Hallowmas, 1891: The Visitors Are Here

Aha, that explains it. I did not know that “to confess” can mean either confessing your sins or listening to a confession (English is not my first language). Confusing)

I think we could agree on using a less ambiguous terminology - what about &quothearing/listening (or getting) a confession&quot for the one sending the invite, and &quotgiving a confession&quot for the one accepting it? (I personally like the getting/giving terminology, it’s much less elegant in English but it seems clearer to me).

How about listening to a confession and making a confession?

Fine for me, I’ll try to remember to stick to it ^^

Fine for me, I’ll try to remember to stick to it ^[1]

I’m not sure that that is the best way, although I’m hard pressed to find something better. The problem is that the terms are backwards from the mechanics of the action. Listening to a confession requires the player to send an invite, and when you receive an invite, the character is making a confession. It’s all very confusing.

In other news, it looks like confessions are available again, if anyone would like to test to see if the bug is resolved, Both of my characters’ menaces are high.

  1. /quote ↩︎

The English teacher in me has to chime in to say Don’t worry, your confusion is warranted (and it’s not due to the fact that English isn’t your first language)–we’re just using the word in a nonstandard manner here (due to the mechanics of the game, as Vine34 pointed out). Ordinarily, &quotto confess&quot only means to confess your own sins.

If you have any pending K&C pact requests from aeons ago, they’ll now work properly, too.

I think I should still be available for Wounds and Scandal confessions? I’ll confess, it’s a fair cop Guv’.
edited by Spacemarine9 on 11/8/2013

It’s still not working for me. I’ve sought confessions from several contacts now, and I still only have 1 confession. It still uses up the contact (I can’t get them to confess again) but I’m not getting anything except lost actions. VERY frustrating.

Edit: it is appearing in my messages, and acting like it worked in every respect, except for the part where it’s not actually working :p When I have actions again (because I used all of them trying to figure this out) I’ll see if I can find someone else to listen to.
edited by Inky Petrel on 11/8/2013

Sounds like you ought to send in a proper bug report, if you haven’t already.

How many of your invites have been accepted? Two things to note are that Confessions doesn’t increase until the other party accepts the invite, and (as far as I can tell) that each accepted invitation only gives 1 cp of Confessions, not one level. So you won’t get to Confessions 2 until three of your invitations are accepted, and it will take six to get to Confessions 3.

So if your invitations haven’t been accepted yet, or not enough have been accepted to move you to another level, you’ll have a message letting you know that Confessions is increasing but no other visible changes.

Sackville, oh, I didn’t know that. That’s… wow that’s really horrible. I would have had enough trouble getting the confessions (if it was working) if they were worth 1 each. For 3 actions a confession…wow. That’s harsh.

Also, I just tried REJECTING a message, and it STILL ate an action? That doesn’t seem fair.

Edit: Sara, sorry, I missed your comment. How do you submit a bug report? I’ve been playing for years and I’ve never had a problem to report! :p I looked on the help page, but I’m not sure if that info is still current as other things on the page seem to be a little out of date.
edited by Inky Petrel on 11/9/2013

I’ve been sending emails to the ebbugs@failbettergames.com address, and that seems to work. :) You’ll get an automatic message back that will link you to their website, and you can track the report there. It’s generally taken care of fairly quickly.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/9/2013

I’m struggling to push my menaces higher with stats around 150 - any advice on where to go get into trouble…?

Hmmm…I’m not entirely sure where to go for Nightmares if you don’t have a Starveling Cat. Right now I’m playing various options in the Curios storylet within the Forgotten Quarter, but it doesn’t always raise Nightmares. Advice would be appreciated!

As for the others:

Scandal: Easy enough with just equipment.
Wounds: Laudanum or Starveling Cat.
Suspicion: Reaping the Academic Benefits in the Forgotten Quarter.

Edit: Oh! Actually, if you’re aligned with Glass you can just go Sabotage Peppercorn. That’ll raise all menaces by 3 CP.
edited by Sara Hysaro on 11/9/2013

One tip for wounds is that when it gets to three ask for someone to send you a poison a friend invitation. You still need to have wounds at three to accept it.

Another tip – I don’t know about you, but I have a stash of Black Wings Absinthe I haven’t been drinking. Imbibe for Scandal and Wounds.[li]

drink many bottles of oblivion then flounder around failing all the challenges, this is the nitebrite way of gaining much menace.

Pretty much any problem in fallen london can be solved by getting super drunk on irrigo booze.
edited by NiteBrite on 11/9/2013

I ended up choosing the fate-locked option at the Mountain and it sure was interesting. Is there a place I can view the other results? Neither wiki seems to have them, at least not fully.

A lot of the confessions were bugged. Any reprieve on trying them out? The window appears to have closed on confessions.

[color=#009900]No, and we discourage people from copying and pasting them publicly, although I’m sure you can find some helpful soul round here to whisper in your ear. But you will have the opportunity to change your Destiny again in future, perhaps quite soon…[/color]