Hallowmas Betrayals for Connected: Masters

I recall odds of about 1 in 3 or slightly better.

EDIT: TIME has come calling. Betray me at your leisure!

~Shalinoth & The Jacks.
edited by Shalinoth on 11/4/2015

As I begin responding to more of the confession invites I’ve received, I’m discovering a lot more confessions of Whimsy that were pushed down my queue and forgotten. With that in mind, I’m declaring my willingness to be betrayed. That said, Time the Healer arrives very late Tuesday/early Wednesday for me, so I’d prefer if the betrayals happened after that point.

I’m cool with betrayals only for my alt, Galatea LaChance:

Though anyone who betrays her is fair game for betrayal themselves.

Betray my trust! Break my covenants! Burn me, blind me, bring me to grief!

I (Vopel) am fine with being betrayed by anyone (but preferably not on Thursday between 11 am and 5 pm GMT). I might as well decide to betray you in return, if you are fine with it.

Interesting how the willingness to be betrayed began as an organised and very civil disobedience, but has become a tactical necessity for mass whimsy collectors. :) This couldn’t have gone better if the Masters had planned it themselves…

It’s no neccessity, but it is useful. I think i can manage my acceptances either way, really.

Less a necessity and more of a convenience; I have more than enough actions to cover everything, but if I can do it in fewer and enrich someone else at the same time, so much the better.

I haven’t tallied my pending invites to the real-world number of actions remaining [sleeplessness permitting…] so hopefully I won’t need to rely on betrayals either… but it’s going to be interesting watching the Scandal escalate in the Messages tab this week!

It might be prudent to remember that clicking the Story tab or any “Onwards!” buttons when a message makes a menace 8+ will trigger the relevant imprisonment. Since Betrayals are a mere 1CP upon the betrayed, I’m sure we’ll be more than able to keep ahead of it though.

Thanks to all involved for organising this!

while this is my first hallowmas, i will agree to a mutual betrayal

If you wanna betray me, go hog wild, I don’t mind.

I don’t mind being betrayed, though of course it would be mutual if you confessed to me ;)

Am going to accept all the requests first before getting round to deciding what to do with my confessions. I really hope I have the time since I’d clear forgotten to factor in Real Life on the Surface. gulp

Is it intentional that we can’t betray a non-POSI who gave their confession after already having 5? I was hoping that we’d only lose out on Spirit and other things, but I suppose any of those are wasted now.

Does the other player at least get something out of it?

I would prefer if people betrayed me before next sunday, as that’s when TTH comes. That said, I don’t need a lot of MW to reach the old notability level, so i’ll be fine either way.

I do plan on betraying everyone on the list according to the rules of that list, so if you’re in the mutual section or just wish to betray your betrayers be sure to get me in the process. I’m currently going through my backlog of Confessions prior to dealing with any of them, so it might be a little while before I can betray anyone.

Likewise, I am working through accepting everyone’s invites before I decide to betray.

I will be careful of Time-sensitive ones where requested.

edited by Shalinoth on 11/2/2015

I am open to be betrayed starting from Wednesday (as I am waiting for Time the Healer on Tuesday). Username same as here.

Ah, didn’t realize I was getting free points of Scandal from this! I knew that I got something wrong with my menace grind

Yes if you’re expecting lots of betrayals it’s worth leaving your Scandal at 1 (+1 with stockings) and seeing if the ‘free’ Scandal tallies up while you work on the Pride grinds first. Or so I’m trying anyway. When I need to accept a Whimsy invite, I just quickly swap out the hats so I’m ready for that ‘free’ betrayal Scandal again.

There’s also a poison-me / dupe-me thread on here!


Hmm… has Masters gain Rare success rate dropped this year?

Just did 8 betrayals in a row, and all are &quotMr Fires&quot no gain outcomes, on my Masters Level 11 character.

My Masters Level 8.8 character got Mr Iron on his second attempt, increasing to Level 9 exactly.

EDIT: Finally! 9th time’s the charm. Shally went from 11.5 to 11.6 :)

edited by Shalinoth on 11/3/2015