Hallowmas 1896: The Mystery of the Rosers

Can confirm that the access code works and gives out confessions to Seekers who have fully gone NORTH. They can’t be used or traded in any way, though.

London’s postal service is really quite impeccable.

[quote=Hannah Flynn][color=#0066ff]A few notes which might help relieve some of the worries that we’ve heard about:

[ul][li]We’re giving out a total of 12 free confessions this year, aside from the additional 5 we’ve made available on an access code (above). These will be given out one per weekday (not at weekends) until the 6th (because timezones make the last day a bit dicey).[/li][li]There won’t be an achievement this year for collecting all of the companions. Mr Huffam will want to ask you about your favourite achievement in the festival, out of all that you’ve done this year.[/li][li]There are multiple endings to the Mystery of the Rosers. To get the most unique ending you’ll need to gather all of the clues, which will require 6 confessions.[/li][li]To get the ‘default’ ending will require no confessions at all. Some players will probably want to get this ending for roleplaying reasons.[/li][li]There are alternative endings which will require 3 confessions to access. [/li][li]These endings will all be revealed and available from the 31st, and you’ll be able to see what you need to achieve each before committing to any of them.[/quote][/li][/ul][/color]This is extremely useful. Thank you.

(If I could make one small request: Next Hallowmas, could you make this sort of information available at the start of the event? Not in the announcement, necessarily–I can see why you wouldn’t want to clutter it with detail–but somewhere accessible? I think it would save much teeth-gnashing [and, let us be honest, bellyaching].)

Also of course, thank you for the spare confession bonanza. Much obliged.


You say this like it’ll stop me. rubs hands together

(definitely thank you for the Free Confessions. My companion hoard is pleased)
edited by MidnightVoyager on 10/25/2018

I really appreciate the update, and the extra confessions. I would rather there was a Fate-free way to do it all, though. Elections are my favorite festival for a reason: with a few minor (annoying) exceptions, you can work hard and reap the rewards without trading Fate. I feel every festival should be like that: Fate should only be necessary if you don’t want to drop everything to work on the festival.

I see what you did with the Envoy’s offer of a free pet, by the way: that’s a good way to make sure new players can upgrade something. Very, very, very confused new players.
edited by Saklad5 on 10/25/2018

Buginess aside. Even with the extra confessions (which, don’t get me wrong, are appreciated) I’m still not a fan of this event. Previous complaints that there is nothing to do the entire two weeks and the interface clutter it has brought still stand. I hope they change it for next year.

So i have wasted 4 confessions on progress… And its basically useless. Haha only 2 favours from it. Nice joke, nice Failbetter. I am glad that i still have enough confessions to reach the weapon thanks to access code.
Never. Never. Never play FL without wiki or / and forum.
edited by Waterpls on 10/25/2018

Well I just screwed myself on the Mayor’s weapon. I saw the forum talking about it’s stats and decided if I was gonna go for anything first it’d be that. So I turned in my confessions and then oh, surprise, a storylet appears to ask the mayor what he wants when you reach a certain amount of favor? Cool! Lore! Let’s find out! GUESS WHAT, IT TAKES 10 FAVOR. That REALLY could have been made cleared, because I wasted nearly 2 full confessions worth of favor on that storylet because it wasn’t clear that it had a cost!

I was already feeling sour because of the limited confessions, absolutely nothing to actually DO for two weeks (even grinding would be better) and now I’ve taken my already limited options for what I can get this event, because I’m broke and paying for Exceptional Friendship is the best I can do each month, and possibly screwed myself out of them!
So yeah, I’m not happy. Christ, this is a boring event and I’ve never been BORED playing fallen london before.

There will be more free confessions coming. One per weekday. So, you should still be able to get the Mayoral Weapon.

So, what does the progress do? A roundabout mechanic for confession… swapping… conversion… something?

There will be more free confessions coming. One per weekday. So, you should still be able to get the Mayoral Weapon.[/quote]

Yeah, I know, but with those 5 extra confessions and the 12 free ones, I would have had JUST enough to get the weapon and the 3 companions I wanted, ignoring the story entirely which already hurt enough. So that did screw me out of my already few options, so forgive me for being more then a little pissed.

Would that be the option to &quotAsk what the Mayor is up to&quot? Because that option clearly has a requirement: &quotYou need Contrarian’s Favour 10&quot. And with Contrarian’s Favour being a currency of sorts, it certainly indicates to me that asking the man what he’s up to has a cost.

But I’m sure I’d be grumpy too if I had done the same. And I’d thank you for the warning. But I think I already read something about that option in an earlier post.

edited by Gillsing on 10/26/2018

How does the Princess greet you if you hadn’t helped her before?

Would that be the option to &quotAsk what the Mayor is up to&quot? Because that option clearly has a requirement: &quotYou need Contrarian’s Favour 10&quot. And with Contrarian’s Favour being a currency of sorts, it certainly indicates to me that asking the man what he’s up to has a cost.

But I’m sure I’d be grumpy too if I had done the same. And I’d thank you for the warning. But I think I already read something about that option in an earlier post.

edited by Gillsing on 10/26/2018[/quote]

Unfortunately I hadn’t read that far into this thread before I clicked the option. And yeah, in retrospect a cost seems likely, but in spur of the moment &quotOh, more story!&quot reaction, it’s not as obvious. I guess that I’m also upset to be forced to choose between story or items like this…especially when there’s so little to actually do.

I really appreciate FBG’s clarifications earlier in this thread.

However, I’m left still unsure what we’re “supposed” to do in this event. Given that confessions are a limited resource, there’s practically no room for error, so I feel discouraged from picking any option.

I understand that, theoretically, with the 12+5 confessions this should be enough to both get the mayor’s weapon and get the clues needed for the “unique” ending teased. But I have no idea what actions would lead me towrads said ending, and what options would cost irreplaceable confessions while not helping towards that goal.

I understand there’s a choice here (though I dislike it, and prefer some way to grind for everything, with cost and effort). But my point is that even if you know what choice you want to make, and even with FBG semi-explaining the mechanics, I have no idea what actions to pursue and which to avoid.

(Should I go for “progress”? For “clues”? Would upgrading companions factor into this? This is the one holiday event where the mechanics seem to encourage a “do nothing for now” approach)

[quote=dov](Should I go for &quotprogress&quot? For &quotclues&quot? Would upgrading companions factor into this? This is the one holiday event where the mechanics seem to encourage a &quotdo nothing for now&quot approach)[/quote]Based on the clarification from earlier, the exact requirements for the Rosers story endings will be revealed on October 31. So the best course of action, for now, would indeed seem to be &quotdo nothing for now&quot.

A quick and probably dumb question: is there a manner to obtain Feducci’s Lance with Fate this year? Much like the old companions.

When does the daily story to get a new confession appear? I got my 3 on Wednesday evening (and now the five from the access code) but I never saw any way to get the daily confession I expected yesterday at all. So I want to make sure I don’t miss today’s one either.

With the five extra, I don’t too much if I missed one but missing two would make my plans for the festival a little hard to complete.

Not really sure when they’ll be released every day, but it is worth noting that you can’t miss 'em; the way mechanically that the daily confessions work is that if you don’t get your free one today, you can just pick up two tomorrow, etc. So don’t worry too much about &quotmissing&quot them - as long as you log in towards the end of the festival at least once, you can grab them all in one fell swoop.
edited by Barse on 10/26/2018

Hi! I am pretty sure that I’d seen somewhere that for Rosers you’ll require six confessions (one of each kind) + optionally six more to buy three Clues. Am I correct? Blue answer above suggests that no, I am not, and 6 confessions will be sufficient for ultimate Rosers mystery soiving. But, someone got the same impression as me?

There’s a reddit confession trading thread here (https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/9qzraq/hallowmas_1896_confession_trading_thread/) that has all the upgradable companion stats:

Wretched Mog
Princeling of the Wakeful Court: W+8, S+4
An August Feline: D+8, P+4
Fairly Tame Sorrow-Spider
Spider of Silken Marvels: D+7, S+5
Senatorial Spider: P+7, W+5
Deshrieked Mandrake
Mandrake Who Sings Haunting Lamentations: P+4, W+2, Resp+1
Very Well-Behaved Mandrake: S+4, W+2, Bizarre+1
Protective Mandrake: D+4, S+2, Dreaded+1
Scuttering Squad
Scuttering Palace Guard: W+10, D+10, P+10
Scuttering Scoundrels: W+10, S+10, D+10
Unassuming Judge
Very Lenient Judge: P+10, Resp+2
Assuming Judge: W+10, Dreaded+2
Special &quotWeapon&quot:

Private Debating Lessons with the Jovial Contrarian: P+20, Dreaded +2
edited by DeserterKalak on 10/26/2018
edited by DeserterKalak on 10/26/2018