Future Connected Conversion Rates

I really want my bohemian to be high enough that I can get it to Forty from the conversion. How high do you think I need to get it, given the ease of getting bohemian connection points. What do you think the rate of conversion will be for it, as well as other connected? 15? 20?

12 is the current highest if I remember correctly. By that standard you need atleast 621 connected to have 50 renown. I would shoot for between 500 and 700 to be safe. Anything higher than that for 40 and people will probably throw a fit.

In my cynical view, I fully expect the rate to be higher than 12. For Bohemians 15 sounds like a reasonable worst-case estimate, so you’d need 621 to reach Renown 40 if that’s accurate. If its higher you’ll still end up pretty close anyways.

Since I want Bohemians 50, I’m shooting for the moon with them. 744 and climbing, here.

For most people it might be most economical to just cash in their bohemian for honey at the shuttered palace and grind up renown the normal way.

[quote=Kaijyuu]Since I want Bohemians 50, I’m shooting for the moon with them. 744 and climbing, here.

For most people it might be most economical to just cash in their bohemian for honey at the shuttered palace and grind up renown the normal way.[/quote]
That is very true, but it depends on personal RP. I’ll try to maintain Society and Bohemians around 621, Church will be exchanged for loads of candles until I hit 421 and Revolutionaries is already hard to keep at 321 while drawing cards in the Flit. :D

My guess will be 621 for Society and Bohemians, probably 421 for Revolutionaries (even if it’s easy to grind, it’s way easier to cash them all:D) and Church 271 or 321.

But then again, who knows? :D

I imagine Church will be about as high as constables due to enormous connected values among shepherds.

Think those won’t count as grinding Church without Fate is incredibly hard!

I’m pretty sure the connections of Shepherds count, because I don’t see why else Constables had the ratio it did. And Connected: The Church has been easy enough to raise for anyone using The Great Game conflict card to get second chances.

[quote=Gillsing]I’m pretty sure the connections of Shepherds count, because I don’t see why else Constables had the ratio it did. And Connected: The Church has been easy enough to raise for anyone using The Great Game conflict card to get second chances.[/quote]You could grind Constables directly by selling information in the Flit for around 11 CP per action, which may have more to do with the high ratio than Shepherding. That said, I’m not willing to bet that the conversion ratio for Church will be less than Constables, so I’m shooting for at least 621.

This is what annoys me the most about the move to Renown. By spreading the change out over months, FBG has created a Connected grind-race: as the conversion rate gets higher for each Faction, players ratchet up their Connected for the next Faction … which then pushes the conversion rate higher, etc., etc. I do wish the switch had been made all at once or in two or three batches.

In all events, this is a classic study of game theory. The best strategy would be for everyone to agree not to raise Connected above a certain level, thereby keeping the conversion rate reasonable. But since that is logistically impossible (and if it were possible, there might be cheaters), the strategy that individuals pursue results in the very ills they complain of. Including me … for the past two weeks I’ve been spending most of my actions on raising Connected: Bohemians.

That all assumes that they take into account all our grinding prior to the conversion. They may decide upon their rate well before that, when the announcements are made. For all we know, player activity may not influence it at all, it may just be based on what’s possible. Has it ever been definitively stated how they decide on the conversion rate? Is the idea that player grinding is actually making things harder anything more than the tittle-tattle of our little sewing circle?

But why would the vast majority of players do that? I get that a hardcore minority always wants to be first and on top, but surely the thousands of players who don’t participate in these forums would have better or more fun things to do? I just don’t think that pre-conversion grinding has that much of an effect on the final ratios. Seems more likely that FBG started converting the factions that people were less Connected to, and that’s why the Connected/Renown ratios have gone up rather than staying the same.

But why would the vast majority of players do that? I get that a hardcore minority always wants to be first and on top, but surely the thousands of players who don’t participate in these forums would have better or more fun things to do? I just don’t think that pre-conversion grinding has that much of an effect on the final ratios. Seems more likely that FBG started converting the factions that people were less Connected to, and that’s why the Connected/Renown ratios have gone up rather than staying the same.[/quote]

Long story short: grinding connections in order to gain at least 40 renown (in order to get the items) is far less painful than grinding renown.
edited by Chronos on 6/15/2017

The real problem is that it isn’t necessarily possible for people to get 50 renown in their favorite faction without exploiting the conversion. That sets up this mad scramble for 50 out of fear of being forever locked out. Perhaps new items will make 50 renown possible in every faction regardless of your specialization, but if not this is your only chance to achieve your RP goals.

Player levels of Connected clearly are relevant for the conversion rate. There’s absolutely no indication though that the data being used is from a time near the conversion or even near each announcement. For all we know, every conversion is based off a snapshot from the time of the original Renown announcement before players would have thought to grind.

But why would the vast majority of players do that? I get that a hardcore minority always wants to be first and on top, but surely the thousands of players who don’t participate in these forums would have better or more fun things to do? I just don’t think that pre-conversion grinding has that much of an effect on the final ratios. Seems more likely that FBG started converting the factions that people were less Connected to, and that’s why the Connected/Renown ratios have gone up rather than staying the same.[/quote]
I don’t know. I also don’t know how many players have purchased the Soul Trade story and chosen to be Shepherds. And of those players, I don’t know how many bother to keep grinding contracts and souls so they can keep tossing them at the card whenever it shows up. It takes a fair amount of min/maxing to get profit out of that card, there are plenty of easier ways to deal with menaces, and you really have to go out of your way to get the infernal contracts.

I’m not even sure how many players are aware that spending second chances is the fastest way to level up stats (it took a while and a bit of forum/wiki reading for me to catch on to that) and so have a reason to keep siding with the Church on the conflict card and stockpiling second chances after they have a healthy amount built up.

I’m just spitballing here. I suppose when they convert the Church connection we’ll have a better picture of how much the Shepherds have their collective thumbs on the scales.

Do we know which connected is next on the conversion block? Knowing is probably part of what made the conversion rate for Constables and Devils so high. They both had an easy source of connected and knowing in advance gave everyone an opportunity to sink enormous numbers of actions into them.

Church, Bohemian, Society, and Revolutionaries are next. They didn’t say which order those would be converted in, though; only that it’d be the end of summer at the earliest.

Sounds to me like it’ll be the end of summer at the latest.

Thanks. Given what happened with Devils and Constables I wouldn’t rule out it all happening at once. Guess I better get the grind going on some of those in the vain hope that I won’t spend the next few years drawing op cards and praying for Favours.