Many thanks to Mysterious Alter for aiding me in getting to yours.
edited by Cheeetar on 11/8/2015[/quote]
Thank you (and everyone who accepted). I am real close now, and might be able to sigh with relief at the end of this marathon! :)

Hay Det, you just got uncovered with minutes left…

You confess the deeds you committed to attain your high station while Andrey Kuznetsov (Det in Fallen London) listens patiently. The night has passed by the time you’re done. You feel lighter, somehow. You’ve lost a quality: Nightmares. You’ve lost a quality: Wounds. Trust Det (1 - You have shared something)

Here’s hoping you can consign that and make up more of the gap.

Is it 25 Fate to change Destiny through the Hallowmas card?

It’s a storylet in your lodgings, but yes - 25 Fate.