First City Coins Thread

Hello! I have joined this wonderful game a week ago and have started the Heart’s Desire ambition. I am now at the part when 77 First City Coins are needed. I’ve gotten 50 of them from a master of the Bazaar, and one from my monkey friend, but I still need 26 more. Is anyone currently possessing some of them and are in no need of them? If so, would you do a kind favor and help a gentleman out?

EDIT: Okay, I’ve got some coins thanks to the kind gentleman known as Zero, and I’ve seen a lot of other kind Londoners wanting to give their’s out. So if you were in the predicament I was in, then there are other people who can help you in this thread.
edited by Bruce Willowlane on 4/6/2016

I have the coins you desire, kind gentleman, but your profile link seems to be broken. Give me your in-game name and I’ll gladly consign the damned things to you.
(I had to farm them TWICE because I accidentally sold some of them, so i perfectly understand your pain.)

[quote=Zero]I have the coins you desire, kind gentleman, but your profile link seems to be broken. Give me your in-game name and I’ll gladly consign the damned things to you.
(I had to farm them TWICE because I accidentally sold some of them, so i perfectly understand your pain.)[/quote]

Here’s the link:

I’m not sure why my signature changed, but there’s ^ the proper link. Thank you good fellow!

It may also be worth noting that the rubberies are an excellent source; I made up the 30 or so I still needed in a very short time.

It may also be worth noting that the rubberies are an excellent source; I made up the 30 or so I still needed in a very short time.

It may also be worth noting that the rubberies are an excellent source; I made up the 30 or so I still needed in a very short time.

Coins delivered!
I have no more coins to give away, but I’m willing to steal them from the Museum of Mistakes if anyone needs a shadowy pal.

I have 127 first city coins (I collect them for no reason at all, really) so I can offer some if anyone needs them!
edit: Sent 30 to ttawers!
edited by malaugurie on 4/6/2016

[quote=Zero]Coins delivered!
I have no more coins to give away, but I’m willing to steal them from the Museum of Mistakes if anyone needs a shadowy pal.[/quote]

Thank you!

If someone have more coins, I only need 40. If malaugurie is so kind for her part I promise to invite at the best Caligula coffe or a dinner if the Lady honor´s me with her presense.

I will send you 30 coins very soon.

edited by The Master on 4/6/2016

Thanks so much The Master. With yours I´m ok
edited by ttawers on 4/6/2016

I have an excess of coins and I can give away 30, if someone needs them.

If anyone has a few coins to spare, would you mind sharing some with me? I’m just 14 coins short from the 77 needed to proceed in the Heart’s Desire ambition. I would be so very grateful if someone could send some my way.

I can do that! Just give me a link to your profile and I’ll deliver : )

I can do that! Just give me a link to your profile and I’ll deliver : )[/quote]

Thank you so much : D my profile link is

I can do that! Just give me a link to your profile and I’ll deliver : )[/quote]

Thank you so much : D my profile link is[/quote]

I can do that! Just give me a link to your profile and I’ll deliver : )[/quote]

Thank you so much : D my profile link is[/quote]

thanks :) your help is greatly appreciated

If anyone happens to have extra coins lying around unused, I would be very appreciative for any help rendered (I sold my only coins about two hours before I discovered I should have kept them for Heart’s Desire :| ). In fact, so appreciative that I would do whatever (simple) social activity requested, short of loitering.
If some kind soul is willing, my character is Henry Williardson. (Profile link below in signature.)

[i][quote=]Good day, fellow denizens!

As luck would have it, I also happen to be perusing my Heart’s Desire. Unfortunately, my speedy progress has been halted by my need of seventy-seven First City coins…of which I have only managed to assemble 19 of from a few, rubbery-faced friends.

I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to help out a young women trying to follow her ambition. It would be most appreciated. As the gentleman above has stated, I would be glad to assist you in matters in exchange for your generosity. A game of chess? A cup of coffee? Drop me a line and I’ll be there.

EDIT: Received the coins I needed! A huge ‘thank you’ to Vavakx Nonexus and Madame Merle!
edited by EnigmaticVixen on 5/1/2016