Hallowmas 1895 is Here!

I don’t think that’s how it works–you can get a confession every time one is offered. Getting one every time this week won’t lessen what you can get next week, as far as I know.

Are they even going to stick around the entire time? (I have no idea, as I gobbled them up as soon as I saw them). Is the one from Tuesday still here if you didn’t pick it up?

Yes, but the second week confessions are more valuable, and if you save up all your chances this week and use them next week, you’ll get more of the more valuable confessions.

Ah. Yes, if you intend to trade them all in then of course. I guess I was thinking if you are planning to get some companions as well - in that case you still need to get the right mix of lower-level confessions and getting them early gives you more time to trade them till you get the right mix

If you claim a free confession this week, you have 1/4 chance of getting any of the &quotlower&quot confessions (Bishop / Barrister / Councillor / Cheery Man).

If you claim a free confession next week, you have a 1/7 chance of getting any of the 7 confessions. So the more of your free confessions you claim just next week, the higher higher chances for having more of the valuable confessions (Curate / Lordship / Contrarian).

Since most people are claiming their free confessions, the valuable ones will be more scarce and harder to find partners to trade. So you’ll be dependent on finding the right NPC conversion options (which change daily).

In short: if you pay attention to the rotating NPC conversion options you should be fine no matter what confessions you start with. But it’s easier to just claim them in the second week.

I must admit, I’m surprised that so little noise has been made about the Criminal Record option with Feducci. As long as I’ve been playing the game I’ve heard people wish fondly for a reduction in their Criminal Record, and lo, here we are. Did the option just get overlooked, with everything else going on? (I will admit that the words “+20 Dangerous” are… distracting.)

So if we don’t claim our confessions this week, we can still get all the backlogged ones next week? Is there a quality keeping track of how many we’ve claimed so far?

OK–now I’m totally confused. I thought that the chance to pick up a confession would disappear if not used. I don’t remember skipping days last year to come back to 3 individual chances for a confession. I think we need some official confirmation of how this works.
edited by Tay1or on 10/26/2017

The quality tracking the number of free confessions you’ve picked up is &quotHallowmas: The Aftermath of an Audacious Theft&quot. Currently the lock is at 4 and picking up a free confession adds 1 to that quality, i.e. once you’ve picked up 5 the storylet is locked. In a few days (or tomorrow, or whenever) FBG will raise that lock to 5, allowing everyone to pick up another. This does mean that yes, you can leave &quotAftermath of an Audacious Theft&quot at 1, wait until the end of the holiday when the storylet locks at 13 or whatever, and pick them all up at once.

It’s only the other kind - Temperance Campaigner, Clathermont, Filmmaker - that time out after a few days.

EDIT: While it is possible to save all confessions if you so desire, as laid out by Absintheuse below it seems like it won’t affect how many of which kind of confession you receive.
edited by Barse on 10/26/2017

I don’t see that under my qualities–

Ah, I should qualify - it’s a hidden quality, as indicated by the green outline of its icon on the storylet lock. It’s there, but it’s not something you can see in your qualities list.

EDIT: The name of the quality is shown here - like things like Obscurity, it just doesn’t show up in your personal qualities list.

edited by Barse on 10/26/2017

Ah! Thanks, Barse!

[color=#cc0099]We wouldn’t advise waiting until the second week to claim your free confessions, as there’s no benefit to doing so. The first confessions from the ‘Collect Another Mysterious Confession’ storylet will always come from the same range of confessions, even if you collect them on the second week.[/color]

Good to know! I’ll amend my post so as to not spread any misinformation.

Since I already spent a number of my confessions on companions, do you think it will still be possible for me to get enough to gain 60 favor? I can probably get 2-3 maaaaybe 4 more confessions using notability.

There’s no way to tell without knowing how much of Feducci’s Favor we can get for the second week confessions.

Had there been just one free confession today? Or more?

On the matter of feedback: I think adding an option to use a Night-Whisper to bribe Urchins into getting a Confession for you would be a fairly nice and lore-friendly little addition.

Bit late to the party, but I must disagree when connecting hardcore players to Notability grind! You just need to have been present little before the Feast (this means around 9 months) and used at least 135 Fate (mask which is 30 or 40, Rosary 40, Owl 45, Velocipede 20) and you’re already at 26 BDR with all the rest of the equipment. Add Midnighter, tattoo for 28, spice it with another 100 Fate and there: 31 BDR for less than 60$!

If you want something for the hardcore players, pop in MW requirement and that is where the vets will excel and the noobs (low BDR) have a chance! T3 items, EIs and SKs, ToT stacked up, Salon/Orphanage to the roof, Fidgeting cash-ins and so on. :)

Just one confession item and one confession which is a quality (inside the story tab).

I misclicked and spent 15 fate for a confession…

I’d just like there was a confirmation message for fate options. I mean, it’s real money vanishing…