[quote=Meradine Heidenreich]I chose the Duchess, but one of our house mates has frittered the confessions on companions so will be finding out what happens if you roll up to the envoy empty-handed. Or has someone already done that? Would love to see an echo.
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 11/4/2018[/quote]
The envoy will tell you the answer to the mystery (echo here). After that, you will be able to go to Arbor with a chosen companion depending on progress level and they will be the ambassador.
Thanks, silurica!
There are actually five options for ambassador. The three ladies, the mayor and the player.
Is anyone else getting a confession of curiosity stuck in their possessions list that can’t actually be used? I think I actually traded it away but the icon stayed with the sender regardless. Twice.
EDIT: I had to refresh the browser. Fixed.
edited by Shalinoth on 11/4/2018
Am I right that there’s no point getting Clues from just 1 of them if we don’t plan to get all 3 clues?
I have enough confessions to get 3 progress with one of them, but not 3 clues, so I think that lets me walk the Arbor with them.
For the alt with random unhelpful confessions that can’t be turned into progress… I assume just hold on to them and see what event’s end offers.
I think I can walk with the Mayor for ‘free’ on the alt, so long as I have no Progresses at 3.
[quote=Shalinoth]Am I right that there’s no point getting Clues from just 1 of them if we don’t plan to get all 3 clues?
I have enough confessions to get 3 progress with one of them, but not 3 clues, so I think that lets me walk the Arbor with them.
For the alt with random unhelpful confessions that can’t be turned into progress… I assume just hold on to them and see what event’s end offers.
I think I can walk with the Mayor for ‘free’ on the alt, so long as I have no Progresses at 3.[/quote]
Having a 1-3 clues lets you choose to solve the mystery instead of witnessing the solving. Each clue then gains you 1 antique mystery, and each also has a short text passage associated with it. You need all three clues to become the ambassador yourself.
3 progress, on the other hand, is needed to take anyone other than the mayor with you to Arbor, and to see them appointed ambassador if you prefer them over yourself or have less than 3 clues.
Thanks, Koschei.
What does solving do that witnessing doesn’t?
And are solving and taking someone to Arbor entirely separate?
I think I’m in a conundrum where I can get either a clue or 3 progress, with the Widow. But not both.
Solving it just means giving the envoy the clues you’ve gathered. Bit of extra text and the mysteries as rewards. It all leads to the same ending in Arbor. So it comes down to whether you prefer the Widow or the Contrarian as ambassador.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 11/4/2018
What’s the last day that you can hand in confessions? Is it the 6th or the 7th?
I’m a little confused and maybe need some advice.
So happened that I can choose a companion for a trip to Arbor. It is very complicated choice between the duchess and the princess. Of course, the missing sister causes more sympathy than mere curiosity. But for me the old lady with cats clearly inferior to the princess even if she is dangerous. I have nothing against cats, only against such old lady ;).
And worries me that all of this is somehow wrong and maybe I missed something. All this of course is ridiculous but how do you make a similar choice?
I really hope Failbetter will simply let us choose our last confession. It could be a rather hectic day otherwise.
She certainly wears a lot of makeup, this I grant. As for being old… well, that’s for spoiler tags. I will say, however, that few of London’s citizens were around when the Duchess was in her late twenties. The Masters. The landlord of everyone’s favorite hotel. Perhaps a few others. Not the Widow. And certainly not you.
…I will say, however, that few of London’s citizens were around when the Duchess was in her late twenties… And certainly not you.[/quote]
Are you certain, Professor? Are you quite certain?
…I will say, however, that few of London’s citizens were around when the Duchess was in her late twenties… And certainly not you.[/quote]
Are you certain, Professor? Are you quite certain?[/quote]Not the "professor", but yes, quite certain. The full context is important here:
[quote=Siankan]few of London’s citizens were around when the Duchess was in her late twenties. The Masters. The landlord of everyone’s favorite hotel. Perhaps a few others. Not the Widow. And certainly not you.[/quote] With a sufficiently loose definition of "citizen", nothing about that is incorrect.
And certainly not you.[/quote]
Are you certain, Professor? Are you quite certain?[/quote]
Let me put it this way: How many Cities have you seen Fall?
I had referred to the "certainly not you" part specifically.
Urchin ancestor tribes date roughly to the Second City. They had access to Nadir. Admittedly, I do not know how long ago Knotted Sock tradition of diamond-in-a-sock appeared.
And certainly not you.[/quote]
Are you certain, Professor? Are you quite certain?[/quote]
Let me put it this way: How many Cities have you seen Fall?[/quote]
Oh, I don’t recall.
edited by Dunecat on 11/5/2018
Good time of the day, delicious friends! It happened so I’ve been out of the city for most of the Hallowmas, and thus require assistance. What are the ultimate companions this season? Are there any particularly cunning,ferocious or charming (11 or more) among them? I humbly await your answer and wish to repay the favour in any possible way.
Thank you beforehand.
Unfortunately, that is not the case for companions. Most notable of them would probably be judges (+2 BRD) or rat guard (+10 to three parameters, depending on specialization). Only Mayoral Lessons are exceptional, however it is a weapon.
edited by Dunecat on 11/5/2018
Then a weapon it is! Thank you very much, delicious friend!