It capped at 3.
Apples are Pages are also mentioned. So… seven is the number. Might be significant, might not. I note that only six are named from the time of the Fourth City - that might or might not be meaningful, particularly if Veils is a recent recruit. If Cups does double-duty as Mirrors… might any of the others also play the role of Fires, or Stones, or Irons? Or, as you say, they may have lost a few - or they might simply not have speaking parts in the Hallowmas content.
I would certainly be surprised if Irons had a speaking part.
Iron and Stones are mentioned in the prevaricate option.
I had to reread it three times before I noticed their mention! That’s one theory out the window. No definitive word on Fires, and I’d still like to know who the Khan of Drums is.
… Drums? Do you perhaps mean the Khan of Dreams? I thought he was probably the Khan from Silver Tree, who I suspect is Möngke Khan (although I’d like someone more knowledgeable to check into this). The Khan definitely had some connections to dreams, and owned a Parabolic mirror.
There’s a Khan of Drums. I’m not entirely sure who it is, but some people have theorized that it could either be Mr Veils or 4th City’s Mr Chimes.
It seems that, in the time of the Fourth City, the Masters called themselves "Khan of X" rather than "Mr X". The ones we know of are Dreams, Swords, Fires, Hearts, Roots and Drums. Dreams is very likely Wines. Swords sounds like Irons. Fires and Hearts are presumably, well, Fires and Hearts. Roots sounds like Apples. That leaves Drums. whose dance cannot be denied. Veils is certainly a possibility. Chimes… I remain convinced that Chimes is a hat that all the Masters wear, but perhaps they were doing so even then.
…Where is all this mentioned? It seems I’ve missed a sizable chunk of lore somewhere.
edited by Alexander Feld on 11/5/2013
The Cave of the Nadir.
Ah, of course. I shall have to investigate that as soon as these devils stop chasing me. I’m sure they’ll give up.
I would agree, considering that the only drum available is literally called "Irresistible", with the description implying that it is meant to accompany dance - or better said, to compel people to dance. A relic of the past?
Further Halloweeneries! It’s now properly the feast of masks, like.
Anyone know any easy ways to raise hella menaces? I’ll take any scandalous dupings, at least, but Wounds, Nightmares and Suspicion might be a bit of a pain. Failed heists and petting the Starveling Cat might work…
[quote=Spacemarine9]Further Halloweeneries! It’s now properly the feast of masks, like.
Anyone know any easy ways to raise hella menaces? I’ll take any scandalous dupings, at least, but Wounds, Nightmares and Suspicion might be a bit of a pain. Failed heists and petting the Starveling Cat might work…[/quote]
For Suspicion you can go doing lectures in the Forgotten Quarter - Reaping the academic benefits, option "A public lecture" increases Bohemian, Society and Revolutionaries and gives 1 CP of Suspicion I think.
Exactly what options are open in the Lodgings? I’m at Court currently.
There’s a post in festive orange in the Announcements forum about it; basically you collect confessions from your friends which are presumably items or something.
Hm, seems fun. Grinding Making Waves shall wait _
Well if you haven’t locked yourself out of the Forgotten Quarter - Seeking Curios will raise Nightmares and A Public Lecture under Reaping the Academic benefits raises suspicion. Not sure about wounds and, if everyone needs high scandal you might be out of luck for dupes:)
streetfelineblue - there are a number of 3 action options for someone to confess to you but they have to have high menaces.
You invite a friend who has 3 of one Menace to Confess to you - this lowers their Menace and gives you a Confession. Once you have 3 Confessions - and they have to each be from someone different - you can get into more outré Confessions from POSIs with two 3+ Menaces. Also, a new and interesting way for Seekers to presumably do horrible things to themselves and those around them!
Ok, first things first I want to comunicate that I’m over 5 Nightmares, so I’m eligible for the Curiosity one. I’ll try and increase my other Menaces too ^^
Most of those menace increases are about 1CP an action; most of my menaces are at 1 or 2 right now, so getting to 5 in all of them for a very particular option would take forever… Petting the Cat is 1cp of both wounds and nightmares so that’s pretty good. Failing the right heist should give a massive wodge of Suspicion but not instantly cause jail-time.