Goat Farmer's Browser Extension

I know this sounds counter intuitive, but could you provide an ‘actual total wealth’ to give an idea what’s available including those reserved items? I’ve reserved enough items it would be rather tedious to uncheck them.

I seem to have gotten behind in replying here so here’s a quick run through the backlog. I apologize in advance to the people who are going to miss their response because I was too slow.

Unfortunately this is one of those &quotit works on my machine&quot scenarios. I’ve been using the extension regularly for both browsers and haven’t noticed any issues. My best guess would be that your security settings are blocking either the popup or the use of local storage. If the &quotReserve&quot options are remembered between browser sessions then the popup is more likely. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to dig into this further without being able to reproduce it on my end.

[quote=rahv7]Thanks for the extension. I’ve meant to install this for a long time and was surprised that I could affort an Übergoat right away if I wasn’t such a horder.

I noticed two small issues you could fix if you feel like it:

  1. If item names are very long (&quotBottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise&quot) there is a placement issue where the &quotReserved&quot-label displaces the &quotSell&quot-button
  2. If I reserved a certain number of an item and sell the excess, the &quotReserved&quot label + button vanish. Everything is good again if I reload the page.

I’m using Firefox 43 if that’s important.
Again, excellent work, thanks for the add-on.[/quote]
The name thing is annoying issue I hadn’t noticed. I’m not sure what I can do to fix it though. Next time I can carve out the time to look at the extension I’ll see if I can come up with a solution. Unfortunately, the second issue is just a side effect of there not being hooks for me to put elements back in after the sell button triggers a replacement of the element. It may be a nuisance but it’s one we’re kind of stuck with.

[quote=Nanako]this looks like a pretty excellent mod, i have a small request

A Mass Reserve setting function would be neat. I’d like to reserve 1 copy of every single item i have, because collecting is nice. doing this manually is a bit of a pain

And also, having set all of these values, it might be nice to have a mass-sell button, that would sell off all unreserved items in the inventory. And/or, an individual extra sell button for each item, that would automatically sell all unreserved amount of that particular item (or at least prepopulate the quantity field in the sell dialog, with the correct amount)

great work though, ingenious
edited by Nanako on 2/16/2016
edited by Nanako on 2/16/2016[/quote]
Unfortunately, neither of these features are things I’m keen to do. The mass reserve feels a bit niche. It’s something you probably only need to click once and, at least in my case, I’m usually either reserving specific values or setting aside whole stacks in which case it doesn’t really come up. The mass sell is a whole other can of worms. It’s edging a bit too close to the kind of automation that violates the terms of service for my comfort (in particular, it results in hammering the servers with a rapid series of requests).

This is actually something that’s been annoying me to. Every now and then I want to know that full number including the reserves and I have to switch to a fresh web browser to get the number. I can’t promise time lines on anything here but next time I get a chance to look at the extension I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to facilitate this.

Hello, just wanted to say this was very useful–I’d had no idea how much wealth I’d accumulated! Even setting aside all the things I want to set aside, I’m a lot closer to owning a goat than I thought. Thank you!
edited by aegisaglow on 9/23/2016

Just a quick update for those of you using Firefox 57. One of the forum members helpfully flagged that the extension isn’t compatible with this version. I’ve submitted an update and it will hopefully be working again shortly.

Update: The new Firefox version is up and I have confirmed that it works. Please let me know if you encounter any problems.
edited by An Individual on 11/21/2017

I’ve been having issues on Chrome lately with the extension not remembering changes to my reserved items. Every time I try to remove a reservation, it just comes back next time I open FL.

Thanks for patching this so quickly! Working fine for me on 57. Now there’s no reason not to upgrade :-)

I haven’t noticed any problems myself but if anyone else is seeing them let me know. The issue is most likely related to your browser’s privacy settings. The extension stores your information in something called Local Storage between sessions. If something is clearing that storage (eg. if your using in private browsing) then the settings will be lost.

Quick feature request: would it be possible to have a &quotreserve all&quot button?

There are some items that one simply never wants to sell: Trade Secrets are an obvious one, as well as items which are often useful but not profitable to grind - like Sulky Bats (useful for corresponding with fellow researchers while at Zee, and the best source is outright buying them at the Bazaar) or Romantic Notions (which have uses in a variety of places - but the closest thing to a remotely &quotprofitable&quot grind is 1.2EPA in Polythreme of all places).

Right now, I just end up mashing a bunch of 7s when reserving (for instance, I have 77 Trade Secrets reserved), but a dedicated button to achieve the same purpose (even if all it does internally is reserve MAX_SAFE_INTEGER of the item) would be really handy.
edited by Dudebro Pyro on 11/25/2017

Clicking on the icon reserves all for me.

That… makes sense. Disregard everything I said, then, I’m just dense

An Individual has very kindly given me publication privileges, so I’m pleased to announce that version 3.1.11, which makes FLGF compatible with the Fallen London redesign, is now available. Because the extension’s permissions have changed (from targeting fallenlondon.storynexus.com to fallenlondon.com), Chrome (and possibly Firefox) will probably automatically disable the extension when it updates and you’ll need to re-enable it. (Uninstalling and reinstalling should work, too.)

This is a complete rewrite from scratch, so your old reserve and target values are probably toast, unfortunately, but otherwise it should work as it did before. The source code for this version is currently available here; I’ll make a pull request to An Individual’s repo at some point.

Please contact me, rather than An Individual, with problems (or just post in this thread, of course), since they’re my fault!

Thank you! Very much appreciated.

I’ve just published version 3.1.12, which handles the Echo value of certain items that don’t sell directly for Echoes (Memories of Light, for example, as well as certain slightly spoilery items that I won’t mention here). Things that can be sold for Cryptic Clues, Touching Love Stories, and Identities Uncovered! are handled; please let me know if I’m missing something.

A certain stocking can be sold for Primordial Shrieks.

Thanks! Socks should be accounted for as of version 3.1.14.

[quote=Gallmarch]An Individual has very kindly given me publication privileges, so I’m pleased to announce that version 3.1.11, which makes FLGF compatible with the Fallen London redesign, is now available. Because the extension’s permissions have changed (from targeting fallenlondon.storynexus.com to fallenlondon.com), Chrome (and possibly Firefox) will probably automatically disable the extension when it updates and you’ll need to re-enable it. (Uninstalling and reinstalling should work, too.)

This is a complete rewrite from scratch, so your old reserve and target values are probably toast, unfortunately, but otherwise it should work as it did before. The source code for this version is currently available here; I’ll make a pull request to An Individual’s repo at some point.

Please contact me, rather than An Individual, with problems (or just post in this thread, of course), since they’re my fault![/quote]
Thank you so much for update! I am pretty sure everything was fine for me a while beacause I successfully tracked my progress for the second goat. I am happily übergoated now, but nevertheless the extension is very useful. Unfortunately, now my total wealth is estimated as 0 whatever I do. I understand it´s a pretty vague description but probably you could be so kind as to give an advice how to fix it! Thank you!

It’s probably a problem with Chrome.

Ah, thank you so much! Somehow missed the information.

I think its broken again since yesterdays Chrome update. I’ve tried to fix in chrome://flags/ but couldn’t find &quotEnable network service&quot entry anymore. Is there any solution to this? These axtensions are so convenient.

It definitely was — I’ve just updated this to version 4.0.0 for Chrome users, which should fix the problem. (I’ll update for Firefox users soon, but that’s less urgent since AFAIK it’s not broken on Firefox.)