Well, this will certainly be less time-intensive than last year’s festival. But at least it will keep contacts lists from spiralling into the millions.
– Mal
Well, this will certainly be less time-intensive than last year’s festival. But at least it will keep contacts lists from spiralling into the millions.
– Mal
For the curious: selling the illuminated man’s confession to the rubberies grants 2 favours, so I’d assume that’s the going rate.
Now the only question is if it’s in any way feasible to grind enough favours for a bellringer before the season ends…
I have a spare Jenny confession, which I will gladly trade for anything but the Kashmiri Princess’s. I would have traded with IHNIWTR, but his link is tainted with the "~" bug.
Update: trade made, thanks.
edited by Michile on 10/24/2016
Just copy and paste the link in quotes into the addressbar and it’ll work:
"http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Daniel Vaise"
If that doesn’t work, this might.
Quick question. Is it possible to get all companions in one go, or should I start trading confessions for the ones I need to upgrade? I currently have 3 confessions and none are similar.
Only three confesion per day? And then you cannot get more. Im still at the begining of the game.
“So hungry” option gives a huuuge bunch of Nightmares, a little Wounds and a little MW, and also reduces Watchful by roughly one level (all on failure, hasn’t managed to succeed yet). Also, something’s up with its difficulty challenge - I had 2% chance of success with 274 Watchful, but now it’s 3% with 208 Watchful. Does it actually give better chances to people with lower Watchful? Or is it dependant on Nightmares, or something else?
Anyway, here’s the text for failure, if anyone’s interested: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Mikarissa?fromEchoId=9952400
Would love to see the success result, if anyone managed it yet.
if it’s 2/3 per day, a regular player would be able to get all companions with some amount of luck, but a non-trivial amount. If it’s 1 per day… Not so much. So it’s hard to tell how many you’ll be able to get, at least not today. Start with companions that’ll actually help you[1]- only two of those on the list are best in slot- and even then, there are superior fate-locked items. All others are only worth getting for the sake of collection or because they’re better than what you have.
Specifically, the rubbery Campanologist is a +8 persuasive (tied with an election item, better than any other fate-free companion by 1, better than the bellringer/rector by 1 point exactly, worse than profession items by one point.) The bengal tigress is a +9 dangerous (tied with dangerous profession companions, inferior to the laconic prodigy by one point, superior to all other fate-free dangerous companions by at least one point), as well as persuasive +7 (The silver standard for persuasive companions. As of right now, there are only 4 unprofessional items that beat that number- 1 requires renown, 1 is a campaign item, and 2 are fate-locked, and ~70 fate, IIRC, as well as mutually exclusive.)
edited by Grenem on 10/24/2016
Woo, Hallowmas just started and already I’ve traumatized a goldfish.
Kinda wish I could sell my Unfinished Hat now that I have another +2 BDR pet.
[quote=Tofan Bogdan]
2. How many confessions can people get per day? For me it seems it is 3.[/quote]
More if you’re willing to sacrifice notability, but yeah, that appears to be the limit.
[quote=Tofan Bogdan]1. And what is the deal with Attract a Visitor at Hallowmas? I searched the options and in my opinion is all bad.
2. How many confessions can people get per day? For me it seems it is 3.
edited by Tofan Bogdan on 10/24/2016[/quote]
Attract a visitor at hallowmas is a way to gather MW and nightmares so you can use the visitors at hallowmas card- which has all options except one locked if nightmares are below 5. It’s not a terrible source of MW either. I suggest buying blind fish and/or getting a destiny.
We don’t know how many confessions people can get a day. Normal people were able to get three confessions today, but who knows if that’ll be the standard, or how many it’ll be tomorrow- it may have included a "start-of-festival-freebie". Notable individuals can sacrifice 5 points notability for an additional confession at any time, apparently. Also, if feeding the river is still in circulation, that isn’t a bad possibility- at my watchful, it’s an 80% chance of 2 echoes profit and CP drownies, and a 20% chance of -0.5 echoes profit.
Are the Accomplice/Urchin/Henchman upgrades mutually exclusive?
Do the upgraded versions of these companions count for unlocking any related Opportunity Cards?
Well, my alt has a two-BDR pet and a Tiny Cave Fish. Fab.
Anyone worked out how soul-selling works this year?
As far as I’m aware (though I’m not 100% sure, so forgive me for any inaccuracies), you can gain upgrades for any of your companions, but there aren’t any opportunity cards for companions.
As far as I’m aware (though I’m not 100% sure, so forgive me for any inaccuracies), you can gain upgrades for any of your companions, but there aren’t any opportunity cards for companions.
[quote=PSGarak]Are the Accomplice/Urchin/Henchman upgrades mutually exclusive?
Do the upgraded versions of these companions count for unlocking any related Opportunity Cards?[/quote]
The answer to the former is almost certainly yes- they’re becoming new item types, I hypothesize. Which is not to say you can’t have one of each, they’ll just each require their own Accomplice/Urchin/Henchman, and you’ll get just the stats listed, not the sum of both stats.
The answer to the latter is unknown- quite likely no[1], but it is far from certain.
[1]most event items don’t have opportunity cards- most items don’t have such cards period- and the pentecost ape {an upgraded malevolent monkey at the rose-feast} does not have its nasty card carry
ive read somewhere (I think it was a wiki comment) you can sell your soul for a higher then ussual price in this event where can you do that?
I’m trying to figure out where to go to get confessions from iother players. I think I saw the storylet earlier, but I can’t seem to locate oit again.
I think its a rare "attract a visitor" value.
Yes, its 32-35.
edited by suinicide on 10/24/2016
[quote=malthaussen]Well, this will certainly be less time-intensive than last year’s festival. But at least it will keep contacts lists from spiralling into the millions.
– Mal[/quote]
Speak for yourself. As far as I can tell, the only way to grind confessions is to keep raising notability to 6 and spending 5 for a random one. Just waved good by to my 11 notability and now the grind begins. Still burning through Tales of Terror but this will get a lot slower really soon. This is the first time I’ve wished I still had access to the shuttered palace since I left.