Find Friends for sparring, dinners, chess & theft

Anything shadowy or requiring stretching my brain, I’m down for. Chess? Trading suppers for waves? Why not? Still rusty since coming back after a long break.

I dance with shadows

Now I can do sparring bouts. Feel free to challenge me.

Hello everyone, I’m already a PoSI but I still don’t fully understand certain areas in the game. Anyways feel free to send any kinds of invitations or anything and I’ll do whatever I can to help.

Hello to everyone! I’m looking for companion, mostly shadowy things. I’m a newbie, and not fluent english, please, be aware of this!

My character:

PS: Sorry for the unauthentic name.

Sorry for the off, but this is important, and I don’t know where to write this! What is the problem with the “add reply” function? I write many times the message, but not able to post anything, just template hyperlink, without any writings. However, “quick reply” work perfectly fine! Someone know the why? And again, sorry if I am very OFF topic!

Hey i’m looking for someone to loiter with to get hastily-scrawled warning notes, will be able to do other second chance actions to make up for it!

I’ve recently gotten a new job irl that I worry is going to take some of the time I’ve been able to apply to London. So moving in order to regain some interesting actions I was wanting to play chess games and regular duels with people. I can guarantee being able to respond at least once a day to any social things. Thanks!

I go by Galen Corcoran, and if anyone is up for a lethal sparring bout, then I have a few free evenings.

Oneiropompus is in desperate need to gain Dangerous, any kind of bouts, Sparring and Lethal, are welcome and encouraged

Jean is up for socializing, especially anything that may help her with making waves! Hoping to get to an Exceptional Mind soon so that I can have protegées!

I am looking specifically for lethal bouts, but am up for most anything.
edited by sludgefest on 10/21/2017

I’m okay with sparring, both lethal and non-lethal. Other social actions are welcome too :)

Good evening to all, regardless of the hour of the day, naturally.

I’m looking for folks to help with wounds if possible (I’ll naturally help in return, or you can specify an action you need).

I’m also looking for dinner partners (I promise, no sea monster among the courses this time).

Thank you kindly for the assistance.
edited by Brin on 10/22/2017

Hi all,
Looking for partners with any and all social interactions, and hoping to enlist some help with Nightmares.

Open to any requests as well!

Thanks for the help!

I’m looking to benefit from flattery at Dante’s Grill (grinding MW). Anyone interested in giving me some of their waves in exchange for a decrease in Nightmares/Wounds, please do send me a message (perhaps along with a calling card) and I’ll quickly invite you.

New to the game, and not entirely sure how this all works yet, but game to try :)

If anyone has the confession of the Jovial Contrarian, I’d like to trade for that before Hallowsmas ends. (When does it end, by the way?)

I’m keen to loiter, hold dinner parties and play chess. I can help with reducing suspicion (if I refuse it’s because my own is too high). I don’t dupe people.

I’m happy to accept any interaction from The Neath’s Mysteries card.

I’m pretty new to the game, and looking for friends to loiter or play chess. Looking for help with nightmares too, and I can return the favor of course. Any help is appreciated!

Dear Londoners,
Accomplished AUTHOR and IRRESISTIBLE, MAGNIFICENT PERSONA, offers services* as your MASTER OF CEREMONIES. Ensures that your** DINNER at DANTE’S GRILL will be certainly MAKING WAVES amongst participants.

*for a price of SURPRISE PACKAGE

**Send CARDS and INVITATIONS or other FORMS OF GETTING ACQUAINTED to &quotCatLady_&quot’s lodgings. On BUSY SEASONS - including HALLOWMAS, Festival of Exception Rose, and others, WILLING PARTIES served by order of inquiry.

edited by CatLady on 11/3/2017

So after an unfortunate series of events I have found myself once more just starting out, Irrigo or so I’m told. (One of my friends thought that it would be a very neat prank to delete my account, as I’d left it open on my laptop.) Contact me via the following card from now on, if you so wish. I’m a bit new to London though, quite wet behind the ears even if I’m getting on my feet fast as I can.