I am available for any and all requests, from the simple social call to helping a fellow Fallen Londoner with some of their troubles. I am myself the center of many rumours and scandal seems to follow me wherever I go, I wouldn’t want others to spend as much time as I do in the Tomb-Colonies.
Hello my fellow Londoners, I am Dismas 7, sometimes referred to as Dismas the Seventh (only by myself)
Currently I’m open to most social actions, this includes menace reduction and loitering since most of society does not seem to view me as particularly important (I can’t imagine why).
Greetings! I have returned after a considerable time at zee in a new incarnation, and am slowly acquainting myself with the somewhat-changed geography of London.
My current face is that of Strel, addressable as Citizen, and I am interested in any social interactions that we might find to be of mutual benefit.
edited by SarahTheEntwife on 5/10/2016
Greetings from the Spite my sweeties, I am Duendemorao and i have been crawling around lonely for a long, until today, so close now to be somebody important in the Neath.
I am planning to get out from those confortable shadows and i will be happy to share social actions for our best benefit. I would also accept a Patron to show me the last steps to succcess.
edited by duendemorao on 5/12/2016
Hello All!!! I’m new to Fallen London and looking for players to share social actions with. Name: Izziblem
Greetings all,
I am Professor Dudebro Pyro. I am open for all social actions except suspicion dumping, since I am trying to keep as clean a record as possible. Feel free to dump as many nightmares as you want on me though, since I spend at least half my time insane anyway.
I’d also be happy to accept any other social action, including cat boxes. I like cats.
My character, Speethling, is open for Private Suppers (seriously, all my long-term contacts already have their weekly supper roster filled; I am so lonely and hungry!), coffee, Dante’s, salon invitations, newspaper interviews, mysteries, and some mutual menace-reduction.
Speethling is NOT doing:
Plant Contests
Museum requests
Sparring (Subject to change)
Loitering (Subject to change)
Chess (Subject to change)
Mystery box exchanges
Cats (this might change)
Affluent Photographer
I will only occasionally send RP text with invitations, and find reciprocating such content somewhat draining, so new players of eager temperament, be warned–if you send me a purple introductory letter, I may well respond, but I will take a LOT longer to get to it.
If there is a social action type I’ve neglected to mention here, feel free to PM me here on the fora and I will tell you whether or not Speethling would be amenable to it.
edited by Speethling on 6/9/2016
Eglantine Fox, pleased to make your acquaintance! I would be delighted to engage in chess, sparring, coffee or loitering with any other Fallen London residents who would like such activities.
What a delightful assortment of patrons! I would be honored if any of you would find the time to share coffee with me.
Mr. Fizzbo
[li]Greetings all!
I am The hairy Chaetophobe - seeker of power and drinker of tinctures. For a good few weeks now I have been living after the watchword Strength in Solitude. However, I’ve come to learn a few things lately. We’re all lost, scared and damp down here. No reason to be lonely as well. So what do you say? Best compatriots indefinitely?
Ladies and Gents,
I would welcome you to a fine game of chess.
For men and women of mystery, I would be thoroughly pleased learn the finer points of shadowing… ahem.
(Generally open to most social activities)
edited by londonist on 6/8/2016
Having been an avid chess enthusiast and oft-times opponent of a certain gaunt boatswain you all may know, I find myself driven to play a lot of chess recently. Certain peculiar hungers demand certain obsessive behaviors.
I am looking to play many, many, many games of chess. I am currently an Exceptional Friend, pulling down 40 actions every 6-odd hours. I plan to spend almost all of them on chess. So, come one, come all. My only warning - you’ll probably only be pulling in one sudden insight per invite for a while…
Leave a note in the invite if you want me to also send you a chess invite back. Nothing like hours and hours of chess.
edited by Stygota on 6/9/2016
Looking for friends to do things with.
Humble man, occasionally thief and mostly seen… nowhere. I’m looking for activities after 3 years hibernating in a decommissioned steam. http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/Profile/Mashiro~Nguyễn
I would like some chess too!
Still fairly at the beginning but I’d like a friend (or patron) to spinn some tales with (and chess! Dont forget the chess!)
I’m always up for some meet-ups.
Fairly new, yet I may be of some assistance (and always up for some chess or other activities^_^)
I can be quite sociable. And I make a mean mushroom poultice that is guaranteed to make your injuries no worse.
edited by karmakaze on 6/18/2016
I will agree to almost any multiplayer actions