Hallowmas idea: get your poison here!

[music=StarWars] The Great Hallowmas Confession Acceptance Rush is drawing close. Londoners of high standing with tons of invitations piling up on their tables are in constant demand of actual sins to confess. In these uneasy times a group of people selflessly distributes their poison to fulfil this demand. [/music]

In this situation there is a high risk of messing things up, leaving people under- or oversupplied, both of which are counterproductive. I propose to organise it as follows.
You can sign up for constant supply of wounds and scandal.

How to use it.

[ul][li]You can add yourself as a supplier in the format [name], [number of actions PER DAY you can spend on menaces] and start a numbered list below. Example: Ergs can spend all of his actions on sending menaces, he sleeps for 8 hours iRL and has one candle (not an exceptional friend). This will give him 16(hours he doesn’t sleep) *6(actions per hour)+20 (full candle in the morning)~=116 (actions per day he can spend on menaces). His entry will look like: Ergs, 116, [profile - optional], [numbered list from the next line]. [/li][li]Those who need menaces should add themselves to a list corresponding to one of the suppliers and specify how many menaces you need per day. The form: [name], [menaces], [profile]. Example: Vopel, 29 Wounds, [profile link]. See below for examples of calculating menaces per day.[/li] [li]You should add yourself to list of a supplier who has not reached his capacity limit. Example: if Ergs can spend 116 actions on sending poison and scandal, and his list looks like: 1. Vopel, 30 Wounds / 2. Vop, 30 Wouns / 3. Pov, 30 Scandal it means Ergs has 116-30-30-30=26 actions he does not use, and you can add yourself to his list asking for no more then 26 menaces per day. Add a new line that will look like: 4. Vopelion, 10 Wounds, 15 Scandal.[/li][li]If you are using an alt to supply your main and lending that alt’s services to others, you can optionaly specify that one character in the list is MAIN. Example: Vopel, 29 Wounds, MAIN, [profile link].[/li][li]It is absolutely fine to add yourself to lists of more then one supplier. [/li][/ul]This list is primarily designed for those who need constant supply during this week, Please, don’t add yourself if you need one time portion of menaces.

How to calculed your menaces per day.

The easiest way to do it is to calculate your required menaces per 1 action or per 20 actions and multiply it by the number of action you spend confessing. The list below shows some values of required menaces per 20 actions.

[ul][li]If you are confessing Whimsy and give lectures in the Forgotten Quarter to grind Suspicion, then it’s 4 actions per confession and you need 5 Scandal per 20 Actions[/li][li]If you are confessing Pride, have Unaccountably Peckish around 6 and use Duchess’s Salon to gain Nightmares, then it’s 10 actions per 3 confessions and you need 6 Wounds per 20 Actions[/li][li]If you are confessing Pride as above but have low Unaccountably Peckish (around 2), then it’s 3 actions per 1 confession (until you reach Unaccountably Peckish 6) and you need 7 Wounds per 20 Actions[/li][li]If you use a 2 Pride + 1 Whimsy combo (which I am going to use), then it’s 3,22 actions per 1 confession and 4 Wounds per 20 Actions (until you run of Pride requests)[/li][/ul]To know your menaces per day you should multiply the number from the list above by [actions per day] and divide by 20. Example: Vopel uses 2 Pride + 1 Whimsy combo, he needs 4 Wounds per 20 actions and he spends 116 actions per day. This means that he needs 4*116/20=23.2 Wouns per day. His entry will look like: Vopel, 24 Wounds (23.2 round up).

The calculation and the list above are only an example, you can use them, but you can calculate your menaces per day yourself. Cards can help sometimes, but they are reliable in that they never show up when you need them. You can change your entry if your demand changes.
Please note, that some people (including myself) are using alts to supply their main characters, and the main has top priority. If for example you recieve one less scandal dupe than you were hoping for, this might mean that this action was spent to supply the main.

Tip for suppliers. If you have several characters asking for menaces from you, every time you send menaces try to distribute them as evenly as possible among your list.

Tip for suppliers #2. Try to keep track of how many menaces you have sent whom this day. You can keep a separate spreadsheet or write numbers in the googledoc. Example: Vopel, 10/29 Wounds.

Tip for comsumers. The supply of menaces is not constant throughout the day - people need to sleep and live in different timezones. If you ask for 30 Wounds per day but have not recieved any for the last five hours, this probably means that your supplier is inactive at the moment but will send you 30 Wounds later. You can use this time to bury or betray confessions, since you’ll have to do it anyway.

These tips are somewhat obvious, but I’ve added them nontheless.

It is first time for me organising this sort of thing and there are many things that can go wrong. If you have any ideas of how to improve this list, please post them here. And your general opinion on this whole idea (useless or not).

PS. I sorry to my bad Englis, I not has learned at schol strong russian accent
edited by Vopel on 11/2/2015
edited by Vopel on 11/3/2015

You say that, but seeing this thread’s title always make me think of this song.

I’d like some poison. It hurts so good~

@Vopel; I added my name to your list as a survivor, and also added the times GMT I’ll be online. That may help to avoid confusion. Obviously, those who want poison should request it of someone who is playing when they are!

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 11/2/2015

Sent you a batch. That google docs list up the thread looks nifty, add yourself to it if you need a regular supply (don’t we all)!

Maybe it’s better to indicate how many actions per day one can spend and how many menaces per day one needs. This might be less confusing. I will edit my post if you think it’s better this way.

I’d hold off on that until we see what the demand is. I’m not certain how many actions per day I’ll have to spare, because I don’t know how many I’ll need to spend on other things. And I of course have a few of my own Menaces to grind.

– Mal

Vopel, you are a gentleman and a scholar. I think I’ll probably be OK for wounds for a while with your generous application of poison, so feel free to move on to someone whose need is greater.

Lovely! Just what the doctor ordered… what do you mean that doctor’s been killing revolutionaries? In any case, please feel free to poison and dupe these three fellows if you’re willing:




Reciprocity of some sort will follow once the dust settles! I have plenty of silver coins from the museum heist if Mal or Kivrin are running low on poisons and needs dirty cash to pay off the apothecary. Or gems, but they’re quite unwise to sell. Mr Stones must have a 90% tax on his wares!


Oh, and if I see the Neath’s Mystery card show up, i’ll try to dish out some gratitude that way to our generous poisoners.

Funny, one of the Correspondence symbols is “The generous gift of murder”… hehe.

Spooky, watching an invisible hand edit Mr Vopel’s lists. I will tend to Mr Smiles as requested.

– Mal

[quote=malthaussen]Spooky, watching an invisible hand edit Mr Vopel’s lists. I will tend to Mr Smiles as requested.

– Mal[/quote]

Much obliged!

Smiles is now content for wounds I think. The rest of its requests are Whimsy. Indeed most of my gameplay will be shouldering Whimsy for the week.

Would it be acceptable for people to put themselves on two lists for different menaces? E.g. Listing under Ergs for X Scandal, and under August for Y Wounds?

That’s what I did for my more desperate situations. But I put them further down the list so it’s not overly greedy. If others join those lists, I’ll remove duplication.

Seems better to make use of idle hands than not use at all, I think.

I’m in dire need of some wounds, as I have not yet been able to procure a Starveling Cat. I have a stack of Prideful Confessions that I’m simply unable to deal with, and a bit of your ‘Chicken Soup’ would go a long way.
I have added myself to your list and thank your selfless volunteers in advance!



@jagermiastro: I’m a bit low on Actions for today, you might also add your name to Ally Moody’s list, it may be able to serve you quicker.

– Mal

I just tried to poison you but you must be currently beneath 3 Wounds. I’d recommend getting it to 3, waiting on a Poison, THEN accepting 1 Pride per Poison offer, just so your level remains above 3 - making you constantly available for more poisoning :)


Thanks for creating the document. Hope you don’t mind I created two categories at the bottom for people ‘seeking’ menace offers in general.

For what it’s worth I’ve already had about 12 confessions made easier to accept thanks to this. Hope it grows :)

Kivrin, I got… over-excited in availing of your soups and accidentally wound up in a boat rowing down the Great Soup. I feel soupendously chagrined at my soupidity.

(I should also point out that you and Mal have saved me a tremendous number of actions through this charity anyway, and I’d been missing having a worthy opponent in chess…)
edited by Speethling on 11/3/2015

Gloria Marie Valdez would definitely appreciate some poisoned soup.