Hallowmas, 1891: The Visitors Are Here

[quote=Swinter]If anyone would like to see the Fate bound destiny from having a Rubber Man as a visitor, give me a poke. (Note: This is not a/the SMEN destiny.)

Not a picture, but I saved all the delicious text.

Likewise, I’d greatly appreciate if I was sent the information regarding the other choices. So far, I’ve seen none but mine :).[/quote]

That is… wow. That is really bizarre, even by neathy standards.


Three fate-locked choices and counting (parabola, void, deep)
We are missing jewel and liberation of the night. Nobody wants to be a god apparently :)
edited by Fhoenix on 10/31/2013

Arg, I picked the special constable -> 'conversation on the road&quot option, then the blacked icon where you reject them, but forgot to echo the result screen >_<. Anyone else who chose that but did echo it? I’d like to re-read.

The funny thing is somehow I didn’t realize there was a fate-locked option. I think I thought it was a &quotdoover&quot option, not a separate result. Happy with my result as it is though.[li]

edit: Did anyone take the fate-locked option for Jewelled Future? Could them PM me the result if so?
edited by Dr. Hieronymous Alloy on 10/31/2013

[quote=Sara Hysaro]

Rowan just wants an unfettered life. Having died in the Neath means the whole of the Surface is shut off to her, which is no good. I hadn’t imagined raising an army to conquer the Elder Continent, but it is a swashbuckling venture that I can see her undertaking in 20 years time. As for my choice—well, she wants eternal life, but overthrowing the status quo of human civilization sounds like a terrible idea. Make everyone immortal? What about overpopulation? I imagine I’ll grant immortality to all of my troops. That’s only fair. And then to my loved ones. I suppose after that we’d play it by ear.

edited by Rowan Dusang on 10/31/2013[/li][li]
edited by Rowan Dusang on 10/31/2013

Well, after long hours of contemplation I went with the fate-locked option on the Rubbery Man (The Taste of Blackest Brine) and I don’t regret it! You can see it in my journal, if you’d like - it’s Airlysilver.

[spoiler]I think all the options come with their own bag of troubles. Madison just didn’t want the bother of figuring out who ought to get it apart from the troops who participated in the journey there and her loved ones. I could almost see her giving it solely to her nephew before having the place destroyed, but immortality inevitably turns into tragedy sooner or later for anyone who isn’t an asocial hermit. And even then you might get bored.

I think that if it were me in that position I’d do what you would. Maybe. I certainly wouldn’t go through all the trouble just to get rid of it, that’s for sure, and giving it to everybody is just out of the question.[/spoiler]
edited by Sara Hysaro on 10/31/2013

Woah. I just picked a destiny on my alt, and… well. Woah. This stuff is amazing. And creepy.

Can you still draw the Visitors card?

[quote=Laluzi]Woah. I just picked a destiny on my alt, and… well. Woah. This stuff is amazing. And creepy.

Can you still draw the Visitors card?[/quote]
I had the card in my deck. You can not play it after you become a Veteran of All Hallows’ Eve 1890.

Yeah, I know - I had one on my alt. What I meant was this - can you still draw the Visitors card, today, if you haven’t picked a destiny? Because I’m not sure the Jewelled Future fits my character best.

I think as long as you’re not a Veteran of All Hallows Eve it should still be able to show up? Maybe? But you might have to spend the 25 nex to change destiny instead, I don’t know.

I just drew the visitors card on my alt, so yes!

I just drew another, so I guess that answers it. But thanks!

I want the SMEN destiny, but… lacking SMEN at the moment. xD And I’m not yet a Scholar of the Correspondence, so I can’t ask for an invite, either. I do have three fish, though.

I think I might browse some people’s journals, see what destiny might fit my character best.

The SMEN destiny may be vitally important, much much later on in Seeking. Although the thing it provides is apparently obtainable elsewhere, this is probably the most pain-free way to get it. Maybe you should take someone’s offer of a dream of dark water, if you’re desperate.

That was my train of thought, yes. But I haven’t started the expedition for the Tomb of the Seven yet. Currently gathering supplies. May be able to do it today, but…?

That wouldn’t help anyway, this year. The journey to the prerequisite candle is … long.

I wonder if we get similar event next year. And whether that will allow an additional destiny or just a replacement.

I think it’s not inappropriate to mention, with specific hope that FBG might happen to read it: this event’s been pretty damn amazing! And frightening and extraordinary, giving glimpses of our characters operating on a scale far beyond what we’re accustomed to. So many stories, so much colour, so many mysteries! And, overall, fun!

Oh, indeed. These stories are quite amazing. Par for the course, of course. But it’s a wonderful way to start Halloween morning. :D Thank you, FBG!

FBG has done it again. This event has been amazing, thanks to everyone involved!

I hope that between this and The Sunless Sea you’ve managed to get any sleep.

I’ve hardly seen any results from the path I took (the haunted doctor’s dream of blackness). I forgot to echo the initial situation but it is basically:

a Device has been activated that shuts off all the lights in Fallen London–the text seemed to imply this was done by your revolutionary associates; I think the Council was mentioned but I’m not sure and now i’m kicking myself for not echoing it. Presumably more than just the lights are shut off, basically civilization as we know it appears to be at an end?

The choice offered is who to save–you can pick the Captivating Princess, your constant companion, whoever you can, or nobody (either because you just care about the Plan or because you are out for profit).

It was a difficult decision, since my character has a long history of basically just being out to take care of herself, but considering her recent loyalties to the urchins and the other outcasts of the city I opted to help anyone I could. The result (another Gleam outcome) is echoed to my journal:


[i hope the spoiler tags are correctly done and apologize and crave my friends’ assistance if not.]

Hear hear. Some of the most interesting storys yet, and some great hints at what our characters could do/become.