Thanks. I assume you got Waves for that? Could anyone share the reward for being interviewed as the ambassador?
I did get Waves, but not a massive amount. I have MW 9 now, I didn’t pay attention to how much I had before that.
Sir Fred went for Duchess interview; Hubris for self-as-ambassador; Juniper for Haunting Lamentations; Esther for Debating Lessons. Results in their respective profiles!
As I wrote over in the ‘Most painful failures’-thread: it didn’t appear to me that there are different flavours of companions since they all share the same artwork. I’m new to Hallowmas and was a bit confused by the mechanics and what to do and when to do it.
And now I am very displeased by the fact that I have to wait a d__n year to get the right companions. Wait for me, my Mandrake Who Sings Haunting Lamentations!
And what of the rewards?
A Sworn Statement and a decent chunk of Making Waves each - enough to go from ~8 to ~10.
So no Notability for anything. Unfortunate, but good to know.
Leonard chose to get himself interviewed, as now he is the ambassador to a city whose envoy made such a splash, he absolutely mustn’t miss the opportunity to.
But to be perfectly honest, his true favorite accomplishment this Hallowmas was the many cats he has established a firmer connection with… (Also on his mantelpiece.)
I’ve said this before, and I will say it again, thank you for the cats, FBG! I still would love to see the mog in the Bazaar. Oh, and I also edited the Wretched Mog’s SSea portrait into August Feline for funsies:
edited by silurica on 11/7/2018
For all:
If you’d be so kind, besides the echoes of the different results, can you please check your qualities and find under Accomplishments the new quality "The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1896" (you might need to refresh the page) and find the quality’s value (can be seen when hovering over it) and unique text?
Help us fill the gaps here.
Looks to be the same 25 MW as in previous years, I went up most of the way from 37 to 38.
[quote=dov]For all:
If you’d be so kind, besides the echoes of the different results, can you please check your qualities and find under Accomplishments the new quality "The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1896" (you might need to refresh the page) and find the quality’s value (can be seen when hovering over it) and unique text?
Help us fill the gaps here.
Already done for all four.
[quote=dov]For all:
If you’d be so kind, besides the echoes of the different results, can you please check your qualities and find under Accomplishments the new quality "The Unexpurgated Gazette: Hallowmas Edition of 1896" (you might need to refresh the page) and find the quality’s value (can be seen when hovering over it) and unique text?
Help us fill the gaps here.
Here’s what I have that seems to be still missing there:
4 - ‘Votes for spiders?’ the article asks, with a picture of your spider looking very dignifed indeed. ‘There are no limits to what an ambitious spider can achieve’, the article concludes.
(It’s the Senatorial Spider.)
[quote=silurica]Here’s what I have that seems to be still missing there:
4 - ‘Votes for spiders?’ the article asks, with a picture of your spider looking very dignifed indeed. ‘There are no limits to what an ambitious spider can achieve’, the article concludes.
(It’s the Senatorial Spider.)[/quote]
Thanks. Do you have the resulting text echoed?
Thanks. Already grabbed them from your characters’ profiles :-)
We have collected all the echoes over at reddit. If you want to take a look, you find everything here:
edited by rahv7 on 11/7/2018
Will the storylet for the interview hang around, or do we have to do the interview within say a week?
I’m not currently on the Notability treadmill though I am due to start another run to overcap another stat to 215. And a single action generating 25 MW might be useful to bank until I get to the higher Notability levels.
Oh, I missed that the Widow’s interview isn’t there yet. Here’s her Gazette quality:
15 - ‘The proper approach!’ The Gazette is pleased with the appointment of the Gracious Widow as ambassador to the city of roses. They do a very thorough job of avoiding any mention of the Widow’s history, connections or occupation. The Widow declares the article ‘tolerable.’
You can find the interview and gazette edition for the Very Lenient Judge my profile page. (I haven’t got any experience with wiki editing)
It’ll not be around forever. About a week may be right, but I don’t think we have any official word on the exact time.