Hallowmas, 1891: The Visitors Are Here

I was intrigued to note that I had managed to finagle my way into having multiple Destinies - fortunately, I’ve been informed that they’re not planning to directly remove the extra, as it will go away when I swap Destiny. I have no intention of swapping my Destiny, of course! That would take away all the fun.

Anyway, I ran through the content three times - four, counting my alt account - with a different Visitor choice each time. What exciting insights! Well done to Failbetter, as ever.
edited by ashdenej on 10/31/2013

> planning to directly remove the extra, [li]

[color=#009900]or rather, it will harmlessly vanish when we fix the bug.[/color]
[color=#009900]Happy Hallowmas to all of you. I’m very glad people feel it was worth the wait. :-)[/color]

My main character’s last visitor was the Bishop of Southwark. In the dream that followed, I chose the Bishop once more. The outcome can be read in the Journal on my character’s profile.

Once more, stunning writing and continued mystery~

Agreed! Much love! This event, combined with the new (well, still new to me at least) Forgotten Quarter content, and the hints and snippets of other crunchy, delicious stories to come, have prodded me into a new Exceptional Friend subscription.

My only complaint is that I’m unable to follow ALL the paths and read ALL the stories :p I really want to find out more about all the visitors, particularly the magician! Though in the end I chose the devil because my character has put a lot of work into that connection. (I’ve only got one character, creating multiple, while very tempting, is just too much trouble with all the extra account things to keep track of) [/rambling]

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]or rather, it will harmlessly vanish when we fix the bug.[/color]
[color=#009900]Happy Hallowmas to all of you. I’m very glad people feel it was worth the wait. :-)[/color][/quote]
Damn! I was hoping that my interpretation of your message was accurate. Ah, well.[/li]
Happy Hallowmas! Job well done.

An evening killed on hunting clues and speculating. This was awesome indeed.

[quote=Alexis Kennedy]
[color=#009900]Happy Hallowmas to all of you. I’m very glad people feel it was worth the wait. :-)[/color][/quote]

It’s been Spooktacular. Thank you for the lovely word thingies. Stories, or something.

Very happy Hallowmas. Thanks Alexis this has been very intriguing. So many possible choices but, as a Seeker, I had to choose the one that might help along the road to the name.[li]

I’ve also very much enjoyed the event and though I’m quite satisfied with my choice of destiny I still can’t help but wish I could have them all. Each one I’ve glimpsed seems intriguing and the destiny items are all lovely, as well. Still, I’m thrilled with the one I picked :-)

Has anyone made the choice to save the Captivating Princess? The outcome of that particular option is very intriguing to me and I would love to find out which future and destiny awaits those who’d chosen that one.

I have a million tabs open to to read! Here is the Void journey in images:

I’ve updated the major text to my Mantelpiece here.

Here are all the options from ‘The Road’

[li]edited by Lurkazoid on 11/2/2013[/li][li]
edited by Lurkazoid on 11/2/2013

I am really interested to see how this destinies play out. And now more than ever I wish to know more about the rubbery man.

Interesting - a bit of a departure from the normal style. Does anyone else have the other headers?

The captivating princess story may be found here http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Eliza~Flame

Thank you for sharing that, that was a fantastic little piece of story. I was extremely content with my choice, but now I’m /almost/ regretting not escaping with her to become sort of a new Topsy King.

Has anyone got info on the Chill of the Void options (regarding the conversation)? There’s 4 choices, of which 1 is fate-locked (10 fate). Is it worth getting it, or are the bonuses from all the choices comparable? I’m not a hardcore FL player, so I don’t want to waste fate on something that might not provide much interesting content.

All regular options give a destiny which gives +5 to one stat; the Nex ones give +5 to one and +3 to another.
The nex options are a bit more illuminating, but everything is really interesting regardless.

I think my favorite was the one I got on my alt - all the lights go out and she goes a-looting.

[quote=Dolan]I think my favorite was the one I got on my alt - all the lights go out and she goes a-looting.

This is one of my favourites as well. It shows that there is an option if you fancy having a complete out for yourself, screw everyone else character

Stats-wise the Fate-locked destinies seem to provide an extra +3 in an additional stat different to the base +5 stat everyone’s destiny gives them.

I’d just go with whatever choice would best suit your character. I did do the Fate-locked option on Chill of the Void but that was because it was my main account and that was the choice that character would have made, no question.

I’ve enjoyed this festival and all its portents. One thing I wonder about, though: what’s their real relation to the endgame? I seem to remember that it will be possible to continue playing after reaching it, but given the… definiteness of many of these outcomes, it would seem that they must represent quite distant futures set in motion, perhaps, but not actually contained within the endgame.