It’ll keep showing up. All my characters have destinies and the card turns up pretty frequently.

Good to hear, I was a bit worried since it hadn’t turned up again today, thanks :)

[color=#ff9900]Go ahead. Click the button. Make my day.[/color][/quote]
I would love to. I just haven’t gotten any Faction cards since reaching the card-flip phase…

Haha, me neither. Oh well, I am using most of my actions in confessions at the moment, so I don’t mind saving this for later.

Odd, on a character who has wounds 5 and nightmares 5, I am attempting to accept an invitation to confess an error of violence. But when I try to accept, I get the message “You do not have the qualities to accept this invitation: you can still reject it, however.”

It is possible that the person who sent it has got up to confessions 6 - which is the cap, so they may no longer be eligible.

It’s possible that you’ve already confessed to that person before (if they have sent out two invitations by mistake). You can verify this in your &quotMyself&quot tab, under Story - see if they are listed as Trusted.

That was it! Thank you for helping me sort it out.

…So, hey! What’s the precise time that confessions end? Do we know? I know they won’t be sent on November 5, but November 5 at what time in which time zone?
edited by thedeadlymoose on 11/4/2014

Right now I think it’s almost 110 minutes left until it’s midnight in Surface London, so unless we hear otherwise I’m expecting that to be the time when the confessions get locked.

What I would like to know is what will happen to invites to confessions that have not been accepted by that time. Will it be possible to accept them later, or will the suffer from ‘lack of qualities’?

[quote=Gillsing]Right now I think it’s almost 110 minutes left until it’s midnight in Surface London, so unless we hear otherwise I’m expecting that to be the time when the confessions get locked.

What I would like to know is what will happen to invites to confessions that have not been accepted by that time. Will it be possible to accept them later, or will the suffer from ‘lack of qualities’?[/quote]

My COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL GUESS is that we can still accept them, just not send any new ones, because there’s no Quality I see that monitors the date. (of course, one could be invisible – or added.)

I’m accepting all of mine by tonight just in case.

Well, it wasn’t midnight, so now I expect confessions to get locked manually whenever FBG shows up at their office in the morning. And that ought to be a few hours away still.

I’m currently betting on being able to accept confessions even after the social actions close, since there’s no way I’ll be able to get through my queue before Failbetter closes them. crosses fingers

Yeah, same here. I was through my queue but last minute confessions have made it rather longer. So I certainly am crossing my fingers for this too… esp because I sent out some last minute confessions myself.

So, I’m starting to wonder what sort of article I’m going to be getting with around 125 points of Spirit of Hallowmas…

Me too. One one hand I feel like 200-ish is a good reasonable number, but on the other hand two of my alts have over 400.

I can only imagine NiteBrite how much NiteBrite has now. I think it was 600 points BEFORE confessions could be turned in.

Forget front page, NiteBrite could get the whole newspaper!

It was indeed 600 before confessions turned in. I could have pushed it as high as 880, but I wanted certified scraps (how I covet them so) and so I went for a different target. I’ll give you one guess as to what my final Spirit value after confessions cash in is haha


I’ll work on making a write up of my Hallowmas experience for my blog to chronicle how it all went down. But later when I am less mentally drained (possibly this weekend?). Let’s just say next year will probably be even crazier so be sure to look forward to it ;)
edited by NiteBrite on 11/6/2014

she could have eaten the newspaper…