Yes indeed! You will of course have to scroll past my overly long pinned passage but it’s there!
Thank you very much indeed!
Can anyone out there with a Preserved Set of Internal Organs confirm whether there’s a unique snippet in Ecdysis?
(It’s a lot harder for your organs to form a squishy parliament in your chest if they’re on your mantlepiece with a tasteful bough of holly.)
Same query for the “Your Own Severed Head” come to think.
EDIT: And if anyone ate the gift from the roof during the Chimney Pot War? Do let me know if anyone up top holds it against you.
I’d suggest FBG take some time to fix the problems of Chapter 1, and prevent them from plaguing future chapters.
The intro to Firmament? It was only released a week ago, in which the core Fallen London team were preparing this week’s instalment. We do indeed read and where appropriate act on all reports and feedback, still. :)
I’m at 3 of each. My guess on story is that someone used the wrong kind of sealing concrete for the Neath and now the ocean’s getting in.
This is why you hire reputable contractors.
(In all seriousness I really enjoy our bewinged friend. I did not think I’d be getting another monstrosity to rival the Second Sacristian so soon. I think everything except the wind seemed at least mostly comprehensible, and I think from the reckoning description, we can guess who’s up here (it makes a key word make some sense at least). All the other mysteries feel like hooks for other plots. I don’t think I felt lost here, I just felt like I’d misestimated how much the Starved knew about London and discovered a new species… That said I did get the grave on my way up, so that made the winged thing feel more like a payoff than a random event.
Are we supposed to understand at this point what stopped the gullet from continuing its plunge into London?
Best guess? Storm.
Is “storm” a person or some entity? Surely a rain/wind storm could not stop a falling stalactite.
Storm is one of the three gods of the zee - Storm, Salt, Stone. Protector of urchins, appears in thunder-dreams, and a lot more backstory that I’m not sure I could even begin to expand upon.
He is of storm dragon kind. Pretty high on the Chain, they usually work as cosmic police. Probably a loser or criminal too, otherwise he would not stuck in the Neath.
Clearly I mislabelled the section I emailed about (Lodging-based intro), since the email was sent on the 12th. After all this time, I think it is safe to say I don’t expect a response.
Best practice in my own field, which is not a million miles from FB’s, is that at least two sets of eyes should check a text for errors before it goes to the client or is published.
And I’m sorry, but I do think that Firmament so far is not up to scratch. But of course, I don’t need to play in that section of the park.
I know from exchanges with others on here going way back that there are players who dislike writing that falls short, but won’t get in touch because they take the view that it’s up to FB to get it right, and they refuse to “work for free”.
I take the view that reporting errors is a good thing, because it improves the experience for everyone.
Are you sure you sent it on the right address? Usually there is immidiate automatic response from their bug tracker system. And eventually from staff member.
So we don’t really have any roof resource grinds of note available yet, right?
There’s a decent grind for Stuvier that I’ve found by repeatedly making roof-charts in your lab, but i can’t think of any proper grinds for other objects, other than going back and forth from Station IX to Hallie’s Throat, since the little events you get give a fair amount of resources.
I just had my first interaction (up to buying emulsions) with the Chromatophoric Cinematographer and I want to kvetch a bit. On the one hand I am excited to see what sorts of images I’ll create for him and also that we get to explore Neathy cinema more. On the other, my curiosity is not fully sated as to what exactly is the relationship between my player character’s previous films and his. The player character could at this point have directed a large number of films in a variety of genres and all of them would have had debuts in the Shuttered Palace. I very much appreciate the fact that it is clearly signaled in-game that FBG remember this part of the Player Character’s story. But what I still struggle to understand after meeting this artist is why are the Shuttered Palace films less controversial to make and distribute , or less appealing to Surface viewers, than his? What I think could use more work is perhaps underlining that what I create together with the Chromatophoric Cinematographer is more unique/stranger from what I’ve made on my own and also gently turning down the dial on the novelty factor surrounding his introduction.
Does anybody else feel this way?
Overall though, I’m more glad that they’re delving deeper into an interesting aspect than I am confused by the possible discontinuity.
Roof charts from Lab (around 3 EpA). Or warm amber from Bone Zone (please do not visualize this).
Is there a better way to farm Stuiver right now than just heading to the arm and suckling from the stalactite’s proverbial teat ad nauseum?
The description of the Vulgate sounds familiar. Made of wood, with feathers dripping ink? Sounds like a Scrive Spinster, the former librarians of the heavens. Perhaps it was once something similar.
But how did it end up in the Neath? How came it to be entombed, and remade in golden truth? (and, indeed, in what order?) Who is the Lord it serves, and who is its enemy?
I find myself quite loathe to part with my sole piece of Ascended Ambergris, even for the sake of advancing a storylet. I’m really debating waiting for more Firmament content, that would provide actual means of getting more of it.