Hallowmas 1893: Confessions List

Carbaradys - PoSI - Any - All days

Forgive me if this is a silly question, but as we put in the list on what days we would like to receive confessions, why does there still have to be a new list for every day of Hallowmas?

ancusohm - PoSI, Whimsy or Curiosity, all days, http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/ancusohm

Hollowmas is my priority this week. I am planning on spending every possible action on confessions, so please never be afraid to ask me for one.
edited by ancusohm on 10/26/2015

I’m a bit confused about listing what kind of confessions we’d like to receive–the active action is to seek a confession, right? So does putting yourself down as, e.g. “Whimsy and Pride” mean that you want people to seek those confessions from you, and by implication that you have the Menaces for it?

Professor Hoodoo - PoSI - Any

That’s how I understood it. You list which actions to you will be possible.

I’m relatively new to Fallen London and this is my first Hallowmass, so I’d love to take part in this weird and delightful holiday.
I plan to pay this event my whole attention this week so I’ll do my best to keep menaces high and spread holiday spirit…
Thus said,
Sunny11 - POSI - Any

Link to profile, just in case - http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Sunny11

Good luck to us all…
edited by Sunny11 on 10/26/2015

I assume it is better to use lists in the first post to add yourself. :)

And according to logic of event, the most productive way for POSI is to send a lot, and by the end of event accept a lot.

For non-POSI it is better to accept a lot, and later send those 6 requests that will count.

And, just in case some people don’t browse lists - i accept all requests (POSI and non-POSI).

Sadly, Day 1 POSI document is currently experiencing a kind of access traffic jam from all eager to participate…

CateKirk, POSI, any (Profile: http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/CateKirk)

I’m a POSI, and I’ll be building my menaces as quick as I can!

I’m a POSI, too, and generally menaced (and will keep them up). This is my first Hallowmas, so I’m getting up to speed as to how this works, and am open to all confessions.

Baron Womb, POSI, any day, any type

Profile is http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Baron~Womb

DemonicFerret, POSI, any type, any day

Ruddertail, POSI. Any types. (though I might not always have enough menaces), any day.
edited by Ruddertail on 10/26/2015
edited by Ruddertail on 10/26/2015

Desmond Jordan, Non-PoSI. Curiosity, Impropriety.

Edit: had to remove Violence because I have no wounds.
edited by DerGreif on 10/26/2015

Khraa, PoSI, Whimsy, any day.

Having a bit of trouble editing my name into the list. Would anyone else mind helping me out? (I am PoSI, and have no particular preference in confessions other than I am having a little trouble raising my suspicion)

edited by Koenig on 10/26/2015

Added you to the list Koenig.

Unable to edit Google Doc.
Stormley- PoSI - Any for both