Future Connected Conversion Rates

Well, hopefully 1000 Bohemian is enough to reach 50, but I won’t hold my breath.

Possible breakpoints for level 50, from factor 5 to factor 20:
271, 321, 371, 421, 471, 521, 571, 621, 671, 721, 771, 821, 871, 921, 971, 1021.
If you are grinding that high, go all the way to 1021. Don’t lose 2 renown to not mathing.

What do people think is the absolute highest the conversion rate will be?

I can only say with certainty that approximately 1200 Constables was enough to reach 50, because that is what had when that faction converted.

[quote=Catherine Raymond]

I can only say with certainty that approximately 1200 Constables was enough to reach 50, because that is what had when that faction converted.[/quote]

Maths makes my head hurt, but you didn’t need that many. I got 50 Renown and my Connected was under a thousand.

I think 621 has been the harshest so far.

That said, Bohemian is probably the easiest of all the factions aside from Society to level up, so it will definitely have a higher level.

Trying to guess conversion rates is like playing the lottery. It’s a suckers game :P

Cash in your Connections.

My advice, set a goal for yourself that is at least 200 level higher than the last conversion, then add another 200 for good measure, and another 200 if you really want to be safe.

[quote=Anne Auclair] It’s a suckers game :P

True enough, but raising Renown using the favours system is worse.

[quote=Plynkes][quote=Anne Auclair] It’s a suckers game :P

True enough, but raising Renown using the favours system is worse.[/quote]
I disagree! :P

Sounds to me like it’ll be the end of summer at the latest.[/quote]
Possibly after the Election Festival - as they’d ideally want the Mayoral card to use the favor system.

Sorry for asking a stupid question, but when exactly does end of summer mean? August? September? I live on the equator and have little concept of seasons marking the passage of a year.

[quote=Plynkes][quote=Catherine Raymond]

I can only say with certainty that approximately 1200 Constables was enough to reach 50, because that is what had when that faction converted.[/quote]

Maths makes my head hurt, but you didn’t need that many. I got 50 Renown and my Connected was under a thousand.[/quote]
Good to know that; thanks! Perhaps by repeated comparisons among the &quot50 Renown&quot Club for Constables we can work our the exact number required.

The precise end of Summer is September 22nd.

Thank you!

The precise end of Summer is September 22nd.[/quote]

[quote=Catherine Raymond][quote=Plynkes][quote=Catherine Raymond]

I can only say with certainty that approximately 1200 Constables was enough to reach 50, because that is what had when that faction converted.[/quote]

Maths makes my head hurt, but you didn’t need that many. I got 50 Renown and my Connected was under a thousand.[/quote]
Good to know that; thanks! Perhaps by repeated comparisons among the &quot50 Renown&quot Club for Constables we can work our the exact number required.[/quote]
For the Constables, you needed Connected 621 for Renown 50. R = (C-21)/12