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I’m looking for a romantic partner or someone to just mess around with. find me @ Fallen London

I am a player starting fresh after many years absence. I would be delighted to make your acquaintance. Fallen London

new to London looking for social contacts.

Hello all, I’m looking for contacts to finish my sinews of London challenge. All are welcome, and thanks in advance
edited by qpeace on 3/6/2021

Hi, open to any (non-harmful) social actions and broadening my acquaintance list. Especially interested in loitering as raising Shadowy is my last hurdle before POSI. Character name is username. Fallen London
edited by HershelBenson on 3/12/2021

Fledgling journalist looking for social contacts to share scurrilous gossip over coffee or absinthe. Discretion assured.

Over a week since i left you a calling card, and no reaction yet.

Seeking pen-pals! I no longer have a pressing need for any type of letter in particular, but am happy to receive any of the stat-boosting ones for as long as I have room to stock them.

I can reply with case notes, investigation advice, poems, gossip, fighting techniques, scone recipes, and perhaps the occasional name in Gant, if desired. Please include your preferred form of response, if any, in the calling card or letter that you send me.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 4/10/2021

Help, I currently have 8 (-1 with a certain item) nightmares…

[quote=Nobody18419]Help, I currently have 8 (-1 with a certain item) nightmares…[/quote]You can always just chug some laudanum if you have an emergency on your hands. Buy it from the bazaar.

That laudanum addiction hurts though

Just sent two actions.

hello i need proteges send me any social actions you want.
just be reasonable

Somehow, i felt it would be a swell idea to bend over and shove my head down a highly opinionated well, the better to make out the words dispite that abominable diction and abysmal acoustics.
Yes yes, hindsight is always 4/20.

Could someone please come tuck me in and sit by my bed tonight? I’m scared. pout
edited by Masseurse on 5/8/2021

Hello, I am new and excited and have no idea what I’m doing. Would prefer social actions that are friendly. Willing to be villainous on request but I feel it is too soon for me to seek out problems.
Now, umm, my name is Alethea_Blueleg. Lemme try to work out how to post a profile link.

New Player, looking for anything interesting.

Both of my characters need regular help with Nightmares and (less crucially) Scandal.

Masseurse could additionally use some Flatterers, and if certain old contacts responded to hir messages.

I’m a brand new player (just a few days) and I would love some contacts!
I’m still learning my way around Fallen London, so I’m not even familiar with all the possible actions yet!
As such I’m not really sure what limits to set- be reasonable,I guess? And I’m totally willing to help other players out!
I would also love some friends to exchange messages with!
Name: TheBlazingWorld

Hopefully this link to my profile works! Fallen London

I’ve been in town for a week now. Looking for Friends to coordinate Social Events.

Drop me a Calling Card?

  • Shoetop

Anything to help. Anything to hurt. Suffering is a sacra- no, no, no…