Feast of the Rose gift exchange 1895

looking for someone to refuse a Hand of Glory

I’ve decided to start saving up gifts for next year’s Feast, so I’ll continue to accept non-fate-gift exchanges through the end of the Feast. Mostly I’ll be sending teeth, but you can send anything you like.

EDIT: I’d also like to engage in a last-minute 50-fate gift exchange. I just want one 50-fate gift. I’ll send you any 50-fate gift or combination of gifts in return. If you’re interested, please PM me or get in touch in-game.
edited by geremy on 2/20/2017

I’d like to trade an antediluvian ushabti and a buttered chess piece.

Edit: got decanter
edited by Kyria on 2/19/2017

I’d like to make a last-minute exchange as well. I’ll give any 40 Fate gift for a Tanned Mask. Please PM me for details.

I fear that it is too late.