Hallowmas, 1891: The Visitors Are Here

I have high menaces, and am available both to confess and to be confessed to!

I’m a POSI and a Seeker, and currently all my menaces are at least 5. Confess away![li]

I think I’m done with the Seeker confessions. Once is… quite enough (as is expected with SMEN content).
I’m open to all other confessions, though.
edited by dov on 11/7/2013

I must confess… that I am confused. Must another player have me in their contact list in order to show up as eligible when I seek confessions? And is the goal to gain as many confession as possible, rather than offering them? That Trust (them) that the confessor must have at 0 to be eligible, is it actually the one seeking a confession who must have that quality at 0 for that other player? So that one can’t seek a confession from someone one trusts? Since, ideally, someone who’s trusted wouldn’t have any sins or errors to confess? Instead we’d need to form rings, where trust goes one way, and confessions go the opposite way? ::

For what I’ve understood, Trust is just a quality that allows to track who you confessed to, to avoid the possibility to confess to the same person (or better said, the same account) multiple times. Alas, currently the system is slightly bugged as it allows to give a single confession in total instead of a single confession per person, but that should be changed soon. So currently you can receive confessions from any of your contacts, but you can only give one confession; in the future you will be able to give confessions to anyone that asks you to, but only once per person; the names of those you confessed to should appear mousing over your Trust quality.

[quote=streetfelineblue]Alas, currently the system is slightly bugged as it allows to give a single confession in total instead of a single confession per person, but that should be changed soon.[/quote]Ahh, I thought that only ‘one confession ever’ thing was done away with, seeing as someone managed to get quite a few confessions. I didn’t think of the possibility that those confessions would all have come from different people, what with people offering confessions with all their menaces being kept high.

I’m up for confessions as well, feel free to add me and confess. I’ve added a few people who expressed the same desire. I’ll go off and work on raising my menaces a bit. Wounds and Scandal at 1, Suspicion and Nightmares at 2. Also a POSI.[li]

I must admit, I also don’t understand why some players are able to raise the Confession quality above 1, while others can’t do so. At moment, I’m mildly frustrated that I can’t seem to advance past Confessions 1 but I hope it will be fixed soon.

To advance tje Confess ability you need to confess other people, and you can do it whenever you want, as long as they answer you. There is or was a limit on the confessions invites you could accept, though, so unless you had the luck to invite only people who hadn’t already accepted someone else, you could end up sending invets that could not be answered. That should be fixed soon or it already has (currently I’m having a break from invites to grind some items).

The thing is that only the first invitation accepted works for each character. So, anyone who has an extensive list of contacts and were fortunate to get in early will have managed to increase their confession quality. The rest of us are out of luck unless things change.

And now all the options are “Impossible”.

streetfelineblue, thank you for the explanation, it all makes sense now :-)

You’re welcome!

Maybe FBG is fixing the &quotsingle acceptable confession ever&quot bug?

I hope so.

Sounds like they’ve run into a tangled thicket of bugs. Hopefully it won’t take too long to fix.

Sounds like they’ve run into a tangled thicket of bugs. Hopefully it won’t take too long to fix.[/quote]

Actually, I’m in no hurry. I had the luck to draw the Soft-Hearted Widow three times today and I desperately need to reconstitute my Glim reserves XD

I have a bunch of people confessing guile to me. Whenever I click yes, my action count goes down, but the social action does not really happen. Then I reload and the action count is back to it’s old value. Is this common behavior/one of the bugs been fixed?

Right now they’re fixing a bug. The intent was to allow people to confess multiple times, but only once to any given player. Unfortunately the game only allowed people to confess once total rather than allowing the player to confess multiple times to different people. That an action appears to be lost but is not is just a visual bug, and I think it’s been around for a while. I’m glad it doesn’t actually take an action.

Yes. But I actually managed to confess three times before they disabled it. My problem is, I can’t accept other people’s confessions (yours too ^^’), once they are sent to me. So I am wondering, if I am doing something wrong, or this is bugged too. I thought maybe I needed suspicion, when clicking &quotYes&quot button. Raised it through items, but nothing changed.
edited by Fhoenix on 11/8/2013

I’m thinking it’s just bugged now, even though you weren’t bugged before. Just have to wait and see if it fixes itself when Confessions are available again.

[quote=Fhoenix]Yes. But I actually managed to confess three times before they disabled it. My problem is, I can’t accept other people’s confessions (yours too ^^’), once they are sent to me. So I am wondering, if I am doing something wrong, or this is bugged too. I thought maybe I needed suspicion, when clicking &quotYes&quot button. Raised it through items, but nothing changed.
edited by Fhoenix on 11/8/2013[/quote]

That’s exactly what the bug is - you can send your invite to confess somebody any times you want, but you can only accept a single invite from another player - or better, as of now, as ingle invite once and for all. This means that you definitely could get more confessions if you had the luck to choose players who hadn’t already given confession to somebody else, but you could not give more than one confession yourself. Anyway, currently the confession options are locked, so there’s only to find something else to do while Failbetter fixes the bug (I’m back grinding Making Waves) ^^