Favours and Renown: Criminals

This is great news! Thanks FB!

So far I kind of like this change. Not thrilled with the more quantized nature of Favours, but OTOH, I used to never want to use the Implausible Penance card because I was working on building up my Criminals. But now, once I hit 7 Favours I have to spend some or I don’t get full value from opportunities that would grant one, so I’m more likely to use them up too.

You’re not crazy: I just did it and got 2 Magnificent and 3 Ostentatious. Coin flip for 14 echoes or 26 echoes, if that’s what it is, will complicate discussing the value of the option.

Maybe we can average it out to 20 echoes? We’ll need to collect a lot of results to see if it’s 50/50 or weighted more to one over the other.

Just got 700 Rostygold and a Favour in High Places for the other 7-Favour option (beating up the underworld kingpin). Still gives a point of Turncoat as well, which is an expensive menace to get rid of, but that’s 19.5 echoes.

Joining the salvage party requires 7 Favours to pick, so I picked the extra hand or three option instead. That gave me 600 Greyfields 1882 and 150 Glim for 5 Favours, no quirks adjusted. Not bad at all.

I really like the changes. Previously I was reluctant to spend Connected: Criminals on anything because a) it was a scarce resource (i.e. not easy to grind to high levels); and (b) I wanted to keep it high for RP reasons.

The fact that Renown doesn’t go down means that those who want to RP a strong long-term connection to a particular Faction can still do so, while occasionally monetising more transient connections (or indeed using those transient connections to do something that increases the long-term connection). Good move, both from a story and game mechanics perspective.

Misclicked and didn’t carefully read it it as a consequence (was trying to beat up the minister, but it’s 4am), but I got a large amount of rosty and the favour as well. Consumed all seven favours.

I’m definitely enjoying the changes, as it’s making accruing and cashing in more interesting than when you were chasing pennies of CP across London.

If the Magnificent Diamond payout is a 50/50 chance, then beating up the minister is the most profitable way to cash-in favours we’ve seen, though it involves waiting until you’ve capped to play An Implausible Penance, which might waste potential favours. At this point it looks like there’s multiple options on that card to cash in various amounts for 2.25 EPA.

I’m curious what the timeframe is for converting all connections over to this system.

And I’d selfishly like to know which one of them is going to reduce Hedonism when gaining Renown so I can grind the podsnappery out of it now.
I’d also like a wish granting genie. You know, while I’m here hoping for things I might as well wish big.

I’d assume Church would reduce Hedonist, though to be honest I wasn’t expecting + Steadfast / - Heartless to be associated with Criminals.

edited by Sara Hysaro on 8/28/2015

[quote=Estelle Knoht]The Henchmen and Accomplice card now consumes 1 Favour for 7 Ostentatious Diamonds instead of consuming nothing for 2 Ostentatious Diamonds.

In addition, &quotYou are being Watched!&quot in the Filt no longer grants connection rewards of any kind, only an extra 7 Cryptic Clue on top of the original 30.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 8/27/2015[/quote]
The alluring accomplice card offers an option to gain one favor, as well. The cost is 5 intriguing snippets. It seems to only work if you have less than 7 favors, though.
edited by Pnakotic on 9/2/2015

This time I tried the other half of drowning an informant - offering a less lethal solution. This gave me 300 Rostygold in exchange for 1 favour. It also increased Subtle (higher than 6; maybe 10 for the new cap?) and reduced Ruthless.

If we’re collectin’, I just got 1 Magnificent, 3 Ostentatious. (+1 Suspicion, if that matters? Consumed all 7 favors.)

Tipping off the squatters from Arson and Avarice only gives 600 Rostygold for 3 Favours, but the Connected: Urchin reward has been bumped up, so possibly good for someone grinding scraps.

Is this working as intended? It seems weird that you don’t get any Favours.

[quote=Docteur]Is this working as intended? It seems weird that you don’t get any Favours.[/quote]Pretty sure they don’t intend Favours: Criminals to be grindable without cards. I think they just added it back in for people who use it to grind up their Shadowy.

I have &quotCrime or Punishment&quot in my deck. You need to have 5 favor with criminals and 50 Connected Constables to draw it and can cash out all your favor/a lot of Connected Constables.
I am lost as to what to do with my Favor. Long ago cashing Criminals for rare diamonds was a good move. But working as a part time Murderer solved all my diamond problems. And these days I prefer factions to be in my debt just in case.
Out of interest, what seems to be the echo value of Favor?
edited by Fhoenix on 8/29/2015

With Favours capped at 7, you’ll probably want to trade them in at some point so you can start accruing more.

I have not seen a report of the outcome if you cash in your Favours on &quotCrime or Punishment&quot. I suspect it varies with whether you lost 5, 6, or 7 Favours.

Assuming updated wiki values are correct, you can get as much as 4.28 echoes for a single Favour from &quotAn Implausible Penance&quot, but of course then you’re dependent on drawing it again to cash in again. At the other end of the scale, spending all 7 at once, &quotBeating the Minister&quot gives a variable reward: current working theory has it around 2.86 echoes/Favour, and &quotJoin the salvage party&quot gives a straight 2.50 echoes/Favour.

When looking at these numbers you’ll want to subtract your best grind EPA from the total echoes received as an Opportunity Cost, which will, of course, particularly affect the 1 Favour options. I think for now E2.50 is a reasonable valuation that’s round enough to work with (and a number we’re accustomed to), although I wouldn’t be surprised if further analysis pulls it down closer to E2.25.

I got the same.