Feast of the Rose 2024: Gift Exchange

I’d love to exchange gifts, Maria, I’m danabth in Fallen London, and I can send you non-fate gifts back in return (except kittens i dont have those)

Hi! I’m Susan B Anthony https://www.fallenlondon.com/profile/susanbanthony. Looking for exchanges,happy to return the favor. Looking to exchange 30 gifts, I’m not picky about what I get. Comment here if you want something specific.

Is Ms Leece your alt by any chance?

Sent and sent!
Only one left.

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I only have the one account if that’s what you’re asking.
Also, thank you!:heart:

I’m open to any non-Fate gifts and will try to reciprocate when I can. I’d also appreciate a beribboned kitten but I’m not greedy about it since I already have a regular one.

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Looking to exchange gifts and make social contacts. Not picky about what I receive, will send back what I can.


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Heya! I’m Satine Mercaldi
Looking to exchange gifts! I accept anything and in return I can give Unblemished Exile Roses or Buttered Chess Pieces

Do you still have any Parabola kittens? I would really like to get one! I promise I’ll take good care of him. Ready to exchange it for any gift (but not for fate, unfortunately). :frowning:
Sorry for me English btw
Here is my profile:


Hi! Can I get Lachrymose Chartreuse if that’s okay?

Hello everyone! Who wants to trade some non-fate gifts? I’m open to everything :slightly_smiling_face:
Here’s my profile: Fallen London

Hey sorry, I was out of London for a bit. I’ll send one right over, send back whichever one you’d like.


I’m down to exchange any non-fate gift except kittens, im danabth in Fllen London.

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I’d be delighted to exchange gifts!

I’ll look over the kitten request and, if there are any left, I will be able to make some neat new ribbons to send them over with.
But this weekend, I will waste all my AP on the Rat Market.
As a reminder, I do not require any gifts, but I won’t mind if my alts receive some love. Both with a huge list of companions to get and nice echoes for me to reread.
Winworse, a ruthless bastard.
Doctor Pandora, a naive and magnanimous lady. Both old and forgotten by me, but they are still discovering the Neath.


MrUnderhill89 is the one that I should be sending it, correct?

I see someone managed to offer your one lovely guy!

5 more available!

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I’m down to exchange non-fate gifts with anyone! Send me one, I’ll send one back!

Dear all,

Lord Bolo’s supply of engraved skulls is now sufficient to exhaust the bone market until the next Feast of the Rose, so he’s not looking for more skulls this year, but he will gladly continue to trade any other non-Fate gift, with a preference for those worth 2 Masquing.

Update: Lord Bolo’s stock of raw materials is depleted, so he won’t be able to send back gifts anymore. Thanks to everyone who traded with him!

Hello everyone; I am out of materials to trade as gifts so I’m tapped out as well!

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I’d would appreciate a beribboned kitten and can exchange any fate gift or non-fate gift.

Thank you to any one that can send my one.

andrew9289 in Fallen London

edit: Many thanks for the kittens. A kitten’s fate is fine by me.
All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.

OoC: Fate gifts for kittens is fine by me.

I will be sending kittens
It will take some time, I am farming surface-silk for ribbon-having cats
I will prioritize those that send gifts first

I can also send corresponding missives if requested, as many as the amount of masking the gift provides.

I count the exchange of masking at 2 given back per kitten or 1 given back per missive.


OoC, I do not have fate to spend on fate-based gifts
I apologize for not putting that at the start, but I will try to
return value to those that send fate-based gifts with an equivalent
non-fate gifts in masking, to the parties affected, which I believe to
just be andrew9289


what would be required to get another 10 masking animal?
I have the census-takers badge, and I am planning on obtaining the Crimson Captain.

If you are not fully leveled up in a Scholar of the Correspondence, I believe I could help cap off the quality, or an eyeless skull, which I don’t know what to do with at the moment.

Otherwise, I do not know what I could provide outside of parabolean kittens, ribboned or not.