Hallowmas, 1891: The Visitors Are Here

As far as I can tell you need to invite someone who isn’t POSI for the first confessions.[li]
Things seem to have changed and my contacts list has expanded
edited by reveurciel on 11/6/2013

I would love to receive/give confessions, so feel free to add me… needs more friends

Interesting, It looks like a successful confession reduces the associated menace by a significant amount.

My alt was at 7 Nightmares which dropped to 5 after a confession.

It’s a pity there’s no Attracting Attention style storylets to let you raise menaces to field confessions more easily. But I suppose the game does have plenty of other ways to raise menace too :v

[strike]I’m pre-POSI if people need pre-posi-people for Confessions.[/strike][li]

No more! All done here, morally pure now
edited by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy on 11/13/2013

meh - it looks like you can only confess once. I got a second invitation for a different confession and it takes an action but doesn’t show up on my message tab and the other person hasn’t received anything.[li]

Just looked at my message tab again and the invitation is back. Not wasting an action on it until I find out if I can confess a second time to a different player.
edited by reveurciel on 11/6/2013

I have scandal and suspicion as well as PoSI if anyone needs those combos. Game ID is ocasionalmadnes.

It looks like we’re only supposed to be able to confess to a given player once… but instead, we can only confess to anyone at all once. Presumably a bug in the new mechanics!

It looks like we’re only supposed to be able to confess to a given player once… but instead, we can only confess to anyone at all once. Presumably a bug in the new mechanics![/quote]

I can’t see a way for everyone to get to Confession 3 and use one of the other options unless this is fixed. Has anyone sent a bug report yet?


Sent a BR, hopefully this will be fixed soon.

I’ve experienced this bug, too. However, accepting a second invitation to confess doesn’t actually cost an action, it only appears to. The action will return once you refresh the tab.

Confessing to someone creates a new Story quality, Trust. It’s a relationship quality – if you mouse over it, you get a list of all the people you have that relationship with. In my case, just one person, because of the bug.

I think this is the first time relationship qualities have been used in Fallen London, but they already exist as a feature in Storynexus. Unfortunately, they’re currently heavily bugged in Storynexus, too.
edited by Flyte on 11/6/2013

Relationship qualities exist as part of the Moon League as well as Knife and Candle Pacts.
I can never get relationship effects to even work properly in SN.

They’re used in Below, where they function more or less correctly so long as you only have a relationship with one person.
edited by Flyte on 11/6/2013

So… Basically I should have Wounds and Nightmares enough to be eligible for the PoSI option, but I carelessly accepted a petty confession already so I’m afraid unless the bug’s removed I’m outta the game - until I get Confessions to 3 to be able to actively confess somebody else, that is ^^

The following text has been added to the game:

[quote=Flyte]The following text has been added to the game:

Very good news! I’ll just raise Scandal and the Confessios quality in the meantime.

I am available for anyone :)

My Nightmares are 3 right now, so I’m available for a confession of curiosity. I don’t know of good ways to raise menaces, though, so I’m not available for anything else.

I’m trying to keep all my menaces high, so feel free to try me. Vine is also a POSI if anyone is ready for that

I am currently available for all confessions except the seeker one! I am a posi as well.