I’d also like to know if the event is only for tonight or if it will last a few days, I could go to sleep a little more easyminded.[/quote]
No, it’s not just for tonight - you’ve got plenty of time.

That’s good to know, thank you.
You might want to put that information inside the game, for the sake of the unlucky players who don’t go to the forums.

Thank you Chris :)
RNG has finally been kind to me, I can sleep well!

I’m not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but I can’t think where else to do it…

As a new player (or at least, new to all this–I played many years ago before it came along) I was hugely excited to choose my destiny. Too excited, in fact, because I wound up on a mountain without really realising what I was doing, and now I have no way to get back. I’m left with three choices, one of which is fate-locked, I’d like to take it, but I’m scared to do so and end up with my first ever destiny being the complete opposite of what I wanted. Is it allowable for me to ask someone to PM me with a bit of a hint as to what destiny I might end up facing if I make that choice?
edited by theduckopera on 11/1/2014

[quote=Fhoenix]You can confess again. But it resets the old quality, so you can not bury/sell the old secret.[/quote]This is strange, because when I look at the options to devour/sell the old secrets, I get a list of eligible contacts which include both old confessions from last year and recent confessions from this year (for me there’s no overlap between those two), and at least one of them is someone I confessed to, but who didn’t confess anything to me. If I try to actually send one of those invites, would the game realise that a certain contact isn’t eligible after all? Because as far as I know, if they’re in the list, they’re eligible.

Sure, if you are still stuck there, you can PM me for advice.

A fresh confession has a trust of 1, a secret buried last year has trust 2, and a secret buried twice (last year and this year) has a trust of 3. Keep in mind that the Myself tab shows the state of the secrets other people keep for you. So the only way to check what secrets YOU keep is to open the bury action. If you can bury somebody old secret then they have trust 2.
Confessing again will reset trust to 1. It is entirely possible to go from to 2 to 1. But I don’t think you can confess people once they hit 3. At least none of my old contacts are eligible, I only see new people in my list of targets. Which is a shame, I’d like to confess old friends again.

Man, I wish that Watchful check wasn’t so difficult. It’s just 2 Nex, but it took a while to get that option to show up and I failed effectively twice. Hope it turns up again soon, and that I don’t fail again with a Sudden Insight safeguard.

Edit: …and that’s fail number two for Gloria. I got a success on Madison, however, so at least I have Cantigaster Venom on one of my accounts. Maybe next year, Gloria. ^^
edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/1/2014

[color=#ff9900]There are new options relating to the dossier on the Bohemian, Great Game, Society and Criminals opportunity cards.[/color][/quote]
I have filled out the dossier, but I’m nervous about turning it in: I want to shut [THIS PERSON] down. Should I wait for another opportunity, or will [SUDDEN YET INEVITABLE BETRAYAL] present itself only after handing in [HIDDEN FUN STUFF]?

[color=#ff9900]Hand in the dossier, then look for the option you want in [THIS PERSON]'s Parlour. [/color]

Is this going to be a huge Downer Ending, where [THIS PERSON] escapes with the dossier, cursing our name and [THEIR FORMER EMPLOYERS]?

I haven’t finished the content yet, I just TVTropes too much…

[color=#ff9900]Go ahead. Click the button. Make my day.[/color]

[color=#ff9900]Hand in the dossier, then look for the option you want in [THIS PERSON]'s Parlour. [/color][/quote]
Thank you kindly. :)
edited by Evil Midnight Lurker on 11/1/2014

How much of an effect are destinies going to have in the grand scheme of things, and when will they come into effect? Do little things change overall, or can we expect to end up in a dramatically different place than if we had chosen another one? Are there other ways to get the content (e.g. with the outcome I assume comes from the Bishop of Southwark destiny) without making that choice?

So far Destinies haven’t had a role in anything beyond being fascinating and a nice +5 in a stat, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they unlocked some content in the (possibly far) future.

[color=#ff9900]I was still in the process of making everything live, but you should be able to choose a destiny in your lodgings now.[/color][/quote]

Hi Chris, I also received the Vistor At Hallowmas card around this time and found nothing at my lodgings. I’ve just checked now and it’s still business as usual, nothing destiny-related.

Which option did you pick on the Visitor card? I can see the Gates at Midnight storylet in my lodgings.

I honestly don’t recall, sorry :( The only storylets available are the generic Hallowmas ones and Trade In Faces

Hi Chris, I also received the Vistor At Hallowmas card around this time and found nothing at my lodgings. I’ve just checked now and it’s still business as usual, nothing destiny-related.[/quote]
You have to have chosen an option that grants A Possible Future on the visitors card to unlock a destiny.

Again, I can’t confirm which option I chose, but I do specifically remember receiving the “[Return to your lodgings to see your Destiny]” prompt. Since I don’t have any record of it, I understand if anything can’t be done about it; in that case, will I have to wait until next year/pay 10 nex or is there a possibility of the Visitor card showing up in the opportunity deck again?