Open to all interactions - particularly interested in Lethal Sparring Bouts. Very, very interested in those. Please. I’m desperate. But actions that increase Making Waves are great too.
I’m open to lethal bouts and chess! Also just send a message with your invite and I’ll be willing to help you with nightmares.
So like many of us I’m slowly working my way towards paramount presence, I’d like to gather 100 influence. As such I’d love to make some new friends and exchange calling cards! If you have any particular social actions you’d like to pursue (or ignore) let me know - otherwise I’ll send you any Neath’s mysteries that pop up. I’m also (currently) an extraordinary mind with room for protégés in my schedule, if that’s of interest.[li]
ETA: Oh, I’m also a correspondent, so feel free to invite me to your orphanage.
edited by Màiread on 8/5/2017
Posting here - I’m always happy to accept calling cards, chess games, or fights.
I likewise accept any and requests that don’t lower my Making Waves. Upcoming wedding and all, you see! If you’d also like a couple drops of Cider sent your way, just let me know in the note~
My alt (sfa_ok2001) is particularly interested in lethal sparring and chess.
My main (the_antichris) is happy to accept all second-chance actions, including dinners - I’ll reciprocate dinners as soon as Free Evenings allow.
VRB - Will accept any second-chance options.
Hello, I’m looking for acquaintances, lethal bouts, and chess (not necessarily in that order).
Hello, im pretty new to the game so im gonna accept every activity since i noticed you need friends to do certain activities.
Greetings, friends. I welcome any sparring bouts (lethal or otherwise), dinner, chess, theft, you name it.
I’m interested in increasing my dangerous, so I’ll welcome some nonlethal sparing bouts.
I’m looking for cooperative social contacts for whatever social-nonsense the game throws out. :) Shadowy, Persuasive, Watchful, Dangerous in that order.
Looking to do a reasonable amount of socializing with reasonable individuals. Do feel free to stop on by!
edited by HesperiaLeeAylesworth on 8/24/2017
Looking for a Chess partners, because I need a lot of Sudden Insights. Just send me invite and we move on
edited by MrSticks42 on 8/24/2017
I am mainly interested in lethal sparring bouts.
As an eager player of the Great Game, I will also enjoy any game of chess.
I am eager to play chess with any and all comers.
edited by Issaries on 8/27/2017
I am also on the slow road to Paramount Presence and looking to raise Influence. Lately i’m working on making waves, but open to other actions, so send me a card, please!
edited by Tozh Taurog on 9/4/2017
I have received a few invitations to play chess, but can’t seem to accept them. I presume this is because in the time between my receiving the invitation and me responding to it, the other party has started a game with someone else?
In any case, I reiterate my willingness to play chess with whomever.
I am looking for anyone who would disingenuously enjoy my company. I am indeed ready to help each other on equal terms in any venture you would care to speak of. Please, come by my little hut in the Marshes. Don’t mind the smell once you are here. Tea?
Chess or lethal sparring bouts are genuinely welcome. Still engaged in a sparring bout (quite for some time) right now so I’ll just let know when I can do it again. Also accepting suppers.